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UNMIK Headlines 08 October

 Kuçi says that the Valley will be included in the dialogue (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that the issue of three municipalities with Albanian majority under administration of Serbia, Presheva, Bujanovc and Medvegja, it will take a place in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi, said that the advancement of national rights of Albanians who are living in Serbia it will contribute not only to the normalizing of relations of Kosovo with Serbia as two neighboring countries, but also to peace and stability in the region. According to him it cannot be talked about normalizing of relations Kosovo-Serbia, as he said, in the back of Albanians of the Valley. “Official Pristina is interested for the improvement and normalization of situation of ethnic Albanians in Medvegja, Bujanovc and Preseva, as a condition for normalizing of relations Kosovo-Serbia. In the future dialogue without any doubt that also the issue of Albanians from Preseva Valley will take a rightful place”, said Kuçi.

President clarify yourself (Express)

Vetëvendosje has requested explanations from President, Atifete Jahjaga for the meetings she had with illegal structures of Serbia which are established in the north. According to Vetëvendosje the expressed stance through her advisor Ramush Tahiri, is not based in the Constitution of Kosovo. “Serb structures can be lawful only for Serbia, which considers Kosovo its own part, but they cannot be legal for Kosovo. For Kosovo, legal are only institutional structures of Republic of Kosovo, defined with Constitution”, says in the reaction of Vetëvendosje.

Presidency has made a mistake (Express)

Edita Tahiri has rejected proposal of Presidency that it should be talked with Serb structures in the north. She said that is a wrong stance and outside from reality to say that Serb parallel structures are legitimate. According to her Serb institutions in that part of Kosovo should be dismantled.

Tahiri: Agreement for IBM, finished (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports that Kosovo head negotiator in technical dialogue with Serbia, Edita Tahiri, has denied on Sunday the news that on Wednesday in Brussels it will be discussed about Integrated Border Management agreement as unsolved issue. “This meeting is coming as a result of that what the Serb side has already signed technical protocol of IBM. Therefore, on Wednesday is the meeting in the level of experts for the issue of implementation of agreement for Integrated Border Management”, said Tahiri for Epoka e Re.

Kosovo with double criteria for SAA (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Minister of European Integration, Vlora Çitaku, is expecting that on her birthday, this Wednesday, on 10 October, to receive a special gift. In the day when is going to b published the report about Feasibility Study for Kosovo  from European Commission, minister Çitaku expects good news for Kosovo, the possibility that Kosovo to start negotiations  that in the future to sign Stabilization-Association agreement with European Union, agreements which has for the aim stabilization of countries who want to join EU . But also the possibility for Kosovo to start these negotiations with EU will not be immediate.

According to that what minister has seen, Kosovo among the criteria which it needs to fulfill since the start of negotiations, it will have some additional criteria for the start of negotiations. “We will have double criteria. Short term criteria, which it needed to be fulfilled to start with the SAA and long term criteria, which is needed to start the negotiations of Stabilization-Association agreement. Everything that it is requested is reforms and if there is a political will, criteria’s can be achieved”, said minister Çitaku.

PDK does not want early elections, LDK and Vetëvendosje do (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that LDK and Vetëvendosje movement have expressed readiness to go in early elections, independently that the elections reform could not be completed. PDK considers “entering early elections as dangerous without being completed elections reform”. “It would be dangerous to enter in a new round of elections without completing election reform, because that could be used as excuse even if we would have good elections, as it happened in Ferizaj and Kacanik. However, if we have national elections processes with the actual election system, despite the eventual transparency of those elections, that process will be prejudged and fail even without beginning of the process”, said Vlora Çitaku, member of steering council of PDK.

Kosovo’s consular office in Frankfurt vandalized (dailies)

The papers that the staff from the Kosovo consular office in Frankfurt noted on Saturday that the Kosovo emblem at the entrance of the office was damaged and an inscription saying “Kosovo is Serbia” was written in Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry condemned the damaging of Kosovo symbols and expressed indignation over the act.

Daci is also expected to refuse Isa (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports that the head of LDD, Nexhat Daci, is expecting that Isa Mustafa to invite him to explain his offer for the union of all parties of the right wing, the news has been confirmed for Epoka e Re from a close source with Daci. Same source has told that for Daci is very difficult to decide about this offer, because he earlier promised to the head of AAK, Ramush Haradinaj, that he will continue cooperation with him in next elections. “Probably, answer from Daci will be negative”, said the same source