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UNMIK Headlines 1 March

Headlines - 01.03.2014

Kosovo wants a Special Chamber, not a War Crimes Tribunal (Koha Ditore)

Government of Kosovo has made an official request from the EU to have a mechanism within the local justice system treat war crimes and not have a Tribunal with international composition set up for the purpose.

The Government argued that war crimes cases could be tried by a special chamber within the Pristina basic court based on the indictments filed by the Kosovo Special Prosecution. “Trials in this chamber would be carried out in joint panels with the majority being local judges and also be presided by a local judge,” Kosovo Government said in a document which the paper claims to have secured.

It further stated that during the mandate of the new EU mission, Special Prosecution should remain a specialised office that would address most serious crimes and function under the authority of the State Chief Prosecutor. In addition, the Prosecution would be led by a local prosecutor.

Ashton to arrange another Thaci-Dacic meeting (Tribuna)

EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Catherine Ashton, proposed the next meeting between prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic, takes place on 5 March but the timing is reported not to suit Thaci’s agenda. Instead, Ashton is now to decide if it wants to set the meeting on 3 or 8 March when the Kosovo side is available or leave it for 13 or 18 March which is when it is suitable for Serbia. The upcoming meeting is expected to focus on the functioning of the courts in the northern municipalities of Kosovo.

Government determined to sanction Serb officials (Epoka e Re)

Bekim Collaku, advisor to Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci, said that Serbia will not be allowed to organize local elections in Kosovo and any Serbian official that uses a visit to Kosovo for political speeches and rallies will not be permitted to visit Kosovo again. With regards to the next week’s announced visit of the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, Collaku said it was approved by the Government of Kosovo.

Limaj and Krasniqi launch new political party (dailies)

Former senior members of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Fatmir Limaj and Jakup Krasniqi, yesterday officially launched their new political party called the Initiative for Kosovo. The party elected Limaj its leader while Krasniqi was appointed president of national council. Limaj called on the citizens of Kosovo to join the Initiative assuring them that his party will protect justice and democracy. “Kosovo needs new courage to change the governance,” he said.

It is not certain as yet who else will join Limaj and Krasniqi. Hydajet Hyseni and Flora Brovina, PDK MPs that have been rumoured to support the new party, did not attend the inaugural ceremony.