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UNMIK Headlines 10 May

Kuçi: Serbia regrets the agreement (Zëri)

“We have noticed that the Serbian side is willing to delay things. One could even argue that they have regretted what they have signed so far. Perhaps it is a tendency to discuss and talk about things that are not in the agreement or that supersede its framework. The Kosovar side is willing to implement every point of the agreement, but we are not willing to make new negotiations before this agreement is implemented,” Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said on Thursday.

Fuele: Implementation plan is essential (Zëri)

The European Union’s Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said it is essential for both Serbia and Kosovo to agree on the plan for the implementation of the agreement reached by the two prime ministers on April 19.

“The implementation plan is extremely important, the same way it is important for Belgrade and Pristina to start moving toward implementation. It is essentially important for Belgrade, because of expectations by member states to open membership negotiations by the end of June and the plan is crucial,” Fuele told Radio Free Europe.

Agreement violated before start of implementation (Zëri)

The agreement between Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers, Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic, for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, has been violated by the parties before the start of implementation.

Political analysts in Pristina argue that the failure of the Kosovar and Serbian delegations to agree on an implementation plan for the agreement on April 26 implies that the agreement has been violated before the start of implementation.

LDK MP Vjosa Osmani said, “Unfortunately, as has happened in previous occasions and agreements, Serbia commits to something and then fails to implement it. The whole process is being delayed because of Serbia”. Osmani also said Serbia will further delay the implementation process once it begins membership negotiations with the European Union.

Kuçi: Trouble with Association if Serbia supports destruction (Koha)

Kosovo and Serbia have failed one day before to find common language to produce an implementation plan of the first agreement for normalization of relations. Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, who represented Kosovo in these efforts, talked about the gap dividing the two parties about the plan. He told the paper that the Serbian delegation is trying to use the implementation plan to achieve other aims it failed to reach during dialogue.

Kuçi said he noticed three tendencies by the Serbian side in the latest meeting: to create a temporary Association of Serb majority municipalities, until elections are held in the north, for Kosovo to change its legislation in order to adapt to reality in the north and for illegal security structures in the north to integrate in Kosovo’s framework without any procedure of competition and verification.

Kuçi said Kosovo is ready to set up a preparatory team for the association and not a temporary association. According to him, following a decision by the government, this group could exercise the competencies of the association.

“If they will have Serbia’s support for being destructive, we are going to have problems with them. The problem does not rest with the Association or the solution. The problem and the solution are in Belgrade. They can make problems today, they can make problems after 10 years, after 20 years, or as they have done before 100 years,” Kuçi said.

Kosovo’s office in Belgrade to open soon (Epoka e Re)

A delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, respectively, the Ambassador Lulëzim Peci, general director, Sami Ukelli and the Minister’s advisor, Pëllumb Kallaba, visitedBelgradeon Thursday, in order to accelerate the procedure of opening of the Liaison Office of Kosovo in the Serbian capital. Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that at the meeting withBelgradeofficials, they discussed the place of the Office of theRepublicofKosovo, immunity of diplomats, their movement and license plates that they will use. 

Filipovic: I am not Serbia’s spy (Tribuna)

Deputy Minister at the Kosovo Security Force, Slavisa Filipovic, has denied the accusations to have spied toSerbiaregarding the content of armament of the Security Force. According to him, such statements are propaganda of the political parties. According to this daily, everything started when Vetëvendosje Deputy Alma Lama, asked Minister Agim Çeku if he is aware that his deputy is spying toBelgrade. The latter admitted that there was some exchanged e-mails however not with the content that could be qualified as espionage. However, asked by this daily, Filipovic denied to have exchanged e-mails. “I have never sent any e-mail to the officials inBelgrade. This is speculation and propaganda of Vetëvendosje,” Filipovic said.

Kuçi: We will act in accordance with the law in Kelmendi case (Lajm)

Kosovo’s Justice Minister Hajredin Kuçi has given guarantees that Kosovo authorities will act only in accordance with laws and the constitution in the case of Naser Kelmendi. Asked if EULEX could use the extradition lines of UNMIK, Kuçi said he did not want to interfere in these competencies, but he said that the extradition of a citizen is done according to the laws of Kosovo.