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UNMIK Headlines 11 April

Brussels waiting for Serbia to accept the agreement (Koha Ditore)

The European Union continues to wait for Serbia to change its mind and accept the proposal of the agreement as the result of eight rounds of the dialogue between Prime Ministers Thaçi and Dacic. On other side, Serbia requests the continuation of the dialogue while Kosovo Prime Minister expressed readiness for new meetings.

Everything seems unclear because Brussels continues to remain silent about the possibilities of the new rounds of dialogue whereas the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said that the eighth round in Brussels was the last formal meeting of this level for the issue of the north of Kosovo. It is therefore still unknown if there is going to be a new meeting. The EU cannot change the timetable. On Tuesday 16 April, the report of European Commission for Kosovo and Serbia will be approved. On Monday 22 April, Ashton is to report before the EU foreign ministers about the dialogue. These are also last deadlines for the achievement of the agreement. 

Thaçi insists dialogue is only solution (Zëri)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi told members of his cabinet that he continues to believe that dialogue with Serbia is the only solution for normalizing relations and that he remains committed to move the process forward. He said that despite difficult decisions, the Kosovo side was ready to sign the agreement. “Pristina will do its outmost to close this process within the commitments we have by always respecting the Constitution and laws of Kosovo,” said Thaçi. 

Kosovo sends no written response to EU on agreement (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo authorities did not send a letter to the mediator of the political dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Baroness Catherine Ashton, on whether or not they accept the basic principles of her proposal for an agreement aimed to be reached within a week. However, PM Thaçi had a telephone conversation with the Baroness. According to a source from the Government, the response was not required during this conversation, since Brussels is aware that Pristina has accepted the proposal. “We have communicated our response verbally on 2 April, at the end of the meeting. In fact, only Belgrade’s position had to be known, because during the last meeting, they requested more time to make some consultations in Belgrade. The Prime Minister spoke to Ms. Ashton yesterday on the phone and she expressed appreciation for the constructive and creative solutions expressed,” said a senior official of the Government involved in the dialogue.   

Kacin: Agreement to be reached on Friday (Zëri)

European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Jelko Kacin said he believed the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia would be reached on Friday. According to him, the next days will be “very energetic with many surprises and positive vibrations”. “Perhaps there will be a folklore performance but I know that at the end of the day, we will be proud for what they will achieve,” said Kacin in an interview for Tirana-based ABC News.

Reynders: EU has other priorities, chance should not be lost (Koha Ditore)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs inBelgium, Dieder Reynders, called on Wednesday on the Governments of Kosovo andSerbiato use this chance and reach the agreement on normalization of neighborly relations. He appealed to the parties to continue with the dialogue, because according to him, the process is ending and the EU has other emergencies to deal with. He made this appeal at a joint press conference with Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs Enver Hoxhaj. The guest from Belgium met also with Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi. “If they use this momentum, it will be very difficult because of the situation in Balkans, Belgrade, and Prisitna, and with the EU itself, because we have other issues on the table. It will be very difficult to find a right moment,” said Reynders. 

Serbia misusing authority of UN (Tribuna)

Kosovo Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, wrote on his Twitter account that former Foreign Minister of Serbia Vuk Jeremic, who is presently the president of UN General Assembly, is misusing the authority of UN. “The discussion of Jeremic over international crimes is a misuse of the authority of United Nations, it is a moral shame, an effort to escape from guilt and responsibility for war crimes,” wrote Hoxhaj. The discussion advertised pompously, is likely to fail, because of the lack of the interest from the media and the announcement of many member countries for boycott. The boycott announced also from International Court of Justice in The Hague, United States of America and Canada. President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic has criticized harshly The Hague Tribunal during the discussion in the UN, saying that this Tribunal did not help at all to the reconciliation process in former Yugoslavia.   

Haziri: Kosovo, Serbia should also discuss the Valley (Epoka e Re)

LDK Deputy at the Assembly of Kosovo, Lutfi Haziri, said that Kosovo and Serbia should not only be discussing the easy problems. “A serious problem includes the solution of the problems of Serbs in three municipalities in the north, and resolving the problem of Albanians in three municipalities in eastern Kosovo. The principal of 1956 is one of the possibilities that eliminates territorial division and the principal of violent change of borders,” said Haziri. According to him, Kosovo andSerbiacould decide on new borders through the dialogue, which would exclude territorial division and movement of people. “Of course,Belgradehas already accepted that the three municipalities with Albanian majority became part ofSerbiadue to a demographic balance, at a certain period,” said Haziri. 

Kosovo, Romania sign first economic cooperation agreement (dailies)

For the first time since the independence, Kosovo signed a cooperation agreement with Romania. The memorandum was signed by the head of the Kosovo Business Alliance Agim Shahini and the President of Romanian Industrialist Elite Miahi Nita.