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UNMIK Headlines 11 February

Headlines - 11.02.2016

Mustafa calls for dialogue, commends Haradinaj (Bota Sot)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa accused the opposition of not having the will to sit down and discuss issues of concern instead of taking to the streets and carrying out violent actions. “Ultimatums are not a democratic solution,” said Mustafa in a Facebook post. He also praised the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj for taking part in the meeting of the President Atifete Jahjaga. And although “nothing concrete came out of the meeting,” Haradinaj’s gesture showed “political maturity”, added Mustafa.

Opposition: Together until new elections (dailies)

The three opposition parties – Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – issued a joint press release yesterday saying that opposition’s demands will continue and will be more powerful than ever before. "We will be together until the announcement of early elections. The protest of 17 February will be one of the largest protests organized so far,” notes the press release. Daily newspaper Zeri writes that President Atifete Jahjaga is expected soon to make another invitation for dialogue to the leaders of political parties.

Haradinaj forecasts imminent announcement of elections (Koha)

In a meeting with the party’s steering council yesterday, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj discussed the upcoming opposition protest for which he said there should be mobilization of the people on the ground. According to Haradinaj, Kosovo is heading to elections which will take place on 7 March. “In circumstances where there is no quorum in the parliament or the inability to elect the president by 6 March, by 7 March elections will be announced in Kosovo,” Haradinaj said.

US, Germany against early elections in Kosovo (Zeri)

In a front-page story, the paper reports the embassies of the United States of America and Germany are against early parliamentary elections in Kosovo, arguing that they will only prolong the political deadlock. German Ambassador Angelika Viets and US Embassy spokesman Philip Drewry told the paper on Wednesday that the opposition and the government should find a constructive solution for overcoming the crisis. According to Viets, the opposition should learn to respect the majority’s decisions. On the other hand, representatives of the opposition and political analysts say the crisis is so deep that except for early elections there is no other possibility to overcome it.

Vetevendosje wants to remove government through protests (Koha)

Senior members of the Vetevendosje Movement held a discussion with civil society representatives in Prizren on Wednesday, the paper reports on page three. According to Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri, the only way to emerge from the current political crisis is for the government to resign and for Kosovo to go to early parliamentary elections. Ymeri said protests are very important as they will show the current but also future governments that they cannot make decisions and govern in opposition to the interests of the people.

Haradinaj: Vetevendosje’s statements, unimportant (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said on Wednesday to Radio Free Europe that the statement of the leader of Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, that his participation at the meeting called by President Atifete Jahjaga was a mistake, is not important. “To me, statements of Mr. Visar Ymeri or his colleagues are unimportant, being that I represent citizens and a cause that belongs to all citizens, including Vetevendosje, the Alliance and NISMA, civil society and many others. We will continue with this strong opposition, because we are doing this for Kosovo, by every means,” Haradinaj said. He added that the solution of the political crisis rests in early elections and the election of the president directly by the people.

Rexhepi: UNMIK Police used excessive force against protesters in 2007 (RTK)

Fatmir Rexhepi, former Kosovo Interior Minister who resigned his post two days after the violent protests in February 2007 when two Vetevendosje protesters were killed, said on Wednesday that UNMIK police officers used excessive force against the protesters. Rexhepi also said he made the right decision to resign the post and that he contributed to Kosovo. Rexhepi expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and their fellow activists in the Vetevendosje Movement. The February 2007 protest was held against the Ahtisaari Package and negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade.