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UNMIK Headlines 11 March

Headlines - 11.03.2016

Haradinaj: Opposition will not be part of illegitimate Assembly (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, justified in an interview for the paper the joint decision of the three parliamentary groups of the opposition parties not to attend the Assembly sessions. He said that the opposition had not given up their mandates but they would not participate at the plenary sessions of an assembly which according to him, is illegitimate. He said that the Kosovo Assembly has already become a cover of capturing of the state. “Citizens are the only ones that can decide from now on,” Haradinaj said adding that opposition will remain united on the issues agreed earlier. Within this context, Haradinaj said that the opposition will increase its opposing through protests until the resignation of the Mustafa-Thaci government. 

Limaj: We have to boycott the Assembly (Koha)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NIMSA), Fatmir Limaj, in an interview for KTV said the opposition parties have no other option but to boycott the Assembly of Kosovo, because, in his view, the Assembly doesn’t make sense any more.  “The first thing is to leave the Assembly. The opposition must show that this regime doesn’t listen to the opposition in the Assembly, same as it didn’t listen the citizens who protested,” Limaj said. He also said that foreign countries are being told the worst things about the opposition by Kosovo embassies. According to him, the international community was presented with a scenario for the 17 February protest which predicted that people would get killed during the protest. 

National Program for SAA endorsed (Epoka e Re)

The Assembly of Kosovo endorsed on Thursday the National Program for implementation of the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA). The Ministry for European Integration hailed the decision noting that the support of the Kosovo Assembly MPs proved the determination of the institutions of Kosovo to implement all the legislative and institutional reforms as well as contractual obligations foreseen with the SAA. According to the Ministry, the Program is the main strategic document for implementation of the European agenda, which covers the period 2016-2020. 

Kosovo welcomes the visa assessment mission (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, considers that next week’s visit of the European Commission assessment mission to see Kosovo’s fulfillment of the criteria for visa liberalization, is a positive step. He told the paper that he is convinced that this mission will commence a realistic assessment and it will conclude that the final recommendations for visa liberalization, except the ratification of the agreement for border demarcation with Montenegro, are fulfilled. 

Serbs in the north urge Belgrade to organise elections in Kosovo (Koha)

Radio Free Europe reported that the so-called Patriotic Bloc, comprised of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the Movement Dveri, will submit to the government in Belgrade a petition calling for the organization of Serbian local elections in the northern part of Kosovo. Marko Jaksic from the DSS said the request was in line with the Constitution of Serbia. “Technical criteria are in place and there is nothing disputable for holding local elections,” added Jaksic. 

Kosovo court sentences former ISIS member to three years in prison (Koha)

The Basic Court in Gjilan/Gnjilane has sentenced a Kosovo man to three years in prison for joining the terrorist organization ISIS. The court said that while a member of ISIS, the defendant underwent training on how to use firearms and hand grenades.