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UNMIK Headlines 11 September

  • Pressure on northern Serbs to vote for Belgrade-backed Serbian List (Koha)
  • CEC certifies second group of political entities (media)
  • AAK-PSD say international polls puts them first (RTK)
  • Kosovo to attend world’s leading economic fair (media)
  • Kosovo pays tribute to victims of September 11 attacks (media)
  • Abbott: Media freedom, essential to any open society (Klan Kosova)
  • Berisha: Bolton’s dismissal, good news for Kosovo (Zeri)
  • Innovative expenses (Koha)

Pressure on northern Serbs to vote for Belgrade-backed Serbian List (Koha)

Efforts by Serb political parties in Kosovo to end the monopoly of the Serbian List have been met with resistance from Belgrade especially in the mainly Serb-inhabited municipalities in the north, the paper reports on page three. Even before the official start of the election campaign for the October 6 early parliamentary elections, political representatives and commentators in the north are saying that there is pressure on the voters.

Three Serb political parties have formed a coalition to challenge the Serbian List – the Independent Liberal Party, the Party of Kosovo Serbs and the coalition of the Democratic Progressive Party and the New Party in Kosovo and two civic initiatives. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic however has referred to these parties as “Albanian representatives of Serbs”.

Branislav Krstic, an analyst and reporter from Mitrovica North, told the paper on Tuesday that Serbian List representatives are already pressuring Serb voters in the north to vote for them. “They are visiting citizens in their apartments and houses to make sure that they will vote in favor of the Serbian List,” Krstic said.

CEC certifies second group of political entities (media)

The Central Election Commission has certified the second and final group of political entities running for 6 October elections.

According to a statement issued by the CEC, the entities that have now been certified include the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), coalition between the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Social Democratic Party (AAK-PSD), and VAKAT coalition. 21 political parties, four coalitions and a total of 1,070 candidates will run in the early parliamentary elections.

AAK-PSD say international polls puts them first (RTK)

Coalition between the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) said that a recent poll puts them in the lead for upcoming elections.

“The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo informs the supporters, members and the opinion that based on a recent poll, conducted by a credible international company, the AAK-PSD coalition is the first with 24.3 percent support from the citizens. AAK is ahead of the second entity with a lead difference of 1.2 percent,” AAK said.

Kosovo to attend world’s leading economic fair (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, during his official visit to Japan discussed economic cooperation and received confirmation for Kosovo’s participation at the “Osaka Expo 2025”.

In a meeting with representatives of Japan’s chambers of commerce as well as with members of the Japanese parliament of the region, Thaci noted that it was time to for Japanese businesses to invest in Kosovo.

“We are the 40th place in the World Bank ranking for doing business. Kosovo can easily become a center of Japanese businesses and investments aiming the European market because we have unhindered access to the world’s largest market, the EU market”, Thaci said as quoted in a press release issued by his office.

He also announced that Kosovo would soon be appointing an honorary consul to Osaka who will serve as “a linking bridge between our states, people and businesses”.

Kosovo pays tribute to victims of September 11 attacks (media)

Kosovo institutions have planned a series of activities to commemorate the victims of the 2001 September 11 attacks on the U.S.

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj will take part in the unveiling of a monument dedicated to the victims of 9/11 in Pristina while the Kosovo Police Guard of Honour will lower the flag at half-mast. A photography exhibition will also open today to mark the date.

Abbott: Media freedom, essential to any open society (Klan Kosova)

British Ambassador to Kosovo Nicholas Abbott said yesterday at a training for journalists in Pristina that freedom of the media is an essential element of any open society. “People must be allowed to discuss and debate issues freely, to challenge their governments, and to make informed decisions, on the basis of the facts and perspectives that a strong, robust media provides,” he said.

Berisha: Bolton’s dismissal, good news for Kosovo (Zeri)

Kosovo’s acting Deputy Foreign Minister, Anton Berisha, who is a candidate for election from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), commented on the U.S. President Donald Trump firing the National Security Advisor, John Bolton, saying this was good news for Kosovo.

“Patience in diplomacy is a must. For a while now our good friends told us that John Bolton’s days at the White House are numbered. Happy that President Trump asked for his resignation. Good news for the state of Kosovo; bad news for united enemy lobbyists against our statehood, be them within the Albanian space or in Serbia,” Berisha wrote on Facebook.

Innovative expenses (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that during the mandate of the outgoing government, the political staff of the Ministry of Innovation and Entrepreneurship spent over €280,000 from the state budget. The paper notes that Minister Besim Beqaj, in addition to his salary, spent an additional €2,723 from the state budget, even though he had resigned his post.

The Ministry continued to cover Beqaj’s expenses even after Prime Minister Haradinaj approved his resignation.

The paper recalls that Beqaj submitted his resignation one day after Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Kadri Veseli decided to relieve from duty all PDK officials that hold public posts and have active indictments on charges of corruption and nepotism.