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UNMIK Headlines 13 August

Headlines - 13.08.2014

Ban requests establishment of Special Court by early 2015 at the latest (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his quarterly report on Kosovo, has called on Kosovo institutions to establish, by early 2015 at the latest, the Special Court that will handle allegations of war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. In his report, Ban talks about the political situation in the country, with special emphasis on the northern part of Mitrovica following tensions after the construction of the Peace Park on Ibër/Ibar River. The paper notes that although UN officials have said that the Security Council will meet on August 25 to discuss the situation in Kosovo, government representatives in Pristina said no official date has been set yet. The 26-report of the UN chief includes two annex reports, one by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the activities of EULEX in Kosovo, and a report by Clint Williamson on investigations carried out by the Special Task Force. Ban notes that Williamson’s report is crucial in respecting basic principles of international justice and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Another 20 terrorist suspects to be arrested (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that in the next couple of days police are expected to arrest at least another 20 people suspected of terrorist activities. Sources told the paper that among those that will be arrested are leaders of the Islamic Movement Unite led by Fuad Ramiq, and at least four imams who are suspected of inciting hatred, recruiting people to fight for terrorist organizations and other activities. These influential imams are from Pristina, Gjilan/Gnjilane and Mitrovica and are believed to have direct ties with terrorist organizations ISIS and Al-Nusra. “Kosovo Police is surveying the suspects. They will be arrested in the next couple of days. Arrest warrants have been issued by the Basic Court in Pristina,” the source said.

Thaci was not aware about anti-terrorism operation (Koha)

In a front-page report, the paper notes that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci was not aware that on Sunday police were launching an operation to arrest 40 people suspected of participating in terrorist groups. “The operation was initiated on Sunday. Only three people were informed: Judge Hamdi Ibrahimi, prosecutor Blerim Isufaj and police director Shpend Maxhuni. Only after the operation was being executed on Monday, others were informed,” a source told the paper. The paper also recalls that in an interview for Wall Street Journal, Thaci said he had authorized the operation.

Detention sought for terrorism suspects (Tribuna)

Forty men arrested on terrorism charges appeared yesterday before a court and while media were not granted access inside the courthouse, the paper claims the suspects are being accused of taking part in the Syrian conflict as members of the jihadist group, ISIS. Prosecutor of the case requested a 30-day detention period for the suspects but the court was unable to reach a decision yesterday citing the large number of accused persons. The decision on their possible detention is expected on Thursday.

No law that sanctions Albanians from fighting in Syria (Tribuna)

On the front page, the paper reports that there is still no anti-terrorism law in Kosovo and although there is a draft law on prohibiting participation in armed conflicts outside Kosovo, the document has not yet passed the final stage in order to become an applicable law. The sanctions provided by this draft legislation for people fighting in conflicts abroad include a prison sentence anywhere between five to fifteen years.

Vucic ready for dialogue with Kosovo representatives (Tribuna)

Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, said on Tuesday that he is ready to resume talks with Kosovo officials but that he has no information that a new agreement is expected to be reached in Brussels. He said however that Kosovo doesn’t still have a government in place that would continue negotiations. In a press conference, Vucic also said that Serbia will be represented at the upcoming UN Security Council session by its president Tomislav Nikolic.

Jahjaga and Jacobson visit municipality of Gracanica (dailies)

Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, accompanied by US Ambassador to Kosovo, Tracey Ann Jacobson, visited the municipality of Gracanica on Tuesday and met with Mayor Branimir Stojanovic. Jahjaga said Kosovo belongs to all of its citizens and that all people have equal rights and duties as provided by the Constitution.

Stojanovic briefed Jahjaga about development projects implemented by the municipality of Gracanica in various fields. He said support in healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure is necessary to improve the quality of lives of the people. Stojanovic also said that economic development and employment remain the biggest challenges for the municipality.

Jahjaga said Gracanica is a good example for the integration of people in social and institutional life. “It is also a good example regarding the assistance and services to all the citizens residing in this municipality,” she added.

Stojanovic: No reconciliation without addressing crimes against Serbs (Koha)

Gracanica mayor Branimir Stojanovic said on Tuesday that he had a constructive meeting with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and that they discussed technical, political issues and the commemoration of crimes that Kosovo Serbs mark these days, including the commemoration of the crime in Gorazhdec/Gorazdevac in August 1999. “A lot of work is ahead of us. I think the Brussels Agreement was very important. We welcome talks. Serbs in Kosovo will try to be a bridge, a bridge that will unite and not divide communities,” he said. Stojanovic also said that there could be no reconciliation between communities without addressing crimes committed against Serbs in Kosovo.

Indictment against Oliver Ivanovic (dailies)

According to a statement from EULEX, Kosovo Special Prosecution has filed an indictment against five persons under the suspicions of having committed war crimes and aggravated murder. The announcement from EULEX says that the indictment has been filed in the Mitrovica Basic Court and while names of the accused are not revealed in the EULEX statement, the paper has learnt that one of the defendants accused of incitement to commit war crimes is Kosovo Serb politician, Oliver Ivanovic.