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UNMIK Headlines 13 June

Headlines - 13.06.2016

Mustafa: There will be no early elections (Bota Sot)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, in an interview for the paper dispelled the idea of early elections. “Based on the government’s performance, we do not expect early elections. Local elections will take place next year while general ones in 2018”, said Mustafa. Asked about the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, PM Mustafa said its statute will be drafted in line with the Constitutional Court’s ruling which clarified how this mechanism would look like. “In addition, it has to be noted that with regard to the Brussels dialogue, there are a number of agreements that have not been implemented by Serbia which were achieved before the one on Association. Therefore, chronologically, those agreements should be first implemented and then the one on Association”, added Mustafa.

AAK and NISMA criticize Vetëvendosje for returning to Assembly (Epoka)

Two opposition parties, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), criticized Vetevendosje for returning at the Assembly sessions. According to them, such an action represents lack of political consistency. A member of the AAK leadership, Anton Berisha said that Vetevendosje returned to the Assembly following the call of the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli. Vetevendosje representatives did not want to comment these statements, however they said that their return will have an impact on not allowing endorsement of harmful laws for Kosovo.

Assembly expected to discuss extension of EULEX’s mandate tomorrow (Epoka)

The Assembly of Kosovo is expected to gather on Tuesday to extend the mandate of the European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) for another two years. The endorsement of the draft law on ratification of the international agreement between Kosovo and the European Union requires two thirds of the MP votes. The government of Kosovo decided last week to extend EULEX’s mandate until 2018.

EU concerned over intimidation of witnesses (Zëri)

The outgoing European Union Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Žbogar, during an interview with the paper said that Kosovo has fulfilled all obligations regarding the establishment of the special court for war crimes. However, he admits that the EU is concerned about cases of intimidation of witnesses. According to him, this is also why the special court will have only international judges. Žbogar spoke also about the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and said that there is fear on both sides. "Kosovo Albanians fear that with the Association/Community they might be heading to something similar like Republika Srpska, while Serbs fear that they are not protected enough, so they need protection through the Association,“ he said. With regard to visa liberalisation for Kosovo, Žbogar said that visa-free access to the EU may be suspended if it would be misused. He also welcomed the return of Vetëvendosje Movement in the Assembly, saying that there cannot be normal functioning of the Assembly without opposition.

Viets: Combating corruption, condition for visa liberalisation (Zëri)

The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Angelika Viets, told the paper that the ratification of the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro and combating corruption must be fulfilled immediately in order for the visa liberalisation process to move forward.  “The European Commission recommended visa liberalisation for Kosovo if certain conditions are fulfilled. Two points must be fulfilled until the legislative act enters into force: ratification of border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro and combating corruption. This has not happened so far, so that is why further procedures were not set yet,” Viets said.

Members of former illegal structures receive salaries without working (Koha)

The paper reports on the front page that the members of the former illegal structures of Serbia have been included in the Kosovo payroll system although they have not yet started to work in Kosovo institutions. Officials of the Government of Kosovo justified the move by saying that the 483 former members of Serbia funded structures should be disassociated with Serbia but they have not yet found adequate working places for them. Dren Zeka from Minister Edita Tahiri’s office said that some of the members of the former illegal structures of Serbia are already working with Kosovo institutions while the rest has been undergoing a number of training courses organised by the OSCE concerning democratization and political system.

Hand grenade thrown at police checkpoint in Mitrovica North (Kallxo)

The news site reports that a hand grenade was thrown at a police checkpoint in Mitrovica North on Sunday evening. A police officer was injured from the blast. Kosovo Police said that intensive investigations were underway without disclosing any further information.

Suspected mass grave near Orthodox Church in Pristina campus (Kosova Sot)

Forensic expert Arsim Gërxhaliu told TV Dukagjini that he suspects that a mass grave is located near the unfinished building of the Orthodox Church inside the Pristina university campus. Gërxhaliu said they received credible evidence from a witness who claims to have seen excavations near the church during the Kosovo conflict.