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UNMIK Headlines 13 March

Headlines - 13.03.2017

Thaci: I will step down if KSF transformation is not voted (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview to public broadcaster RTK that if his initiative for transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo army fails to be endorsed, he would resign. “My resignation would become effective the moment the bill is not voted,” Thaci said. However, he said his resignation would be irrelevant compared to damage caused to Kosovo if the law is not approved. “This opportunity to create an army could perhaps not come again in ten years. It is very important to use this present momentum when all political parties and Kosovo Assembly MPs support creation of an army,” Thaci added.

Thaci thanks minority communities for supporting Kosovo army (Kosova Sot)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, thanked MPs from the Turkish, Bosniak, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian and Montenegrin communities for their support for transformation of the Kosovo Security Force. “I met MPs from minority communities in Prizren. Glad to see strong support for the transformation of KSF into multiethnic armed forces,” Thaci tweeted.

NATO Council to bring unanimous decision on KSF (Zëri)

The paper quotes a senior NATO official as saying that change of the KSF mission without constitutional changes would not contribute to the peace and security situation in the region, reached during the last years through the dialogue facilitated by the European Union. The same official reiterated concern of the NATO members, regarding the recent announcements of the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, on transforming the KSF mission through Law amendment. According to him, KSF was NATO’s success story in Balkans and it should continue to remain source of stability in the region. He added that it remains to the NATO Council to come up with a unanimous political decision on further cooperation with KSF.

Vucic surprised with Thaci (Zëri)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that it is very strange that the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci is trying to create the army of Kosovo through his resignation. “Strange things are happening, major changes in the global political scene. This has complicated matters, while our duty is to find under the current circumstances the best solution, and that is continuance of the dialogue, keeping peace and stability,” Vucic said.

Growing differences between coalition partners over the army (Koha/Zeri)

Koha Ditore reports on its front page that President Hashim Thaci’s initiative to transform the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Army, by amending the law, has resulted in growing differences between the partners of the ruling coalition. The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has yet to decide on its position when the draft law on the KSF is voted in the Assembly. The LDK is reserved on the matter because Thaci’s initiative did not get the “blessing” of Kosovo’s strategic allies, the United States of America and NATO. The latter have advised Kosovo’s authorities that the mandate of the KSF needs to advance through constitutional amendments, which require two third of votes from minority communities. Meanwhile, representatives of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) said they were optimistic that Thaci’s initiative would be supported by all members of parliament.

Haradinaj: Initiative for creation of the army, welcomed (Epoka)

Foremr Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, who is being kept under release on bail, in Colmar France, said in an interview for Gazeta Blic, that Kosovo should have had its army years ago. “Now I see this initiative for legal advance of the mandate or competencies of the army. Why not? Any step is welcome. But the army could have been created two times in the past, based on legal and constitutional grounds,” Haradinaj said and speaking further about the two lost chances to create the army in the past.

Kosovo Montenegrins support formation of Kosovo Army (Koha)

Slobodan Vujicic, chairman of the Association of Kosovo Montenegrins, said the Montenegrin community strongly supports the formation of the Kosovo Army. In a press release, Vujicic said the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Army enjoys the support of all parliamentary group, except for the Serb minority. “The time has come for Kosovo to have its multiethnic army with the help of its international partners,” he added.

Krasniqi: Thaci must resign if he doesn’t get allies support for army (Zeri)

Jakup Krasniqi, chairman of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), says in an interview that President Hashim Thaci’s initiative for forming the Kosovo Army must be pushed forward but not by threatening Kosovo’s relations with its international partners. Krasniqi also argued that Thaci must resign if he fails to get the support of allies on the formation of the army.

Tahiri: Suspension of dialogue won’t affect Kosovo’s relations with EU (Epoka)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, pledged that the resolution of the Assembly of Kosovo, which aims suspension of the dialogue with Serbia until Ramush Haradinaj’s release, will be implemented completely. She said that this decision of the Assembly would not affect Kosovo’s relations with the European Union. In the interview to the paper, Tahiri also spoke about the transformation of the KSF, saying that creation of Kosovo’s army is a constitutional obligation and the will of the people, therefore, she said, the international factor should also understand that Kosovo leadership is obliged to fulfill the will of its people. Speaking about demarcation, Tahiri said that the process is right and the Assembly should vote the agreement reached with Montenegro.

“Assembly presidency to review changes to special court law” (Kosova Sot/RTK)

Kosova Sot reports that the Kosovo Assembly presidency is to meet this week and discuss possible changes to the law setting up specialist chambers for Kosovo. Head of the Kosovo Liberation Army Veterans’ Association, Hysni Gucati, said they were assured that the Assembly would forward the draft law this week. The KLA associations are demanding amendment of the law so as to include trying war crimes committed by Serbian forces. However, Vice President of the Assembly, Xhavit Haliti, is quoted in RTK as saying he has no information that the presidency will meet to discuss the law on special court.