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UNMIK Headlines 13 September

Headlines - 13.09.2013

Kosovo at point zero regarding European criteria (Tribuna)

Latest report of European Commission for Kosovo’s progress in the EU integration process, though drafted in a cautious and diplomatic way, reveals that Kosovo has not marked any significant progress in the field of rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime and that it has stalled in administration reform and even experienced a setback as far as election reform is concerned, writes the paper. The report is dominated by a soft and ambiguous terminology which, according to experts, is a result of Brussels desire not to hinder SAA negotiations. 

Constitutional Court decrypts amnesty (Koha Ditore)

In the 84-page ruling, Kosovo Constitutional Court has indicated that amnesty law does not include acts committed before 10 June 1999, it has also identified communities that are set to benefit from the amnesty and has assured access to civilian procedures for victims that suffered damage by the perpetrators of criminal acts that will be pardoned and has called on the amnestied persons not to expect that they will not have to pay out their obligations towards Kosovo tax authorities. The court has also ruled that few articles of the amnesty law are anti-constitutional and risk undermining legal order of the state.

Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi who sponsored the law for amnesty, has refused to comment over the decision of the court. He noted that decisions of Constitutional Court are “final, not appealable and are not interpreted.”  

Kuçi does not remove the tax (dailies)

Zëri reports that deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi did not achieve on Thursday to convince Macedonian authorities to remove taxes for products and Kosovo citizens. “Since yesterday I am in permanent consultations with Macedonian Government, also today I had telephone contacts and we are on a good path to find a solution. We will see if it is necessary for as to go there, or for them to come here, or we can do it in other format. Our aim is going back as it was before, without obligations to have free movement of goods and people,” said Kuçi, while his advisor Driton Lajci, on Thursday said for newspaper that Macedonia has removed taxes for Kosovo citizens, while this has been denied from Kosovo border police. 

Assembly doesn’t support PTK privatisation (dailies)

Kosovo Assembly failed to endorse the request of the Government to legitimize privatisation of Kosovo Post and Telecom (PTK) with opposition parties walking out of the session and leaving no necessary quorum for voting.

Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi also opposed PTK privatisation saying that the Government should instead be put up for sale. “Every aspect speaks of irregular and illegal process for privatisation of PTK. If the Government wishes to legitimize sale of PTK, it should set the process back to zero,” argued Krasniqi.

Albanian PM Edi Rama to visit Kosovo today (dailies)

Newly-elected Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama is scheduled to visit Kosovo today in his first official travel. Rama will be received with state honours at the Skenderbeg Square and will address Kosovo Assembly in a special session. Rama will be accompanied by his closest associates and ministers of his cabinet.

Civil Protection attacks the family of Ivanovic (dailies)

Zëri reports that members of parallel security structure “Civilna Zastita”, which commands Krstimir Pantic have attacked family of Oliver Ivanovic in north Mitrovica. According to the sources of the newspaper, members of this parallel security organization have entered in the apartment of Ivanovic, on Thursday at about 16:30 hours and have attacked his wife. According to this source, the attack has been carried out in revenge and to scare off Ivanovic. 

PDK does not know if Thaçi had a meeting with Djindjic (Koha Ditore)

The statements of KIPRED director Ilir Deda given in the Rubikon television show in KTV have been called misinformation by political officials, including those who have been mentioned in the television show. PDK high officials, Xhavit Haliti, said that the statement of Ilir Deda is misinformation and that he himself and others in the party are not aware and do not believe that their boss, Hashim Thaçi in 2002 had a meeting with former Serb prime minister Zoran Djindjic and that in this meeting he expressed readiness to change borders, the same as it has stated on Wednesday evening in KTV, Ilir Deda, former advisor of president, Atifete Jahjaga. 

Geci’s convicted with 36 years in prison for murder of Gani Berisha (dailies)

A panel of judges at the basic Court in Mitrovica found guilty three former KLA members for war crime, namely for the murder of Gani Berisha on 18 June 1999 in health center in Skenderaj. That day Serb troops were leaving, while the control has been taken over from KLA and NATO troops. Sabit Geci was convicted with 12 years in prison, 12 years in prison for the same act is convicted Rrustem and Hetem Geci from village Llaushe, municipality of Skenderaj.