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UNMIK Headlines 14 August

  • Quint countries call for urgent restart of talks and suspending the tariff (media)
  • Kosovo Government on Quint’s statement (RFE)
  • Veseli reacts to Quint's statement (media)
  • Pacolli: Serbia has continuously undermined Kosovo’s statehood (media)
  • Scott: Time to end the 90s conflicts (RTK)
  • Haradinaj: A consensual Prime Minister harms democratic processes (RTK)
  • Mustafa and Kurti meet, discuss elections (media)
  • Mustafa tells who cannot govern Kosovo (RTK)
  • Hoxhaj: Serbia manipulates facts, churches and mosques belong to Kosovo (RTK)
  • Aliu: We are getting closer to LDK to prevent a PAN 2 (RTK)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Quint countries call for urgent restart of talks and suspending the tariff (media)

Most news websites and daily papers carry yesterday’s press release issued by the Quint countries calling for the urgent restart of talks between Kosovo and Serbia and suspending the tariffs imposed on Serbia.

The statement notes: “The governments of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States stand united in our aim to see the full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia via a comprehensive, politically sustainable, and legally binding agreement that contributes to regional stability. The status quo prevents progress on Kosovo’s and Serbia’s path towards the European Union (EU) and is simply not sustainable. After years of stagnation, the time has come to finally end the conflicts of the 1990s and provide a secure and prosperous future for the people of Kosovo and Serbia by negotiating in good faith an agreement that both sides can support. Therefore, we call on Kosovo and Serbia to restart the EU-led Dialogue with urgency and ask that both parties avoid actions that will hinder a final agreement, which is necessary for both countries to achieve greater Euro-Atlantic integration and its accompanying benefits. We are prepared to step up our role in the process in support of the EU High Representative, but we cannot do so until you both signal a willingness to compromise, remove obstacles and resume discussions. For Kosovo, that means suspending the tariffs imposed on Serbia. For Serbia, that means suspending the de-recognition campaign against Kosovo. We want to see the people of Kosovo and Serbia benefit from a lasting peace and have the opportunity to build their own futures. We stand ready to assist in any way possible”.

Gazeta Express notes in its coverage that the Quint statement makes no reference to early parliamentary elections while Zeri highlights the call for suspension of tax as an obstacle to the final agreement with Serbia. At the same time, Koha Ditore writes on the front page that Quint’s statement is a call for dialogue, not elections. “Apart from the request for lifting of the tax, Quint has not mentioned anywhere the situation created following the resignation of prime minister Haradinaj,” the paper writes.

Kosovo Government on Quint’s statement (RFE)

Asked to comment on the statement issued by Quint countries, the Office of Kosovo Prime Minister said that Kosovo has never obstructed dialogue and is ready to sit at the table of talks to achieve a final, legally binding agreement under existing borders and which results in mutual recognition.

“The Government of the Republic of Kosovo, namely Prime Minister Haradinaj, has always worked and was clear on the right of Kosovo to protect the country’s integrity and sovereignty. As a result, the decision to introduce the tax on products from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was a necessary action in the service of protection of Kosovo’s interests from Serbia’s hostile actions and continuous threats towards the state of Kosovo and its institutions. At the same time, we have always taken into consideration suggestions of our international partners regarding political topics in the country,” the Government of Kosovo said in a reply to Radio Free Europe.

Veseli reacts to Quint's statement (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, commented on the joint statement by Quint countries calling on Kosovo to suspend the import tariff on Serbia and resume dialogue for normalisation of relations.

In a Facebook post, Veseli wrote that Kosovo achieved independence thanks to a strong alliance with the western countries. “One of the issues on which the citizens will have to decide in these elections is whether Kosovo wants to maintain special relations with our international allies or treat them as enemies and attempt to survive on its own.”

“We should protect Kosovo's interests but we are not able to do that without our strategic partners. We therefore welcome the efforts of the U.S.A., EU, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy on continuation of dialogue,” Veseli said.

“At the same time, we urge the EU to prevent Serbian Government’s funding of parallel structures in Kosovo and stop Serb colonising projects through the construction of neighbourhoods in the North, allow reconstruction of burnt houses where Albanians lived prior to 2001, and convict Serb criminals and perpetrators for the crimes committed against innocent Albanians during and after the war in Kosovo.”

Pacolli: Serbia has continuously undermined Kosovo’s statehood (media)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli reacted to the Quint statement saying Kosovo is ready for dialogue with Serbia but will enter the process only as an independent country and that Kosovo’s foreign policy has always been coordinated with the its strategic partners.

“We welcome the efforts demonstrated by all Quint countries for normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo has always been committed to continue dialogue and we have been ready to resume talks but it was Serbia that left an empty seat and continually provoked incidents and aggression against Kosovo,” wrote Pacolli on Facebook.

He said that the statement of the head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric proves yet again the lack of will on the part of Serbia to normalise relations with Kosovo.

“Kosovo has fought for two years an unseen diplomatic battle with Belgrade as Serbian filthy diplomacy had aimed to undermine Kosovo’s statehood internationally. The tariff was a sovereign instrument of Kosovo to react to this aggression provoked by Belgrade and Serbia today is still not showing will to end it. As always, we are ready for dialogue but the conditions are clear: as two independent and sovereign countries seeking mutual recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations.”

Scott: Time to end the 90s conflicts (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott hailed yesterday’s statement issued by Quint countries calling for resumption of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

“The time has come to put an end to conflicts from the 90s. We call on Kosovo and Serbia to as soon as possible renew dialogue under the EU facilitation and refrain from steps that prevent the achievement of agreement,” Scott wrote on Twitter.

Haradinaj: A consensual Prime Minister harms democratic processes (RTK)

The resigned Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said a consensual prime minister would damage democratic processes. “A different interruption, so with a consensual Prime Minister, would be a damage to democratic processes,” Haradinaj said.

“We do not aim a big coalition such as with PDK, Vetevendosje and LDK. However, we are open to smaller parties such as NISMA, AKR and PSD,” Haradinaj explained adding: “No political party would gain our support if they stand for removal of tariff, which remains until the recognition.”

“I am ready to serve as Prime Minister, as much as the citizens give me their trust,” he added.

“It is dangerous for Kosovo to be led by unsustainable leaders, those who make compromises for their own sake and this is how a state endures,” Haradinaj said.

Mustafa and Kurti meet, discuss elections (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa had a meeting yesterday with Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti after which he said that they discussed the political situation following the resignation of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj as well as elections.

“We agreed that not only the country has to go for elections as soon as possible, but also it should result with a government which returns hope to citizens, especially to our youth. This new government of Kosovo should behave with responsibility and competency for economic development, both at private and public section, management of education and healthcare, war against crime, corruption and deep state as well as opening way to European integrations,” Mustafa wrote.

Kurti meanwhile said that “hope among the people for a future of justice and progress is being restored”.

“This was my first meeting with Professor Isa Mustafa after he was re-elected leader of the LDK. I wished him success and good health. We discussed the political situation in the country and the grave economic situation; also about the need to emerge from the crisis and to put the country on the track of development. On August 22, both our parliamentary groups will be in full composition to disband the Assembly and make way to new democratic elections. We concluded that hope among the people for a future of justice and progress is being restored,” Kurti wrote. 

Mustafa tells who cannot govern Kosovo (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) took to Facebook to write that the corrupt cannot lead Kosovo.

“No, no! Those who cultivated corruption and nepotism cannot fight neither one or the other. They can only reshape and reorganize it for their own needs. Those who signed suspicious and harmful contracts in Telekom; those of the affairs with passports; those of the theft at the evidence room; those who filled public companies with party people; those who fabricated and signed false certificates for war veterans; those who abused public funds; those… should go to carwash, to get cleaned well, from inside and outside. Not to govern with Kosovo,” Mustafa wrote. 

Hoxhaj: Serbia manipulates facts, churches and mosques belong to Kosovo (RTK)

Acting Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj reacted to the statements of the Serbian Minister of Culture, Vladan Vukosavljevic, who called a liturgy held in a catholic church in Novoberde, a provocation.

“Serbia’s obsession to embezzle everything, made it the cause of several wars and conflicts in Balkans. Serbian policy with its games towards Albanians often included people of science, by manipulating facts. There is no doubt that in the 14 and 15 century, when the Novoberdo church dates, we were not dealing with created nations, therefore, embezzlement (of the church) as Serbian, is ridiculous.” Hoxhaj wrote.

“Churches, mosques and other buildings of the cultural, historic and religious heritage belong to Kosovo and its citizens. Politization of culture, science, history today, is a funny and absurd game of Serbia. Kosovo is a completed fact,” Hoxhaj wrote.

Aliu: We are getting closer to LDK to prevent a PAN 2 (RTK)

Vetevendosje Movement MP Liburn Aliu, said his political party’s approximation with LDK is happening to prevent a PAN 2 coalition.

“The danger for creation of a coalition right before 24:00 hours, exists. But then there will be no changes. We would want to go for elections on our own, but considering this danger, we do not exclude the possibility of cooperation with other political parties,” Aliu said.

He added that there is a good will for coordination between LDK and Vetevendosje and added that they want for the victory to be known prior to elections. Aliu said Kosovo is in the verge of bankruptcy. Aliu also said that the meeting of the leaders of LDK and VV leaders on Tuesday ensured voting of dissolution of the Assembly on 22 August.