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UNMIK Headlines 14 September

Headlines - 14.09.2013

Rama concludes visit to Kosovo (dailies)

All papers extensively cover yesterday’s visit of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to Kosovo, his first official visit since taking on the post of prime minister. Rama is reported to have spoken about a number of actions aimed at getting Kosovo and Albania even closer and to this end, he mentioned the creation of a “strategic alliance” between Kosovo and Albania.

Rama had separate meetings with Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, President Atifete Jahjaga and Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi and also visited the memorial site of the KLA commander Adem Jashari in Prekaz and the grave of the late Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova in Pristina. At the same time, ministers of his cabinet met with their Kosovo counterparts.

During his address before members of the Kosovo Assembly, Rama spoke of people who contributed to Kosovo’s independence but failed to mention the late president Rugova. This caused outrage at the members of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) who in sign of protest walked out of the session.

Kosovo-Macedonia border opens for traffic (dailies)

Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said agreement has been reached with Macedonian authorities for opening of the border. “I believe these things will not happen in the future but regardless, there will be working groups that will carefully make sure such inter-border images are not seen again,” Kuçi told public broadcaster, RTK. He added that Albanian leader in Macedonia, Ali Ahmeti, played a key role in overcoming the situation.

Kosovo getting ready to apply for UN membership (Tribuna)

The paper reports that Kosovo is getting ready to apply for membership in the United Nations which is considered to be one of the most important actions since declaration of independence in 2008.

Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said Kosovo plans to apply in a near future. “Through recognitions and membership in organizations, in the near future we will apply for UN membership regardless of what someone in Pristina and Belgrade may say,” said Hoxhaj. In this respect, the Government of Kosovo is preparing a study detailing the best ways Kosovo can achieve UN membership. Hoxhaj said the study will be presented soon and will also provide a timeframe for Kosovo’s application in the UN.

Brussels leaves it to CEC to decide on “Serbia” list (Tribuna)

After two days of talks in Brussels, delegations from Kosovo and Serbia failed to reach agreement on the fate of the “Serbia” list and the decision is left to the Kosovo’s Central Elections Commission (CEC). Head of Kosovo delegation, Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri said the CEC will settle the matter in accordance to Kosovo legislation. She said the CEC informed all political entities planning to run in local elections of principles they have to respect.

Ivanovic: Attack on my family politically motivated (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Serb leader from the north Oliver Ivanovic told Belgrade media that attack on his family was politically motivated. Ivanovic, leader of civic initiative “Serbia, democracy, justice”, said the attack is meant to send a message to all ordinary citizens who wish to see Mitrovica improve. “I have no business conflicts and no business for that matter, I don’t owe anyone any money so this can only have a political motive,” said Ivanovic.