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UNMIK Headlines 15 February

Headlines - 15.02.2016

Thaci: President to be elected during February (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview for RTK that the presidency of the Kosovo Assembly will set the date for the session that will vote on the new president of Kosovo but that he believed this would happen sometime in February. “I don’t think it will be before the Independence Day as we are focused on the celebrations and we don’t want to burden the agenda,” said Thaci. Further in the interview, Thaci said that the visit of the US Secretary of State John Kerry to Tirana over the weekend sends a powerful message to the region. “His statement on Kosovo is the best indicator that we have to step up our responsibilities, move ahead and look to the future,” Thaci said. Speaking about the current political situation, Thaci said there is no crisis in Kosovo but rather “a disorderly activity of the opposition”. He ruled out the possibility of early elections saying that they will take place in line with the constitutional timeframe. However, even if elections were to take place at this time, Thaci said the current ruling coalition between his Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) would win the absolute majority.

LDK, PDK agree to vote on Thaci for President after 17 February (Koha)

In its leading front-page story, the paper reports that the ruling parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), will wait until after 17 February to schedule the session of the Assembly that will vote on the new President of Kosovo. Unnamed sources told the paper that despite earlier preparations to hold the Assembly session on 15 February, the ruling coalition partners, with the full support of international officials, have agreed that they will vote on PDK leader Hashim Thaci for President after the protest of the opposition announced for 17 February.

Grabovci: President to be elected in February (Zeri)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group chief, Adem Grabovci, told the paper PDK leader Hashim Thaci will be elected president in February. “We will respect all the procedures, but according to the rules, 40 MPs may request the holding of the extraordinary session at any time. Therefore we cannot exclude the possibility that the session be held prior to or after 17 February,” Grabovci said, adding that the president will be elected in accordance with the legal deadlines. “The president will be elected in February,” Grabovci said.

Opposition calls for mass participation in 17 February protest (Zeri)

The former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti, yesterday called for mass participation in the protest of 17 February in order to overthrow the current government. “This protest will break the record of the 9 January protest,” Kurti said, adding the opposition will also prevent the election of the president. Also representatives of other opposition parties yesterday called on citizens to participate in the protest against the government. The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj urged the protesters to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in order for the protest to be peaceful. Limaj also called on opposition leaders to refrain from any act of violence that could come from people who want to spoil the image of the protest.

Mustafa suspicious over opposition’s funds (dailies)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, yesterday expressed his suspicions over the funds of the opposition parties to undertake violent activities against institutions. “The question is who is funding all these activities against the state. Lots of money is needed for advertising materials and TV spots, protesters’ transportation costs and other daily activities. The law requires these costs to be controlled,” Mustafa said.

Kerry: Kosovo to move forward (Epoka e Re)

The United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Albania on Sunday, where he met with the senior leaders of the country. Asked by a Klan Kosova journalist about the situation in Kosovo, Kerry said that he has a message for Kosovo: “Kosovo is in the right path and you should continue to work to move forward.” The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama said Kosovo will have the support of its two greatest allies, Albania and America.

Kurti: Kerry doesn’t interfere on who becomes Kosovo President (Kosova Sot)

Former Vetevendosje leader and MP Albin Kurti said it is evident that the United States of America are concerned with the situation in Kosovo and that the people of Kosovo are grateful for the US support. “The majority of recognitions of Kosovo’s independence would not have happened without the United States and we are grateful for this,” Kurti said. He added, however, that he doesn’t believe the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Tirana is related to the election of Hashim Thaci as President of Kosovo. “I don’t believe Mr. Kerry would interfere on who becomes President of Kosovo,” Kurti said.

Ferrarese: Kosovo needs stability (Epoka e Re/Kosovapress)

The Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Andreas Ferrarese, told Kosovapress news agency that the political class in Kosovo should focus on economic problems and resolve the political crisis as soon as possible. He added that gathering in squares and violence at the Assembly do not lead to anything and neither do they bring a solution. He said Kosovo politicians should learn to make political decisions and find the real role of normal diplomacy. “Kosovars feel closer to Italy than to a country of northern Europe and therefore Italy is interested to see Kosovo’s progress and within Europe,” Ferrarese said.

Basic Court in Peja files war crimes indictment against 14 Serbs (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that the Basic Court in Peja/Pec, in cooperation with the War Crimes Department of the Special Prosecution of Kosovo, has filed an indictment against 14 Serbs from Klina for war crimes committed during the 1999 conflict in Kosovo. Arrest warrants have been issued for the accused. Sources told the paper that the indictment relates to the massacre carried out in the villages of Qyshk, Zahaq and Pavlan in May 1999. Over 100 civilians of different ages were massacred in the three villages on the same day.