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UNMIK Headlines 17 April

Headlines - 17.04.2013

Thaçi goes to Brussels for compromise with Serbia (dailies)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi positively responded to Baroness Catherine Ashton’s letter, which requested for him to make a compromise on open topics with Serbia. Thaçi and Dacic will meet in the ninth round of talks in Brussels on Wednesday. Ashton requested readiness “to explore different options and to agree on a mutual compromise”.

Sources said that the proposal of Ashton for the agreement has been remodeled in the judiciary part. Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, who is also the minister of justice, rejected that there will be modifications. “There was no discussion about any changes”. 

EC postpones report, gives Serbia another chance at agreement (Koha Ditore)

European Commission discussed reports on Serbia and Kosovo yesterday but postponed their approval in order to wait for the result of the upcoming meeting between prime ministers Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic in Brussels. The move is seen as giving Serbia another opportunity to reach an agreement with Kosovo.

Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele confirmed the discussion on Kosovo and how Serbia reports did take place, but noted that their approval is expected soon. “I join Catherine Ashton’s expectations and hope an agreement will emerge,” said Fuele.

Jacobson encourages parties to reach agreement (Epoka e Re, Bota Sot)

US Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson said it is important for Kosovo and Serbia reach an agreement. “I am very happy for tomorrow’s meeting. I hope the prime ministers have courage and wisdom because it is very important for Kosovo and Serbia to move forward as this is important not only for the stability of the whole region but also for attracting foreign investment,” said Jacobson.

Westerwelle: Kosovo has done its homework well (Zëri)

Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle assured Kosovo counterpart Enver Hoxhaj that his country will support Kosovo’s integration in the EU regardless of the dialogue process with Serbia. He said a country that has done its homework well should not be punished for another’s hesitation. “We support an integrating policy of the EU which assesses each country individually in the implementation of the criteria,” said Westerwelle.

Sejdiu: Belgrade should be pressured (Epoka e Re)

In an interview for the paper, former Kosovo president Fatmir Sejdiu said that the meeting today in Brussels between Thaçi and Dacic could not be the last attempt for the achievement of the agreement. “I will not say that this will be the last attempt. From past experience, when the closure of a certain cycle was expected to happen, something else came up that further delayed the process,” said Sejdiu.

Sejdiu said that reaching an agreement will depend more on the pressure of the international community towards Belgrade. “It also depends on the engagement of the international community to pressure Belgrade to understand that it is not the one who can influence the overall situation in the relations of two sovereign countries,” said Sejdiu.     

Kurti: Local companies linked to Kosovo politicians behind PTK sale (dailies)

Vetëvendosje leader Albin Kurti accused the Government of Kosovo for illegally privatising Kosovo Post and Telecom (PTK), warning that the move is dangerous and damaging for Kosovo. Kurti said the PTK is not being bought by companies specialized in the field of telecommunications but by dubious funds. “A source informed me that there are shares owned by local companies linked to Kosovo politicians within the means offered and managed by ‘AXOS’,” said Kurti.

KSF commander meets UN delegation (Lajm)

A delegation from the United Nations, led by Marie Skaare, Liliane Maes and Nicholas Theakston, visited the headquarters of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) where they were greeted by KSF commander Kadri Kastrati.

Kastrati briefed the delegation on achievements made by the KSF, gender equality in the KSF, areas of cooperation with NATO, KFOR and other international institutions working in Kosovo.

The purpose of the visit by the UN delegation was to obtain information about the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace and Security”. Kastrati asked for the delegation’s assistance in educating KSF female staff in NATO schools and in general. Skaare said the percentage of women in KSF is satisfactory and promised she would assist KSF in this respect.