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UNMIK Headlines 17 April

Headlines - 17.04.2014

Increased diplomatic pressure (Lajm)

Kosovo political leaders met with Quint ambassadors in Pristina last Friday to discuss the establishment of the special court and the mandate of EULEX. Quint ambassadors then sent a letter to Kosovo authorities calling on them to adopt the special court in the Assembly. The letter reportedly notes that elements concerning the mandate of EULEX and the court cannot be separated and are non-negotiable. “The failure to adopt the court in parliament would shift the process over to the United Nations and your international partners will not block it. This would become a long and damaging process for Kosovo’s image,” Quint ambassadors wrote in their letter.

The war faction against the tribunal (Zeri)

In a front-page report, the paper notes that members of the Kosovo Assembly, who were part of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), said they will not vote in favor of a special court for the KLA. They told the paper that the court is unnecessary and denigrating, and that it stains the image of KLA combatants. Although they admit that the court is a done deal due to international pressure, these MPs say they will vote against the establishment of the court “because it would be suicide for the KLA”.

Serb MPs oppose law on elections (Lajm)

The parliamentary committee for legislation yesterday reviewed the draft law on elections. Serb representatives in the committee said on Wednesday that if their amendments, which were proposed yesterday, are not adopted, they would not vote in favor of the law. The paper notes that the proposed amendments are related to reserved seats in the Assembly, representation in election mechanisms and the voting of Serb IDPs who are not equipped with Kosovo documents. The proposed amendments were not adopted with the justification that other laws already regulate the aforementioned matters.

Poll shows PDK has the lead (Tribuna)

The paper reports on its front page that, according to a poll conducted by an international organization in March, the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leads with 29.3 percent, followed by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) with 24.1 percent, Vetevendosje with 13.7 percent, AAK with 12.8 percent and AKR with 5.1 percent. According to the poll, the Civic Initiative and the Party of Justice will not cross the election threshold. The survey revealed a high percentage of undecided voters who are still seeking a better government offer. The poll also showed that PDK leader and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci enjoys the most support for another mandate, with 31.9 percent. LDK leader Isa Mustafa comes in second with 26.2 percent and Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti is third with 11.7 percent.

Rasic: We are not putting conditions on KSF’s transition (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Minister of Work and Social Welfare, Nenad Rasic, stated for this daily that minorities are not against the transition of the Kosovo Security Forces into the Kosovo Armed Force. He added that they will not make acceptance of reserved seats at the Assembly a condition for the transition. “We will not condition transition, but we support a compromise, which is necessary. Therefore, if the request for reserved seats is supported, if a political agreement is reached for the reserved seats to become part of the agenda at the Assembly of Kosovo, then we will consider support for the transition of the KSF into the Kosovo Armed Forces,” said Rasic.

Krasniqi: One part of Special Police is involved in crime (dailies)

Several dailies quote Florin Krasniqi, chairman of the parliamentary committee that oversees the Kosovo Intelligence Agency, as saying that one part of the Kosovo Special Police is involved in crime. “I have said on several occasions that a small part of the Special Police is involved in organized crime in Kosovo. They transport money and drugs… It is crucial to remove these people,” Krasniqi said after the meeting of the committee yesterday. He did not mention concrete names but said that certain police officers were seen committing various illegal acts.

Northerners wait for final day to adopt statutes (Koha)

Today is the final deadline for Leposavic and Zvecan, two Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo, to adopt their municipal statutes. Just like with the swearing in of mayors and the inauguration of municipal assemblies, the northerners have waited until the last day to meet this legal requirement. Albanian members of the assemblies in these two municipalities said that, as of Tuesday, there had been no changes made, and that statutes still contradicted the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. Meanwhile, officials of the Ministry for Local Government could not say if the northerners have made the necessary changes.

Ahmeti doesn’t rule out demolition of Orthodox Church (Koha)

Pristina mayor Shpend Ahmeti said on Wednesday that the Serb Orthodox church built in the area of Pristina University will be treated the same way as all other buildings that were constructed without the required permits. Ahmeti left open the possibility that the church, which was built during the Milosevic regime in the 90s, could be demolished.

“After the start of the process for treating illegal constructions, every building that does not have a permit will have to apply for legalization. Afterwards, the municipality will treat every case according to its specifics … The Orthodox church in the area of the university is an illegal building, constructed before August 2013,” Ahmeti wrote on his Facebook profile on Wednesday.

Daul: The Balkans are a problem for Europe, not the US (Epoka e Re)

The head of the largest Parliamentary Group at the European Parliament (EP), Joseph Daul, stated in an interview for DNA newspaper in Strasbourg, that the future deputies of the EP should take responsibility for the Balkans. “They should soon become aware of what is going on in Ukraine, and also in the Balkans. The situation in the Balkans is explosive. If the rule of law is not established there, major banditry, oligarchy and corruption will continue. This is impossible to control. If this goes on, revolution will happen there. I hope that there will be no war. This was very clearly told to us at the end of March by President Obama, while he was visiting Brussels. “The Balkans are a problem for Europe, not the US,” said the French Euro-Deputy.

Mujahidins from Kosovo in Syria, Iraq, preparing for suicide attacks (Bota)

Authorities have told this daily that that some of the Kosovars fighting in Syria and Iraq are preparing for suicide attacks with explosives. These authorities reportedly expressed concern about the meeting of the leader of Albanians in Syria, Lavdërim Muhaxheri, together with Y.B. from Kaçanik, with the so-called “Butcher of Duele” for Iraq, commander “Ebu Vahid,” in which they asked him to allow suicide attacks. This daily reports that authorities are alarmed, and mentions that members of the “Parimi” association in Kaçanik are part of “Al Nasura.”