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UNMIK Headlines 19 December

Headlines - 19.12.2013

Ashton: SAA with Kosovo concludes next year (Epoka e Re)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Baroness Catherine Ashton, stated that opening of negotiations with Serbia is important for the entire region. “We think that opening of these negotiations for acceptance is not only a significant message for Serbia, but for the entire region,” she said. Speaking at the European Parliament Committee for Foreign Affairs, she stated that she also hopes that negotiations for the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo, will conclude within the next year.


Dacic: Crimes in Kosovo were not committed from Serbia (dailies)

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that the photo exhibition “Bogujevci, a visual history: tribute to all victims”, which tells the story of a massacre of an Albanian family during the war in Kosovo, was used by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic to acquit the Serbian state as author of these crimes.

“I express my condolences to all families of war victims. Everyone should know that those responsible for war crimes will be punished. Those crimes were not committed on behalf of Serbia and no one authorized them to commit such crimes,” Dacic, once-spokesman and close associate of former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, said at the exhibition.

Dacic did not answer the question whether he would apologize for what has happened with war victims in Kosovo, but said all criminals would be tried and convicted for their acts.


USA in favor of reserved seats (dailies)

Tribuna reports on the front page that US Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson, in an interview for Radio Dukagjini, said she supports another mandate of reserved parliamentary seats for minority communities. Jacobson also said that the decision is up to Kosovo authorities. “Reserved seats are a sensitive issue. In my opinion, it would make sense to continue with reserved seats for another mandate, but I don’t have a vote in Kosovo Parliament, therefore, it is up to Kosovo authorities to decide on this,” she added. According to Jacobson, two-three reserved seats could be reserved for representatives from northern Kosovo in the next mandate of the legislative.


Reserved seats make coexistence impossible (Epoka e Re)

Vetëvendosje movement deputy, Rexhep Selimi, stated that extension of the reserved seats for minorities at the Assembly of Kosovo makes coexistence in the country impossible. According to him, this would have been an obstacle to democracy and it would stagnate development of the Republic of Kosovo. “This does not represent a simple injustice with the parliament and representing institutions, but it makes the voter unequal, deferring from each other depending on their entity. Escalation of injustice to this extent makes democracy and coexistence impossible.


Vetëvendosje: Law on budget will be sent to Constitutional Court (dailies)

Several dailies report that the Vetëvendosje Movement insists that the sale of 75 percent of shares of the Kosovo Post and Telecom (PTK) will not go through, at least not in their presence and not without exhausting all legal possibilities. Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief Visar Imeri told reporters that his movement would reject all scenarios aimed at privatizing the PTK. Imeri also said that the manner in which the process has been conducted so far is unlawful and that if it goes through Vetevendosje will send the 2014 budget law to the Constitutional Court.


Dacic calls on Serbs to take part in Kosovo parliamentary elections (dailies)

Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday that Serbs living in Kosovo should take part in parliamentary elections as this would enable them to have a decisive impact in the next composition of the Kosovo Government. He made these remarks during a press conference on the occasion of the EU Council of Ministers’ decision to hold the first inter-governmental conference on January 21st, which will practically mark the start of negotiations on Serbia’s EU membership.

Asked to comment on Catherine Ashton’s assessment that in line with the Brussels agreement courts in northern Kosovo are in the system of Kosovo, Dacic said that according to UNSC Resolution 1244, Kosovo is practically not a separate state, but a territory with special jurisdiction.

Zëri reports that Dacic acknowledged that Kosovo is going to be the most difficult topic in negotiations for Serbia’s membership in the European Union.