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UNMIK Headlines 19 November

Headlines - 19.11.2013

Lack of violence in the north is enough for “good elections” (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that repetition of voting in three polling stations in north Mitrovica is considered successful from both national and international institutions, based on the lack of violence and incidents but it seems eyes are being closed to irregularities which are being said have characterized the re-voting process on Sunday.

The candidate of the civic initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic who, based on the preliminary results of the Central Election Commission, came second with 1,673 votes or 28.53 percent after the candidate of Serb Civic Initiative Krstimir Pantic who won 2,173 votes or 37.06 percent, said on Monday that his opponent had all the tools at disposition to have better results than him. Ivanovic talked about pressure, violence and threats which according to him the list supported by the Government of Serbia has used. On Tuesday neither the CEC nor OSCE spoke about irregularities.

The reactions to Sunday’s revote were mainly praises for the fact that there were no security incidents while the only Albanian candidate, Agim Deva from PDK, said that in the runoff he will not support Oliver Ivanovic or Krstimir Pantic. 

Zveçan expected to head for a revote (Koha Ditore)

Central Election Commission is expected to reach a decision on Wednesday whether to repeat voting in three polling stations in Zveçan after complaints that voter lists were missing. The Election Complaints and Appeals Panel has concluded there is sufficient basis not to consider results in Zveçan as credible.  “There is belief that there was manipulation of votes in favour of the candidate from the Serb Civic List and the voter lists were lost to hide traces”, said a source adding that the ECAP decision has not yet reached the CEC.

Trepça and Ujman in dialogue (Tribuna)

The two biggest natural resources of Kosovo, Trepça mine and Ujman water plant, are to be included in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalizing relations. Sources told the paper that solutions from the dialogue will be aimed to give rights to local Serbs to manage these assets through the community of Serb municipalities.

The two issues will be part of the second agreement expected to be reached between delegations of Pristina and Belgrade and EU facilitators hope this will be achieved by mid next year. The second agreement, except for advancing rights of the community of Serb municipalities will also broaden the rights related to police and justice.

PDK is ready for elections (Epoka e Re)

Deputy leader of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hajredin Kuçi stated that his party is ready for future national elections whenever they are to be held. He expressed optimistic that also in these elections PDK will be the first. “Of course that in national elections we expect to increase the distance of our political power in relation with other parties,” said Kuçi, adding that those who talk about national elections they have their mind on the result of local elections. Referring to the motion of mistrust towards the Government, Kuçi said that no one can enter this came with such motion without going to national elections. Kuçi has evaluated local elections as successful and according to him it was a model for the region  

Kosovo-CoE working group meets (dailies)

The first joint meeting between the Government of Kosovo and the Council of Europe, was held on Monday. The Government of Kosovo was represented at this meeting by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Petrit Selimi, while the delegation of the Council of Europe, was headed by Deputy Director of the EC Secretary General, Matjaz Gruden. Selimi stated that the intention of this meeting is joint implementation of projects that concern Kosovo’s fulfillment of required standards and reforms and which are related to the fulfillment of standards for Stabilization Association Agreement and with the process of future integration of Kosovo in the Council of Europe. 

Protests for release of Drenica Group will be intensified (dailies)

Organizers of the protest yesterday said that in case EULEX does not take measures for the release of former Kosovo Liberation Army commanders, the protests in the coming days will be more massive. They warned that if their requests for the release of former fighters are not reviewed, they will not bear responsibility for the character of future protests.

Beqaj: Increase of salaries by 100 percent in the next mandate (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that the rise of salaries for public sector promised from Kosovo Prime Minister and leader of PDK, Hashim Thaçi, in election campaign, has been misunderstood, said Finance Minister, Besim Beqaj. According to him, the rise of 100 percent has been promised for the next four year mandate and not for the year 2014.

“I am saying this now for many times that there will be a deserved increase. For the decision how much, and when the salaries are going to be raised you are going to be informed in time. It has been not said or at least I did not understand if someone said that in the year 2014 it will be an increase of 100 percent of salaries. Maybe it has been misunderstood. The rise of salaries for 100 percent has been promised for the next governing mandate, while the investments have been promised and are part of the programs of the head of municipalities who will win in the elections in the framework of election process,” said Beqaj. Representatives of IMF, Johannes Wiegand, said that the salaries can be raised, but with the condition to be in the framework within the projected budget.