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UNMIK Headlines 19 October

  • Konjufca: None of the parties set conditions, we did not discuss ministries (media)
  • Haziri: Coalition with Vetevendosje immediately after certification of results (RTK)
  • Kociajncic responds to Vucic on ‘poisoned envelopes from Serbia’ (Zeri)
  • Serbian List accuses and threatens Kurti (media)
  • Petrovic speaks about abuse of votes (RTV Dukagjini)
  • Cakaj: Between regional agendas and Kosovo, Albania stands with Kosovo (Klan)
  • Hoxhaj: EU is making space to anti-democratic states (Klan)
  • Rama to meet Kurti in the following days (Klan)

Konjufca: None of the parties set conditions, we did not discuss ministries (media)

The meeting between the working groups of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) held on Friday to discuss the agreement for governing coalition, lasted almost two hours. According to a joint statement, the parties agreed on the content and principals of the agreement for co-governance.

Glauk Konjufca, member of LVV leadership, was the only one to make an announcement after the meeting. He said they discussed the topics that await Kosovo and deep sector reforms.

Konjufca said they did not discuss division of ministries and he also rejected allegations that the two political parties are conditioning each other.

Asked if they would invite the NISMA-AKR-PD coalition to join them if they manage to pass the threshold, Konjufca said they did not discuss this possibility. The next meeting between the two working groups will be held on Wednesday at 15:00 hours.

Haziri: Coalition with Vetevendosje immediately after certification of results (RTK)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lutfi Haziri told the national broadcaster RTK that their coalition with Vetevendosje Movement would formalise immediately after the certification of election results by the Central Election Commission.

“In the nearest possible time, which is related to the certification of elections. Valdete Daka has to be asked when certification of elections will take place. We can reach an agreement, but we cannot enter institutions without certification,” Haziri said.

Kociajncic responds to Vucic on ‘poisoned envelopes from Serbia’ (Zeri)

Maja Kocijancic, from the Office of the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, replied through Twitter to the letter of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, with regards to the poisoning of the officials counting votes that arrived from Serbia.

“Dear President Vucic, thank you for your Twitter letter. The EU is currently awaiting the results of the investigation. Our EUEOM Kosovo 2019 follows this case attentively. With regards, Maja Kocijancic,” she wrote.

Vucic had earlier addressed a letter to Kocijancic seeking public explanation if there is any evidence that Serbians poisoned the vote counters.

Serbian List accuses and threatens Kurti (media)

The Serbian List reacted to the statement of the Vetevendosje Movement’s leader Albin Kurti that initially “Trepca” mine and then Mitrovica should unite. “Serb population and Serbian List will never allow realization of Pristina’s anti-Serb, illegal and dangerous  measures as well as provocation of conflicts and war,” Serbian List responded.

Petrovic speaks about abuse of votes (RTV Dukagjini)

Slobodan Petrovic, leader of the Serbian Liberal Party (SLS) spoke about majr abuse of votes in Kosovo Serb zones on 6 October. He said the elections were not even close to democratic. “There were 28 dead people in the lists. The individual who noticed this requested explanation within 24 hours. He could not find written evidence, therefore he went and took pictures of the names of each of them at grave yard. He remained speechless when he was told that ‘we understand you, but to us, these people are alive as we need their death certificates issued by the Republic of Kosovo. But they died twenty years ago,” he said, adding that it very difficult to obtain a death certificate within 24 hours.

Cakaj: Between regional agendas and Kosovo, Albania stands with Kosovo (Klan)

Albania’s Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj said Albania would choose to remain with Kosovo if it has to choose between the regional agenda and Kosovo issue.

“I am stressing it once again that between the interests of regional cooperation and Kosovo issue, the latter is of more importance to Albania,” Cakaj said. “I want to stress with responsibility that a process which results to be exclusive for Kosovo and does not gain approval by Kosovo, then it does not have Albania’s support either,” he added.

Hoxhaj: EU is making space to anti-democratic states (Klan)

Kosovo’s outgoing Deputy Prime Minister took to Twitter to comment the decision of the European Union to halt opening of accession talks for EU enlargement with North Macedonia and Albania.

“Today, EU’s credibility in the Western Balkans hits a new low. Unfair treatment of Kosovo on visa liberalisation, and North Macedonia and Albania accession talks is a big mistake. Lack of strategic vision for the enlargement of EU in the region makes way for anti-democratic states to fill the vacuum,” Hoxhaj wrote.

Rama to meet Kurti in the following days (Klan)

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that he will meet the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement soon.

“We will meet in the following days. He has asked to meet me and I look forward to it. I followed him his announcements. I agree with him that there is a need for a new impetus to the relationship between the two governments and the agreements reached. I think we need to go beyond and hope that with the new government we can fill the gaps that were created with the previous one,” Rama said.

"I have some new proposals for him: in order to push this cooperation forward we would have to have ministers of state for cooperation, Kosovo for cooperation with Albania and Albania for cooperation with Kosovo, to have a point of reference every day which deals with cooperation and follows up agreements,” Rama added.