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UNMIK Headlines 2 August

Headlines - 02.08.2013

Amnesty does not stop the crime in the north (Koha Ditore)

Serbs from north Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zubin Potok and Zveçan did not change their view with regards to Kosovo institutions even after 20 June when it was claimed that criminal acts constitutional order of Kosovo will be stopped. Kosovo authorities said that Serbs will be responsible for every act committed beyond this date.

However, in the north of Kosovo during the last month and a half a new parallel institution has been added as well as a new barricade. Police and customs officers have been prevented to move freely, explosive ordnances have been set off while a law which is under the approval procedure grants amnesty to the actors of such acts which have been committed until 20 June.

Government said that there will not be amnesty from criminal prosecution or from the execution of the sentence for those who have committed acts after the date of the amnesty. Analysts have warned that this will be problematic in the aspect of implementation of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement while, at the same time, Serbs have requested extension of amnesty period. “The law clearly mentions that amnesty for the mentioned acts has a timeframe until 20 June 2013 and not beyond,” said to the newspaper Justice Minister, Hajredin Kuçi. “So, the amnesty does not include any act committed after 20 June.”

Thaçi-Dacic agreement crowned with four laws (Tribuna)

The Government of Kosovo believes that by the enactment of four laws it has fulfilled all legislative obligations deriving from the agreement of 19 April. Two of the laws have already been adopted by the Assembly, while the rest are expected to be voted in September, after the summer holidays.

Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said that the four pieces of legislation complete Pristina’s obligations to the agreement. “No other law is linked or implicated to the agreement as those that deal with judiciary and police don’t need to be changed at all and any solution will be found on their bases,” said Kuçi.

Budget review blocked for the next two months (Koha Ditore)

The money collected from imported goods registered in the north Mitrovica and dedicated for the northern municipalities will be blocked for at least the two coming months after a group of MPs, mainly from Vetëvendosje, took the case to the Constitutional Court.

MPs have requested the court to review the legality of the draft law for supplementing the law on budget for 2013 as they claim is conflicts the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and changes the fiscal and financial system in Kosovo.

Zbogar: Many things will be clarified by autumn (dailies)

EU Special Representative to Kosovo Samuel Zbogar said in an interview for Radio Kosova that citizens of Kosovo will learn in autumn about when they can travel without visas to European countries. “I think we are moving very well. We have prepared the report on what is required. Kosovo has adopted and prepared several amendments related to this issue,” said Zbogar adding that a team of experts will arrive to Kosovo in autumn to get first-hand information about the situation and then present a report where the visa liberalisation timeframe will be defined.

Speaking about EULEX’s mandate, Zbogar said Kosovo institutions should make it clear they are capable of doing their job on their own. “We would have to transfer these competencies to the locals and the process has started. The Government is asking this of us and it believes it can do this very quickly. The Government should convince us that Kosovo is ready for such a thing,” said Zbogar.

Government denies secret list (Kosova Sot)

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo expressed its concern yesterday over speculative statements about a list of persons that Kosovo authorities are planning to arrest. The government issued a press release saying that recent statements in the media about the secret list are unfounded speculation and part of an orchestrated propaganda aimed at impeding peaceful and democratic processes in Kosovo. “Such speculations are against the spirit of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and obstruct the implementation of the agreement for the normalization of relations reached in April this year. Such misinformation does not serve the interests of the peoples of Kosovo and Serbia. All potential criminal cases are reviewed individually, based on content by relevant judicial institutions that operate in compliance with Kosovo laws,” the press release added.

Ivanovic against the idea of a joint election list (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports that former Secretary in the Ministry of Serbia for Kosovo, Oliver Ivanovic, said that in local election of 3 November Serbs should compete under the lists of their political parties. He said that a possible joint list would make sense only in parliamentary elections because this would stop division of votes, otherwise in local elections every candidate should run under the lists of its parties or citizens’ lists. Earlier, representatives of Kosovo institutions have stated that the idea of Serbs running in elections under a single list is undemocratic.

Dialogue is the only alternative for stability (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports that Swiss Ambassador in Belgrade, Jean Daniel Ruch on the occasion of the Swiss National Day of Confederation said in an interview for news agency Presheva Jonë that the dialogue is the only alternative for stability in the region. “Dialogue between these two neighboring countries is the only alternative to peace and stability in the region and these two states are in a good path towards European integrations and the parties in the field have to implement the April agreement which ensures perspective to all citizens in the region,” said Ruch.