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UNMIK Headlines 2 November

Headlines - 02.11.2013

UN chief calms for free and fair elections in Kosovo (
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has followed the important preparations for the Kosovo municipal elections to be held on 3 November 2013. He welcomes the progress achieved and the determination of all parties to ensure inclusive elections, free of intimidation and violence.

He calls on all concerned to uphold the highest democratic standards and show full respect for the diversity of the population’s views. He firmly believes that free and fair elections this Sunday will constitute a milestone in the strengthening of peace and security in Kosovo. The Secretary-General strongly encourages the widest possible participation.

Jahjaga: We will strongly punish every attempt at vote abuse (
Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga met today with heads of institutions in charge of organizing municipal elections in Kosovo. Jahjaga told media after teh meeting that the vote of the people is untouchable and free. "Any attempt to abuse vote and any attempt to manipulate this right of the free citizens of the Republic of Kosovo will be met with strong punishment. Such abuse is intolerable and unacceptable, as they will obstruct our path in building a democratic state, free and equal with all other countries in Kosovo ... I call on all citizens regardless of their ethnic, religious or gender background to take part in elections and to vote for those they believe will best represent their interests in the service of constitutionality and lawfulness."

Blomeyer: We will not tolerate manipulation (
German Ambassador Peter Blomeyer called today for fair and transparent elections in Kosovo on Sunday. He said he is confident that there will be no irregularities in elections especially given the number of monitors. Blomeyer said special attention will be paid to the northern part of Kosovo as there is tremendous pressure on the population to vote.

"These elections are especially important as this is the first time they will be held throughout the territory of Kosovo and at a very important period, with the start of Stabilization/Associations talks with the European Union."

"I hope special attention will be paid to have more regular elections than the previous ones. There are many monitors in the country. Monitors from the European Union, the diplomatic corps and also local monitors. They are obliged to make sure there will be fair elections. I hope all participants will realize how important it is to respect the will of the voters and not to manipulate it. EU and its member states will in no way tolerate manipulation," Blomeyer said in an interview for Kosovapress.

OSCE mission chief condemns Pantic attack (
OSCE head in Kosovo, Jean Claude-Schlumberger, condemned last night's attack against Krstimir Pantic, a candidate for northern Mitrovica mayor. "I have always reacted against the use of force and attempts to undermine the rights of voters in northern Kosovo to freely exercise their right to vote. Last night's attack against Pantic is the latest in the series of such attempts and I strongly condemn it," Schlumberger said. "I call on law enforcement agencies to investigate the attack and to apprehend the perpetrators. I remain confident that security institutions in Kosovo will launch all necessary measures to ensure a peaceful and secure environment for tomorrow's elections."

The OSCE mission is facilitating elections in the four northern municipalities in line with the April 19 agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.