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UNMIK Headlines 20 August

  • AAK and PSD announce pre-election coalition (media)
  • LDK leader Mustafa meets PSD’s Ahmeti and NISMA’s Limaj (media)
  • Vetevendosje reacts to PSD-AAK coalition (Epoka)
  • Konjufca: LDK to have post of president and speaker, Vetevendosje the prime minister (RTK)
  • Mimoza Kusari-Lila signals coalition with Vetevendosje (RTV21/Kallxo)
  • Kosovo invited to Helsinki meeting, Dacic reacts (RTK, Tanjug)
  • North Macedonian minister visits Kosovo to discuss recent trade measures (Zeri)
  • FSK taking part in army drill in Germany (media)
  • Minister Lluka meets company tasked with preparing telecom’s privatisation (Koha)

Kosovo Media Highlights

AAK and PSD announce pre-election coalition (media)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) reached a pre-election coalition, leaders of the two parties announced yesterday. The joint ticket will be led by AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj.

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that pre-election coalition talks between political parties in Kosovo have intensified and with regards to the AAK-PSD coalition recalls statements PSD officials made against now coalition partner AAK calling it a party of “racketeering”. Zeri meanwhile writes that party’s “hunting” season has begun and that apart from AAK and PSD reaching agreement to run together in new elections, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa reached out to PSD’s Shpend Ahmeti and Fatmir Limaj from the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) to discuss cooperation.

PSD leader Shpend Ahmeti said at a joint press conference with AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj that they have overcome past differences. “I think a lot of time has passed since that statement, we have matured as political parties, we have continued the discussions. There are points on which we don’t agree but they are definitely not related to those statements,” Ahmeti said. “We will run in elections with a joint governing programme,” he added.

Haradinaj on his part said that they are now more prepared to assume the responsibilities following new elections and said he was open to “hearing” other parties. “We are not part of new PAN scenarios,” he said. Gazeta Express at the same time quotes Haradinaj as saying that he plans to meet leader of NISMA, Fatmir Limaj, today to discuss the possibility of expanding the coalition. Haradinaj also extended an invitation to Behgjet Pacolli’s New Kosovo Alliance (AKR).

While the coalition agreement has not been made public, Koha Ditore publishes the agreement which it says it transcribed from a picture taken at the AAK-PSD press event yesterday. In the document, the two parties express commitment to cooperate in consolidating Kosovo’s statehood and strengthen institutions.

“Determined to protect sovereignty, territory, integrity of institutions and strategic and economic resources of the country so that they are in the function of equality and welfare of the citizens of the Republic, we consider that at this crucial point and potential opportunity for Kosovo, the national and state interest should be placed above party interests and personal privileges,” one of the items reads.

Media outlets also report that the joint ticket will include 25 candidates from the PSD and will be led by Haradinaj, followed by Ahmeti.

LDK leader Mustafa meets PSD’s Ahmeti and NISMA’s Limaj (media)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa met separately yesterday the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Shpend Ahmeti and leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj.

Ahmeti said that the meeting was fruitful and focused on possible cooperation between the two parties. “We continued discussions and consultations we had on cooperation on the eve of elections and we focused on important topics for the PSD and LDK in terms of election and government programs. I can say it was a quite positive meeting and I think we are making way to a more profound cooperation between the PSD and LDK,” Ahmeti said. “We will discuss if there will be a pre-election coalition. The LDK is more interested in running alone in the elections … The primary issue is the spirit of cooperation and all topics are open, from dialogue, to the economy and the fight against corruption”.

Limaj meanwhile did not comment on whether his party would enter a possible pre-election coalition with Mustafa’s LDK but underlined that Kosovo “needs a government that gets work done.” “Kosovo needs a broad-based government. Very important topics await Kosovo. We spoke about the need to be cautious throughout the pre-election period… Kosovo needs a government that is more work and less talk,” Limaj said.

Mustafa said his meetings yesterday were focused on assessing the current situation in Kosovo and did not consider possible ‘party calculations’ for future elections. “We need to build a culture of communication as an expression of our democratic culture,” Mustafa wrote on Facebook.

Vetevendosje reacts to PSD-AAK coalition (Epoka)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje Movement Albulena Haxhiu said the coalition between the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) only confirms that the latter was continuously part of the government. “They supported PAN coalition every time their legs weakened. And now they made coalition with PAM Prime Minister official,” she said. She added that PSD has reveled itself by accepting public humiliation only to avoid eventual decision of not going for elections.

Konjufca: LDK to have post of president and speaker, Vetevendosje the prime minister (RTK)

Deputy leader of the Vetevendosje Movement Glauk Konjufca told T7 broadcaster that he and the other deputy leader Besnik Bislimi met with members of the leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo Kujtim Shala and Avdullah Hoti. He added that another final meeting is expected to happen soon. He said that Vetevendosje’s plan is to leave to the LDK the posts of the President and Assembly Speaker. “LDK to take the first and the second, Vetevendosje the third constitutional post that is the Prime Minister’s, for a simple reason that Vetvendosje has never governed,” Konjufca said adding that he is convinced that coalition with LDK will be reached.

“Take any of the main figures in LDK to compare with Albin Kurti, Kurti would come out to be the winner,” Konjufca said. He however stressed that they will not wait for LDK after 23 August.

Mimoza Kusari-Lila signals coalition with Vetevendosje (RTV21/Kallxo)

Leader of Alternativa and MP Mimoza Kusari-Lila said in an interview with RTV21 that they are in negotiations with several political parties about a possible pre-election coalition and that to this end, they are preparing a draft agreement with Vetevendosje which she said will be finalised before the session of the Assembly on 22 August. Kusari-Lila said the new government of Kosovo should be formed by the current opposition parties.

Kosovo invited to Helsinki meeting, Dacic reacts (RTK, Tanjug)

The six Western Balkans partners, including Kosovo are invited to participate at an informal meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers in Helsinki by the end of August, to discuss regional cooperation.

“Partners from Western Balkans are invited at an informal meeting of the foreign ministers in Helsinki at the end of the month for an important discussion on how to move forward on regional cooperation,” An EU spokesperson told Tanjug.

However. Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic described Mogherini’s move as a ‘precedent.’ “Of course, at the end of her mandate, she wants to show that she did something for Kosovo, but this is not fair to Serbia,” Dacic said.

North Macedonian minister visits Kosovo to discuss recent trade measures (Zeri)

North Macedonian Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, is expected to visit Kosovo today to discuss with Minister of Trade and Industry Endrit Shala the recent measures on products from North Macedonia. Officials in North Macedonia have objected to the measure saying their products meet all necessary international standards.

On Friday, Kosovo’s Ministry of Trade and Industry introduced reciprocity measures against North Macedonia banning the import of honey and potatoes. Minister Endrit Shala said he had earlier written a letter to his North Macedonian counterpart “asking him to reflect and allow the import of fishery products from Kosovo to North Macedonia. Authorities in Skopje however did not reflect, and we were forced to introduce reciprocity measures”.

FSK taking part in army drill in Germany (media)

A contingent from the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) consisting of twelve members is taking part in military drill at the U.S. Army base in Germany, media report quoting a press statement issued by KSF. According to the statement, KSF is supporting the U.S. troops in the multinational field operation titled Combined Resolve XII.

Minister Lluka meets company tasked with preparing telecom’s privatisation (Koha)

Outgoing Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka met representatives from the German company “Detecon” selected by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, on request of the government of Kosovo, to prepare Kosovo Telekom for privatization.

“A team from Detecon stayed in Kosovo and met main stakeholders of this important enterprise for the country’s economy. The Government of Kosovo is interested in privatizing the decision-making part of the telecom, namely 51% of it, by remaining a shareholder for the other part and thus improve the quality of operations, reduce losses and increase efficiency,” Lluka said.