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UNMIK Headlines 21 November

Headlines - 21.11.2015

MPs Osmani and Deda propose solution to political crisis in Kosovo (dailies)

Members of the Kosovo Assembly, Vjosa Osmani from the ruling Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Ilir Deda from the opposition Vetevendosje, presented yesterday a five-point plan to resolve the current political crisis in Kosovo. The plan foresees the Assembly setting up a commission led by the opposition to look into the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The Assembly would further elect two new members to the Constitutional Court thus making it fully functional and able to judge on the legality of the agreement for establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. In case the Constitutional Court fails to resolve dilemmas regarding the Association/Community, the Assembly would then address the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission for additional clarifications. The two final points of the proposal suggest the plan be signed by political leaders in the presence of President Atifete Jahjaga and also put to vote at the Assembly of Kosovo, no later than seven days after being signed by all leaders. There has been yet no official statement from the parties on the plan. Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group Adem Grabovci said he couldn’t comment on the proposal as he did not see it yet while Arben Gashi from LDK said that the proposal is something that could be taken into consideration but that this depends largely on the will of political leaders. At the same time, Frasher Krasniqi from Vetevendosje said they could come up with an official position during the weekend and similarly, Ahmet Isufi from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said the party has no concrete stance on the proposal yet. As for the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Koha Ditore quotes sources as saying the party has signaled its acceptance of the proposal. Officially, NISMA has neither confirmed nor denied this information.

Veseli: Violence to be renounced and to give way to dialogue (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli called on the opposition parties to return to the discussions in the Assembly on the border demarcation with Montenegro and other issues that are of concern. He urged all political parties to demonstrate maturity and overcome this political situation. He said violence against the police and Kosovo institutions should be renounced and to give way to dialogue.

30 days of detention for 17 protesters (dailies)

The Basic Court in Pristina has issued a 30-day detention period for 17 opposition supporters arrested during the violent protests in Pristina this week. The protesters are accused of attack on officials and participation in hooligan crowds.