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UNMIK Headlines 22 December

Jakup Krasniqi suspected for war crimes as well (Zëri)

Current Assembly Speaker and former KLA Spokesperson, Jakup Krasniqi, joined on Friday the group of the suspects for war crimes against civilian population. He was questioned by EULEX investigators as a suspect for war crimes in Drenica, in 1999. Krasniqi was participating at a regular assembly session, when called by EULEX investigators. He went to EULEX by official vehicle, and accompanied by lawyer Mexhit Syla, where he was questioned for about two hours at the EULEX offices in Pristina. Media claim that Krasniqi could be included in the charges already raised for former KLA General Commander, Sylejman Selimi and his comrades in arms. According to Krasniqi, this is an intention to relativise Serbian crimes in Kosovo, especially now when we see each day protagonists who committed these crimes speaking publicly.


Kurti: Thaci is selling out his friends, one by one (Kosova Sot)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti, in an interview for Kosovapress, said Prime Minister Hashim Thaci was selling out his friends, one by one. “He’s selling out those friends who either oppose him rightfully or who have become useless to him,” he said.

Kurti also said bargaining with Serbia in Brussels is removing the blame from Serbia and is incriminating Kosovo. Part of this policy, he argued, is persecutions in Kosovo against former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.


Zogiani: Corruption and politics – Siamese twins (Koha Ditore)

Avni Zogiani from the anti corruption NGO “Çohu” said in an interview for the paper that politics, crime, and corruption have become a type of symbiosis in Kosovo and this makes it impossible for having a functional judiciary and parliament. He also said that the interest of European Union to conclude negotiations process between Kosovo and Serbia has limited the EU rule of law mission, EULEX, to go after the big fish in Kosovo.

“Basic problem for creation of an anti corruption momentum is the politics. No sector can function if the politics doesn’t change. Unfortunately, the way the politics has operated today has led to it joining corruption back-to-back as if they were Siamese twins”, said Zogiani.

He also spoke of having been subject of international pressure for his work on denouncing high-level corruption. Zogiani said on a number of occasions, officials from certain embassies in Kosovo have told him that the actions of his organization are not in line with their interests in Kosovo.