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UNMIK Headlines 22 June

Headlines - 21.06.2017 Headlines - 22.06.2017

  • Kosovo to hold local elections on October 22 (media)
  • Veseli: We’ll implement coalition’s program with international friends (RTK)
  • Haziri: LDK and Vetevendosje have a lot in common (Bota Sot)
  • “Haradinaj’s first priority will be demarcation” (Lajmi)
  • Limaj: Haradinaj to establish government in a short period of time (Epoka)
  • Pacolli: Do not destroy elections by delaying counting of votes (Epoka)
  • Analysts recommend creation of technical government (Zeri)
  • KFOR: Situation in Kosovo fragile, threat from Russian infiltration (media)
  • Germany plans to create infrastructure fund for Western Balkans (Koha)

Kosovo to hold local elections on October 22 (media)

All media report that President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, announced on Wednesday that local elections will be held on October 22. President Thaci took the decision following consultations with political parties and instructed the Central Election Commission to undertake all necessary actions to organise the electoral process.

Veseli: We will implement coalition’s program with international friends (RTK)

Kadri Veseli, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has called on the international community – the U.S. and EU – to help implement the program of the PAN coalition, RTK reports. Veseli posted on his Facebook account: “the citizens of Kosovo have voted for a new beginning. There is a lot of work ahead of us, many tasks and challenges, but I am confident that with the help of our friends – the United States of America and the European Union – and with the good will of the citizens of Kosovo, we will implement the election program of our national coalition”.

Haziri: LDK and Vetevendosje have a lot in common (Bota Sot)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lutfi Haziri, said that the commitment for changes in Kosovo, political legitimacy and other issues are something they have in common with Vetevendosje. Haziri said that those who manage to secure the majority of votes at the Kosovo Assembly should be the ones to form the government. Haziri’s comments come after Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri invited the party to join discussions for forming a new government.

“Haradinaj’s first priority will be demarcation” (Lajmi)

Muharrem Nitaj, senior member of the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told RTV21 on Wednesday that the first priority of a Haradinaj government will be the border demarcation with Montenegro. Nitaj said the new government would establish contacts with the government of Montenegro and look into the possibility of renegotiating the agreement and repeating the whole process.

Limaj: Haradinaj to establish government in a short period of time (Epoka)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told the paper that he is convinced that the PAN coalition will create a new government in a very short period of time. He said that the PAN coalition is the winner of the 11 June elections and added that their candidate for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj will start discussions with all political groups in order to create a parliamentary majority in the Kosovo Assembly. Limaj added that Kosovo needs a stable government with a different dynamic from the past. He also added that the party he leads, has increased forty percent, thus providing a great contribution to the PAN coalition.

Pacolli: Do not destroy elections by delaying counting of votes (Epoka)

The leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Behxhet Pacolli, has requested from the Central Election Commission (CEC) not to destroy elections by delaying counting of votes. “A great number of votes, almost as much as a big mid-town in Kosovo have proclaimed invalid. This is all shameful and unfair,” Pacolli wrote on his Facebook profile. Does this mean that Kosovo does not possess informative or human resources to count 700 thousand votes? This is all an assassination of democracy. Each delay on counting makes each vote have a very expensive price,” Pacolli wrote.

Analysts recommend creation of technical government (Zeri)

Political analysts the paper spoke to have recommended creation of a technical government which would avoid an institutional crisis and address major issues like establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Analysts warn that if this does not happen, Kosovo risks heading to fresh elections soon. However, representatives of the two largest political blocs, Vetevendosje and PAN coalition, say there is no need for a technical government each underlining that they will be the ones to form the new government.

KFOR: Situation in Kosovo fragile, threat from Russian infiltration (media)

Giovanni Fungo, commander of KFOR peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, said on Wednesday in Brussels that Kosovo is faced with several security challenges and that the overall security situation can become fragile and unstable throughout the region, Koha Ditore reports. During a debate at the European Parliament on security in the Western Balkans, Fungo said “there is a powerful Russian influence in the region, although there are no facts about Moscow’s direct interference”. Fungo also said that “political and interethnic tensions impact everyone in the region” and “there have been tensions between ethnic groups in Kosovo especially in the last couple of months”. Pristina-based news website Telegrafi covers Fungo’s address under the headline EU, NATO and KFOR together to ensure peace and stability in Kosovo and the Balkans.

Germany plans to create infrastructure fund for Western Balkans (Koha)

Germany plans to allocate an additional fund for infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans where member states of the European Union would contribute, the paper reports on page three. A special focus would be paid to strengthening ties between Kosovo, Serbia and Albania. A spokesman for the German Embassy in Pristina told the paper that German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, has reiterated the need for greater political attention and support for the Western Balkans with the aim of strengthening the EU enlargement process. “He has presented several ideas for supporting economic development in the region, which is also aimed at strengthening regional cooperation … For the time being, these ideas are being discussed with partners in the European Union and with countries in the region,” the spokesman said.

Kosovo mine victims seek compensation from Serbia (Zeri)

The Association of Kosovo Civilian Mine Victims called on the Serbian government to compensate them for the losses incurred during and after the conflict in Kosovo. The victims have addressed a letter to Kosovo’s President and asked him to relay it to the Serbian side in one of the upcoming rounds of the EU-facilitated dialogue. The Association said 117 persons died and 450 suffered injuries from mines in Kosovo.

Thaci awards medal to former U.S. ambassador to UN, Khalilzad (Zeri)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, presented the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, with the “Order of Independence” medal for his contribution towards independence of Kosovo. “Ambassador Khalilzad turned Kosovo into a central issue during the U.S. presidency of the Security Council”, Thaci said.