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UNMIK Headlines 23 February

Headlines - 23.02.2016

Coalition partners start to collect signatures for Thaci (Zeri)

The paper reports on its front page that the ruling coalition partners have begun collecting MP signatures to call an extraordinary session where they would vote for the President of Kosovo. The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Enver Hoxhaj told the paper that a few days ago a number of MPs signed an initiative to call the extraordinary session. “When the signatures will be submitted is up to the chiefs of parliamentary groups in coordination with the President and the Presidency of the Assembly,” Hoxhaj said. According to the Kosovo Constitution, upon request of 40 MPs, the Assembly Presidency can call an extraordinary session.

PDK prepares guideline for MPs for Thaci’s election as President (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that legal experts of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) have prepared an 11-page document that will serve as guidelines for the Assembly session when MPs will vote for Hashim Thaci’s candidacy as President of Kosovo. According to the paper, a copy of the document has already been sent to Assembly President Kadri Veseli. In a separate box within the same article, the paper reports that MPs of the ruling coalition have been told not to travel abroad this week.

Pantina: We'll block the Assembly session on Wednesday (Telegrafi/Tribuna)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, has sent a decision informing several opposition MPs that they have been suspended for one Assembly session. Vetevendosje MP Shqipe Pantina told Tribuna Channel that the decision does not provide reasons that justify the suspension. “There are no concrete reasons, apart from the fact that we have obstructed the Assembly session. We will certainly try to block the Assembly session on Wednesday too, but we have yet to discuss ways in which we plan to do this,” she said. Pantina also said the opposition is determined to prevent PDK leader Hashim Thaci from being elected President of Kosovo, “because he is the worst person to lead the country given his political past”.

Mustafa meets US Assistant Deputy Secretary, Hoyt Yee (Zeri)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met with the United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Hoyt Yee, yesterday in London. Mustafa informed Yee about progress in Kosovo, stressing the commitment of the government of Kosovo for economic development, strengthening the rule of law, democratic institutions and the promotion of Euro-Atlantic integration processes. Mustafa also spoke about the latest developments in Kosovo, saying the government is committed to institutional dialogue with the aim of solving all concerns of the citizens. "We, the government, but also the citizens of Kosovo are aware of the support of the United States to Kosovo and we are very grateful for this support given to us,” Mustafa was quoted saying.

Haradinaj seeks establishment of a national investigation bureau (Kosova Sot)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said that the fields that require institutional reform in order to complete the national security system in Kosovo are the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into Kosovo army and the establishment of a national investigation bureau. According to Haradinaj, the investigation bureau would operate within the general prosecutor’s office and would be responsible for fighting terrorism, as well as high-level organised crime and corruption.

Court issues arrest warrant for Vetevendosje leader Ymeri? (dailies)

The papers report that the Basic Court in Pristina has issued a warrant for the arrest of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri for a case dating back to 2012. Ymeri, along three other men, including Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi, are accused for physically assaulting the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Bekim Haxhiu during an Assembly session break. The warrant was issued after the accused repeatedly failed to appear before the court to hear the charges against them. However, in a statement to the media the Basic Court in Pristina said there could be “some technical error” in the arrest warrant issued for Ymeri. The Court said there can be no warrant issued for persons who have not been previously held in detention. A relevant judge is expected to review the arrest warrant for Ymeri today and decide further course of action in line with the legal provisions, further stated the Basic Court.