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UNMIK Headlines 23 January

Headlines - 23.01.2013

We will defeat them (Express)

In an interview for the paper, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi stated that it is a major disappointment and shame that the political leaders and citizens of Preshevo did not make a single effort to defend the UCPMB memorial stone. “I have instructed them how to act. With these actions, Serbia is demonstrating its will for exchange of territories. Ivica Dacic has even mentioned this in Brussels. But we have our strategies with which we are going to defeat them,” Said Thaçi for Express.

Lunacek: I will not make compromises on Kosovo’s statehood (Koha Ditore)

European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek said that she feels hopeful her draft resolution calling on five EU member states to recognize Kosovo will be adopted. It is this provision that has caused many MEPs, mainly Greek, Romanian and Spanish, to appeal for its amendment. Some of proposed amendments include not treating Kosovo as a state and its name accompanied by a footnote saying it is under UNMIK administration.

However, Lunacek said she is ready for compromise on a range of provisions of the draft resolution but not on those that undermine Kosovo’s statehood. “It is unacceptable that on the fifth anniversary of Kosovo there are still those that deny Kosovo’s statehood,” said Lunacek.

Kosovo Government and EU deplore vandalizing acts (dailies)

Senior officials from the Kosovo Government and the EU Office in Pristina visited Prizren and expressed their outrage at the vandalizing of Serb cemetery in the city. They called on the citizens to show maturity and make sure similar incidents don’t happen anymore. EU Special Representative Samuel Zbogar said it is final time to say stop to such acts. “The events of the recent couple of days cannot be justified,” said Zbogar. “Frustrations can be understood, discontent can be understood regarding decisions of the Government of Serbia but revenge on the dead cannot be justified,” he added.

Zbogar was accompanied in Prizren by Deputy Prime Minister Slobodan Petrovic and European Integrations Minister Vlora Çitaku.

Desecration of cemeteries condemned, appeal for calmness (Koha Ditore)

Desecration of Serb graves and breaking of some monuments in different municipalities has been considered as unacceptable by the representatives of the embassies of France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and the United States. They have condemned the attacks on the cemeteries and Serb monuments in Kosovo. According to a press release issued by these embassies in Kosovo, such acts are unacceptable and perpetrators should be brought to justice. “We appeal to all Kosovo citizens to show restraint and express our full support to the preventive measures undertaken by the authorities of Kosovo,” says the statement.

UN appeals for calm in Preshevo Valley (dailies)

United Nations have made a call for calm in the Preshevo Valley following the removal of the UCPMB memorial by the Serb gendarmerie. “United Nations are following the development of the situation in the Valley and call for calm,” said spokesperson of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Martin Nesirky. “UN has continually stressed the need for international and regional reconciliation in the Western Balkans,” RFE quoted Nesirky.

Vetëvendosje to stage protest in solidarity with Preshevo Valley (dailies)

Leaders of the Vet­ëvendosje Movement have announced staging of a protest on 26 January in support of Albanians in the Preshevo Valley. “While we have said that the anger of the people of Kosovo is understandable and we see it, revenge is not reciprocity,” said Vetëvendosje deputy leader Shpend Ahmeti. He said the anger of the people should be translated into pressure for the Government to implement political and legal reciprocity against Serbia.

Ahmeti said the protest will send out a powerful message to the Government of Kosovo over steps it needs to urgently take but also to the international community and Serbia over the fact that Albanians are united and are not alone.

Kosovo begins preparations for CoE membership (Zëri)

Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi said Kosovo will begin preparations to apply for membership in the Council of Europe following the recent resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly. Selimi said the resolution is a result of the great deal of work done by Kosovo and its allies despite the huge influence of Russia in CoE.

Mustafa and Kurti agree to coordinate actions (Koha Ditore)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met yesterday head of Vetëvendosje Movement Albin Kurti and the two are reported to have agreed to increase coordination of their future actions.