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UNMIK Headlines 23 September

Headlines - 23.09.2014

Opposition bloc requests continuation of assembly session (Lajm)

Leaders of the opposition bloc, consisting of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and the Vetevendosje Movement met on Monday to discuss possible scenarios for the continuation of the Assembly session and the election of the Assembly President. AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said the coalition is concerned by the way the 18 September session was interrupted and about the fact that a new session has not been scheduled yet. “We are concerned by the fact that we were not able to hold discussions at the session. I believe the best way to find a solution for the Assembly President is to discuss this in the Assembly,” Haradinaj said. He also ruled out the possibility of coalition MPs to vote in favor of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) candidate for Assembly President.

Mustafa: Constitutional Court should review its decision (Koha)

The paper carries on the front page an interview with Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), highlighting his statement that the Constitutional Court of Kosovo needs to review its decision on the appointment of the Assembly President. “A solution must be found in the highest institutions. We have talked to the President and told her that a constitutional solution is needed to enable the Assembly to function; a constitutional solution that would enable the majority in the Assembly to elect the Assembly President,” Mustafa said.

Cliff: There are no names, no envelopes (Tribuna)

British ambassador, Ian Cliff, said that even if there was an envelope, famously reported to have been the way President Atifete Jahjaga was elected to her post, they would not know what name to put in it. He said the forming of new institution is something that needs to be done by political parties who have won seat in the Assembly. “No one has an absolute majority and they should therefore find a way to move forward”, Cliff said in an interview for news website, Indeksonline. “We do not decide who will be prime minister or assembly speaker but we want to see a new credible government of Kosovo in place”, Cliff stressed.

Ymeri: The agreement clarifies Vetevendosje’s role in dialogue (Koha)

The Vetevendosje Movement insists on respecting the agreement it signed with other opposition parties on 22 September which provides for Vetevendosje’s leading role in dialogue with Serbia. Vetevendosje’s statement comes after recent opposition from the Serbian Government and a statement by Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa who said that if dialogue is held at the level of prime ministers, then the Prime Minister of Kosovo would lead the process. Visar Ymeri, member of the chairmanship of the Vetevendosje Movement, told the paper: “I must explain that the 10 September agreement opens a new horizon as far as governance and Kosovo’s foreign policy are concerned. Point 5 of the agreement talks about what will be done in reviving the economy, policy-making and consequently foreign policy”.

Jahjaga to report on terrorism during US visit (Zeri)

On the front page, the paper reports that during her visit to the US, Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga is expected to present detailed information on Kosovo’s efforts to fight religious extremism and terrorism. Jahjaga will meet senior State Department officials, including US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and the State Department's Coordinator for Counterterrorism Tina Kaidanow. “Representatives from other Balkan countries will also be present in the meeting where the main topic of discussion will be threat from terrorism”, the paper quotes official sources as saying.

Vetevendosje leader Kurti invited to police station (Lajm)

Kosovo Police arrested yesterday a Vetevendosje activist and sent invitations to other members of the Vetevendosje, including Albin Kurti, to appear at the police station in Pristina. Vetevendosje issued a press release saying they are concerned by the fact that Kosovo Police has lately increased controls and searches for Vetevendosje activists. Vetevendosje qualified the police actions as hunting. “The Vetevendosje Movement calls on police and the judiciary to stop searching and arresting its activists. Police and judiciary should not become tools of an extremely corrupt government that chooses no means to remain in power,” the Vetevendosje statement noted.

Police suspends activity of “humanitarian organizations” (Koha)

Kosovo Police suspended on Monday the activity of several “humanitarian organizations” that have cooperated with the Islamic Community of Kosovo (BIK) in the postwar period. Sources told the paper that police suspended the activities of organizations “AlwaqfAl Islami”, KAD, AKEA, IKSB and “The Tree of Charity”, which are believed to have cooperated with terrorist organizations.