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UNMIK Headlines 24 August

Headlines - 24.08.2015

Thaci announces agreement on Association/Community (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, told Voice of America that several agreements could be achieved in the new round of talks between Pristina and Belgrade but in particular the one related to the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. Thaci also said that this Association/Community will not have executive competencies. "This Association/Community will be in accordance with laws and Constitution of Kosovo," Thaci said.

Tahiri: There will be no civil servants in Association/Community (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, told the paper that there will be no civil servants in the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities because, according to her, this mechanism is not a state institution. She expressed optimism that during these days the agreement will be reached on the establishment of the Association/Community in full compliance with the laws and Constitution of Kosovo.  Tahiri also said that Kosovo is determined to implement the agreements reached with Serbia, but according to her, if Serbia violates the agreements, Kosovo will act the same. She announced that Kosovo delegation has asked for another meeting in Brussels to discuss the agreement on free movement. In regards to the Pristina- Belgrade dialogue, Tahiri said that the dialogue will continue until Kosovo’s full membership in the EU.  

Djuric: Association/Community to have executive competencies (Zeri)

The director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian Government, Marko Djuric, told FoNet news agency that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities will have executive competencies, and suggested that this is written on the document prepared by Pristina and Belgrade. "The process of the establishment of the Association/Community is irreversible and is not directed against anyone in Kosovo," Djuric said. He said that the Serbian side is heading to the Brussels meeting with the sincere desire to normalize relations. "The main topic and our goal is the establishment of the Association/Community and the finalization of the Brussels Agreement," Djuric said. 

Molliqaj: Citizens can stop the Association/Community (Zeri)

The Secretary of the Vetevendosje Movement, Dardan Molliqaj, in an interview with the paper said that if the people of Kosovo would be organized in the same way as in the case of the dismissal of former Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic, they would be able to stop the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. He said that Vetevendosje will do utmost and will spare nothing to prevent the establishment of this Association/Community. "Vetevendosje will soon begin to organize mobilizing meetings everywhere in Kosovo, including different actions and protests, in order to prevent the establishment of the Association/Community," Molliqaj said. He added that Vetevendosje is not against Kosovo Serbs. "We are seeking real integration, not division on ethnic grounds," he said.

Obama invites Mustafa in the leaders’ summit (dailies)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, has been invited by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, to participate in the leaders’ summit which will be held on 29 September in New York. The summit will take place at the United Nations headquarters, during which it will be discussed on the achievements in combating ISIS and violent extremism.  The invitation was sent to Mustafa several days ago by the US Embassy in Pristina. However, the invitation caused confusion as to who will be part of the Kosovo delegation and who will prepare the final list. In this respect came the statement from the Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga who said that she will represent Kosovo at the summit. Jahjaga said that it is her constitutional duty to lead Kosovo’s foreign policy.

Thaci seeks people’s support for Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, called on the people of Kosovo to contribute towards UNESCO membership. “Send letters, peaceful, positive, focusing on our needs in education, science and culture. Become Kosovo ambassadors”, urged Thaci through a Facebook post.

Haradinaj to visit Kosovo-Montenegro border strip (Indeksonline)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj has announced he will visit Peja/Pec municipality today as well as several villages near the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro. He will speak to the local residents in the areas about current developments. Haradinaj is a strong opponent of the proposed demarcation agreement with Montenegro as he believes it strips Kosovo of thousands of hectares of land.

Kosovo serious crimes prosecutor arrested (dailies)

Vahide Badivuku, serious crimes prosecutor at the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica, has been arrested yesterday on suspicion of abuse of office and organized crime. The arrest was made following investigations carried out by a local prosecutor of the Kosovo Special Prosecution Office (SPRK).  Badivuku is suspected to have received a bribe to release several confiscated vehicles in a case she was investigating.  According to the SPRK, Badivuku requested 22,000 Euros to release the vehicles.  She was arrested at the Merdare border crossing point, while 5,000 Euros were found in her purse.