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UNMIK Headlines 24 July

  • Haradinaj travels to The Hague, says Kosovo is stronger than ever (media)
  • Vetevendosje: We prefer coalition with LDK (Zeri)
  • Haradinaj’s advisor hopes Specialist Chambers are not politically influenced (KP)
  • President’s consultations, a chance for endless abuse (Koha)
  • Haliti: Haradinaj’s resignation was not necessary (Epoka e Re)
  • Hahn to discuss dialogue with Pristina in Belgrade (Zeri)
  • Thaci: EULEX is a successful mission, Kosovo to continue cooperation (RTK)
  • Meta: I do not interfere in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Insajderi)
  • Vetevendosje MP claims Veseli and Thaci interviewed by special court (media)
  • Police launch country-wide operation to confiscate illegal arms (Indeksonline)
  • U.S. Ambassador seeks justice for 14 killed Kosovo Serbs in 1999 (RFE/Kallxo)
  • Kosovo leaders congratulate Boris Johnson on election (media)

Haradinaj travels to The Hague, says Kosovo is stronger than ever (media)

Before departing for the Netherlands yesterday where he will be interviewed by the Specialist Chambers, the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said freedom fighters have always been on the right side of history.

“Kosovo has moved forwards in Euro-Atlantic journey and is stronger than ever, aligned with peace and permanent friendship with the U.S. Kosovo is ready to dialogue with Serbia until a final, legally binding agreement is reached that includes mutual recognition on existing borders. However, we will give our market only for recognition,” he wrote on Facebook. He concluded: “I have defended our right with honour, yesterday, today and will do so forever!”

Media also report that former Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi also travelled to The Hague yesterday to give interview.

Vetevendosje: We prefer coalition with LDK (Zeri)

Vetevendosje’s deputy leader, Besnik Bislimi, and head of parliamentary group, Glauk Konjufca, expressed concern at a press conference over the decisions the government of Kosovo is taking despite the resignation of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. On Monday, outgoing PM Haradinaj appointed two deputy ministers, a move which Vetevendosje said was unacceptable. “This government has no longer the mandate to implement its governing programme. This government cannot be promoted or represent Kosovo. It cannot initiate any institutional reform,” Bislimi said.

Konjufca on his part called on the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, do announce new elections without delay. He said Vetevendosje would be interested in joining a coalition government with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) saying that the people of Kosovo want a change.

Haradinaj’s advisor hopes Specialist Chambers are not politically influenced (KP)

Erolld Belegu, advisor to the resigned Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj, told Kosovapress that the Specialist Chambers should not be subject of political influence.  “We want to believe this court is independent and not politically influenced,” Belegu said. He said he hoped Haradinaj will be back to Kosovo on Thursday.

President’s consultations, a chance for endless abuse (Koha)

Citing Enver Hasani, former President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, the paper reports on its front page the constitutional vacuum surrounding the timeline during which the President must hold consultations with the political parties and the ruling coalition about a new candidate [for Prime Minister], allows chances for endless abuse. Hasani also said that the current situation is even more difficult than the certification of election results. “When the Prime Minister resigns, the whole government falls and there is no longer a national government. For the time being, Kosovo does not have an outgoing government. This means that the head of state must immediately start consultations with parliamentary parties to form a new government, if the parties represented in the Assembly are willing to do this,” Hasani added.

Haliti: Haradinaj’s resignation was not necessary (Epoka e Re)

Xhavit Haliti, Vice President of the Kosovo Assembly and senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) told the paper that there was no need for Ramush Haradinaj to resign from the post of the Prime Minister due to an invitation by the Special Court. “As I heard, he did not receive an invitation to be arrested, because there was no indictment. Therefore, I consider that there was no need for him to resign,” Haliti said. “Secondly, he did not go to a foreign court, but to a Kosovo court. I think that he is making a guff when he says that he is going to a foreign court and that he does not want to send the Prime Minister of Kosovo to a foreign court. It is a Kosovo court, so a Court of the Specialised Chambers, and it acts and functions based on Kosovo laws and Constitution,” Haliti said. He further expressed his conviction that PDK will win early elections and added that no matter if PDK decides for a pre-election coalition or not, Kadri Veseli will be their candidate for Prime Minister.

Hahn to discuss dialogue with Pristina in Belgrade (Zeri)

The EU’s Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, is expected to visit Belgrade and meet President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Zeri reports quoting Tanjug. The visit is set to take place tomorrow and apart from Serbia’s reforms, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will also be one of the issues to be discussed in Hahn’s meetings.

Thaci: EULEX is a successful mission, Kosovo to continue cooperation (RTK)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, received on Tuesday the Acting EULEX Chief, Bernd Tran, with whom he discussed the continuation of the cooperation between the institutions of Kosovo and EULEX. Thaci stated that EULEX remains important to Kosovo and has brought good experiences to the institutions of Kosovo. “We have good cooperation with EULEX. Institutions of Kosovo have gained from EULEX experiences,” said President Thaci. Bernd Thran said that EULEX will continue its cooperation with the institutions of Kosovo in conformity with its mandate. Thaci concluded by saying that EULEX is a successful mission and that Kosovo will continue its cooperation with them.

Meta: I do not interfere in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Insajderi)

Albanian President Ilir Meta said on Tuesday that he does not interfere in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, neither as the President of Albania nor as an Albanian state.

“Whoever wants to interfere in a clandestine manner… My only friendly advice was and will remain is that they should coordinate among themselves, including leaders of the opposition of Kosovo. Secondly, they should coordinate with our international partners, especially with the three main ones, but also with the others, they all gave their contribution for Kosovo to be what it is today,” Meta said.

“The moment Albania interferes, it means that it does not recognize independence of Kosovo and sovereignty of its institutions, its choices to decide for its future in the best possible way,” Meta concluded.

Vetevendosje MP claims Veseli and Thaci interviewed by special court (media)

Vetevendosje MP Xhelal Svecla said in an interview to KTV on Tuesday that Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli and President Hashim Thaci were interviewed by the specialist chambers. Svecla said Ramush Haradinaj did not have to resign his post as Prime Minister before being interviewed in The Hague. “These are public secrets. Kadri Veseli [was interviewed] in Frankfurt. Hashim Thaci was interviewed in two different cases. I don’t know the locations,” Svecla was quoted as saying.

Police launch country-wide operation to confiscate illegal arms (Indeksonline)

Citing unnamed sources, the news website reports that Kosovo Police late last night launched a country-wide operation to confiscate illegal arms. According to sources, police have raided over 40 locations in different parts of Kosovo.

U.S. Ambassador seeks justice for 14 killed Kosovo Serbs in 1999 (RFE/Kallxo)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett has called for justice for all victims on the anniversary of the killing of 14 Serb farmers in a village of Lipjan municipality. “Today marks 20 years since the killing of 14 Kosovo-Serb farm workers in Staro Gracko/Gracka e Vjeter village. Victims of all ethnicities, and their grieving families deserve justice,” Kosnett wrote on Twitter.

Kosovo leaders congratulate Boris Johnson on election (media)

Kosovo political leaders have congratulated Boris Johnson on being elected new leader of the Conservative Party and next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci wrote on Facebook: “On behalf of Kosovo I congratulate my friend Johnson, the British people and I look forward to cooperation between our two countries. United Kingdom is a strategic partner and our friendship is permanent.”

Outgoing Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj congratulated Johnson via Twitter. “The longstanding bilateral relationship Kosovo has with the United Kingdom will continue to flourish and strengthen, as Kosovo moves closer to Euro-Atlantic structures,” he wrote.

Assembly Speaker and Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli also congratulated Johnson saying his election will further improve relations between Kosovo and the UK.

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa joined in the congratulations. In a telegram to Johnson, Mustafa said United Kingdom has always supported Kosovo’s state-building efforts and its freedom and independence. He said Kosovo and LDK in particular look forward to continuing and deepening cooperation with UK.