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UNMIK Headlines 24 May

Brand: Thaci’s Government refuses to act against crime and corruption (Koha Ditore)

Member of German Parliament, Michael Brand, from CDU (Angela Merkel’s party,) stated that for those in Kosovo who support corruption and crime, doors towards Europe remain closed. He mentioned NATO documents published in Koha Ditore, which accuse harshly Hashim Thaci and his circle for illegal activities. “Wehave to and we will defend ourselves from the others , from political cancer of corruption and criminality,” said Brand, who visited Kosovo last week together with the Minister of Defense, Ursula von der Leyen.

On Thursday, Members of German Bundestag, discussed also extension of the mandate of German troops in Kosovo for another year. Except for “Die Linke” (leftist party) which considers KFOR “an occupying army,) majority of the parliamentary groups supported further stationing of German soldiers in Kosovo.

CEC returns state emblem on ballot papers (Koha Ditore)

General elections’ ballots to be held on 8 June will look different from those of the last local elections held on 3 November of the last year. This document will carry the emblem of the Republic of Kosovo, which was removed with the request of  Serbs from the four northern municipalities. This time, members of the Central Election Commission were determined for the ballots not to look as the last ones. They have also informed international mechanisms  that this time they will not accept to remove the emblem “We have informed everyone that if the issue of removing the emblem opens again, then we will react even by resigning from CEC,” said one of the CEC members.

 Jahjaga requests defense of vote (Zeri)

The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, called on order bodies and international authorities to become guardians of the free vote during the 8 June elections. She said that these elections should convey the message that Kosovo can organize democratic elections. “Kosovo does not have much time to loose, because the process of Euro-Atlantic integrationas depends on us, our  will, work and engagement to prove that we are ready and brave to undertake the most significant steps for our state and society,” said Jahjaga during the meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council.

 Kuci reiterates that he would not be part of the next government (dailies)

The current Deputy Prime Minister and deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Hajredin Kuci, has reiterated that if his party wins the elections, he will not be par of the governing cabinet. He said that he will continue his political activity, but with new engagements. He added that his previous statement was misunderstood, and that he did not say that he is going to withdraw from politics. He said that he will continue to be deputy leader of his party and deputy of Kosovo Assembly, if he manages to gain the trust of the citizens in 8 June elections.

“I will be in Democratic Party, there should not be a misunderstanding, I said that I will not be in the Government. I am not angry, but there are other places where I can be,” said Kuci.

Thaci on Drenica Group (dailies)

The outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, did not prefer to speak concretely about the recent case of the escape of Sami Lushtaku from Kosovo’s Clinical University Center. In an appearance for the media, Thaci said that he and PDK do not want to mix justice with politics. “I only wanted to say, that we should not mix justice with politics. This is my pledge, everyone is equal in front of the law and no one is above the law. My primary pledge, my intention and determination for good governing is law, law and only law,” he said.