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UNMIK Headlines 28 November

Selimi: No reconciliation with Serbia without apology (Koha

Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, in a statement for Serb media said that there can be no reconciliation with Serbia without it first apologizing for murders, rapes, expulsions and destructions in Kosovo. Serbia apologised for crimes in Vukovar and Srebrenica but it did not do the same for Prekaz or Recak, said Selimi as quoted by web portal FoNet.

Selimi said that there is no doubt that all state apparatus of Serbia was involved in the repression of ethnic cleansing and massacres which are proven with mass graves containing bodies of Albanians in Batajnica and added that victims and many family members are expecting apologies.

Police questions three members of the list Srpska in Shtrpce (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Police yesterday took into questioning the leader of the Serb list Shtërpce, Nenad Filipovic, and two activists of the same political entity, reported the Office for Kosovo of Government of Serbia. The questioned activists are Julijana Dobrosavljevic and Milan Rusimovic under the suspicion of having put pressure on citizens to vote for their list in the runoff of 1 December for the mayor of Shtërpce. According to the Serbia’s Kosovo Office, “pressure and intimidation of Serb population before the second round of elections are daily occurrence.”

This office at the same time requested the international community, respectively EULEX and OSCE, to put an end to this open violence that is being carried out for many days now towards members and sympathizers of the Serb list.

Gjini: We request to be revealed political assassinations in Kosovo (Express

Ardian Gjini from Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) requested revealing of all post- war political assassinations in Kosovo. “We should go to the prosecution about everything,” said Gjini in reaction to the accusations of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) that AAK officials are responsible for the murder of a number of LDK officials after the war.

Referring to the latest clashes between LDK and AAK, Gjini said that someone is wishing to return in the years after the war. “I think that there is no need to go in that direction”, said Gjini for KTV.

He also stressed that they have filed at the court a lawsuit against accusations of LDK’s candidate for Peja mayor, Gazmend Muhaxheri, who few days ago said that several murders that happened in Dukagjin region after the war were committed by Ramush Haradinaj’s people. “Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri will be facing the court. If he did not tell about murders, he has committed a criminal act. If he got it wrong, he will face the court for slander”, said Gjini.

KIPRED: Illegally obtained wealth not punished in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo Institute for Research and Development of Policies (KIPRED) published the report titled: Impunity in Kosovo, Unjustified Wealth, which addresses the issue of high level of corruption in Kosovo, with the emphasis in the issue of illegal wealth and the lack of proactive investigation with unjustified wealth created in Kosovo during past years.

According to the report of KIPRED, the culture of impunity towards powerful individuals of the political elite continues 14 year after the international intervention in Kosovo. Despite the abundant financial help from EU, the efforts in the fight against corruption and organized crime in Kosovo still remain unsuccessful.

According to KIPRED, if this culture of impunity continues, Kosovo will risk failing as a state. The lack of progress of Kosovo as a state based on the rule of law and principles of democracy will seriously affect the security of Kosovo citizens and economic development.