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UNMIK Headlines 29 June

Thaci: Opponents of the agreement are frustrated (

In an interview for RTK, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci commented on Thursday's events and the protest in front of Kosovo's Parliament against the Brussels agreement. He said opponents of the agreement are voices from a small political party. "My question to everyone is: what is the alternative to negotiations," he said.

Thaci said protesters are frustrated people. "These people are frustrated by the success achieved in Brussels. The people and analysts know very well what it means when some wants to take over parliament; they know what it means when a party usurps the seat of parliament speaker or when they take the microphone from him. Kosovo has no need for such actions."

Thaci said the situation in the northern part of the country was changing for the better. "Serbia lied for many years that there would be a Republika Srpska in Kosovo and this did not happen. This agreement is in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. I stand behind the position of the government and parliament of Kosovo. Do you think that 85 members of parliament would vote in violation of the Constitution? Are five people greater patriots than others? Are those five people from a small party the possessors of truth? Would the U.S. and the EU allow us to violate our Constitution?" Thaci asked.

Krasniqi: Main news was not bad agreement, but Vetevendosje's actions (dailies)

Kosovo Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi reacted against the latest actions by the Vetevendosje Movement in opposition to the ratification of the Brussels agreement by parliament. Krasniqi said with their actions Vetevendosje did a great favor to their political opponent.

The speaker of parliament wrote on his Facebook profile that instead of the bad agreement becoming the main news in all media, the spotlight fell on the violent actions by Vetevendosje protesters against members of parliament and foreign diplomats, especially against the U.S. ambassador. Krasniqi said such actions were extremely damaging for Kosovo's fragile democracy. "Vetevendosje's actions killed the news about the bad agreement by doing service to their political opponent".

Krasniqi said throwing stones and color at police officers was an attack against the most vital institution of the state of Kosovo. "Police officers are the security of democratic states everywhere and this should not be any different here in Kosovo. Politics needs to protect the dignity of police officers and not violate them," he added.

Krasniqi suggested that Vetevendosje should have publicly apologized for its actions. "Vetevendosje should have issued a public apology for these extremely detrimental and undemocratic actions, otherwise it will continue to lose the support it enjoys. Our people is not willing to confront its own sons in the service of certain authoritarians."

Krasniqi said he was not going to comment on the actions of Vetevendosje representatives in parliament. "Let the public speak about it. Vetevendosje MPs were given enough space in parliament to express their positions," he added.

El Salvador recognizes Kosovo independence? (Epoka e Re)

"El Salvador has already decided to recognize Kosovo as a sovereign and independent state. The Kosovo Ministry for Foreign Affairs has received confirmation from El Salvador's embassy at the United Nations," a source in the Kosovo Foreign Affairs Ministry told the paper. The source also said the formal recognition would be made on Monday when El Salvador is expected to send the verbal note to Pristina. The paper recalls that in the last two years Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj visited Latin America and met representatives of these states on several occasions. On Friday evening, Hoxhaj wrote on his Twitter account: "Last news: European Kosovo today expects a new recognition from the a country in the Western Hemisphere! Details will be revealed soon."

NATO SG hails EU decision on Serbia and Kosovo (dailies)

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has welcomed the European Union's decision to start membership talks with Serbia and Stabilization/Association Agreement talks with Kosovo.

"These decisions show how much can be achieved through reforms and dialogue. I expect parties to be stable in the implementation of the EU-brokered agreement. KFOR will continue to play its role, providing a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo," Rasmussen said.