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UNMIK Headlines 29 June

  • LDK’s Mustafa calls for resignation of Government and Assembly (media)
  • Veseli: Serbia will answer for its genocide in Kosovo (media)
  • Kosovo Police: Not a single incident during St Vitus Day celebration (media)
  • Hoxha: Veseli will not stop, PDK is not a party of individuals (media)
  • U.S. Ambassador questions diplomatic appointments (media)

LDK’s Mustafa calls for resignation of Government and Assembly (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa took to Facebook today to comment on the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court on the law on dialogue and the negotiating team for talks with Serbia. Mustafa notes that the court declared as unconstitutional the law on dialogue and the negotiating team. “This team, even before the law entered into force and it was disputed by the LDK and VV [Vetevendosje], carried out unconstitutional activities int eh process of dialogue. The Prime Minister, in opposition with the Constitution, delegated his responsibilities on dialogue. The Government violated the Constitution by adopting an unconstitutional draft law sponsored by the PSD [Social Democratic Party of Kosovo]. The Assembly violated the Constitution by adopting an unconstitutional law proposed by the government,” Mustafa writes. He further recalls that two presidents of Kosovo had resigned when they violated the Constitution. “Now it is time for this Government and Assembly to resign. We need to agree that we must not allow Kosovo to be led by those that violate the Constitution”.

Veseli: Serbia will answer for its genocide in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Assembly President and Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader, Kadri Veseli, said on Friday in Mitrovica that Serbia will answer for its genocide in Kosovo. During a screening of a documentary on the Kosovo war and the expulsion of Albanians, Veseli said his idea for an international tribunal that would try Serbia’s genocide “will help serve justice which has been denied for over two decades”. “Serbia has committed genocide in Kosovo. Its criminals caused suffering among innocent civilians … It was an organized operation by the Serbian state and carried out by Serb military and police troops against defenceless children, elderly and women. These acts are punishable by every international and human law,” Veseli is quoted as saying.

Kosovo Police: Not a single incident during St Vitus Day celebration (media)

Most news websites report that Kosovo Police issued a press release today saying that yesterday’s celebration of St Vitus Day in Gazimestan passed without a single incident, “despite tendentious and inaccurate reporting in some Serbian media”. Kosovo Police also said it had prepared in time the operational plan for managing the security situation prior, during and after the celebration.

Hoxha: Veseli will not stop, PDK is not a party of individuals (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration and senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Dhurata Hoxha, commented on party leader Kadri Veseli’s decision to dismiss all party members with active indictments from public posts. Hoxha told EkonomiaOnline that Veseli’s decision will remain in force and that it sets a new standard aimed at restoring hope and faith among Kosovo’s citizens. “After elections in our party, we announced the party program and party leader Veseli wanted to set a new standard in policymaking. The time has come to set a standard whereby people with active indictments are not part of institutions. People with public posts and who serve the citizens must be more responsible. Veseli will not stop. I believe this is a very good principle and that all other political parties must follow suit, because only in this way we can be successful in the fight against crime and corruption,” Hoxha added.

U.S. Ambassador questions diplomatic appointments (media)

Several news websites report that U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett took to Twitter on Friday to comment on diplomatic appointments by the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Tracking media reports about questionable diplomatic appointments.  As in America, properly selected career and non-career appointees can serve with honor - but is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following its procedures for competitive, merit-based selection?” Kosnett tweeted.