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UNMIK Headlines 3 October

  • British Ambassador calls on people of Kosovo to vote (media)
  • Kosovo party hires former Trump campaign aide ahead of elections (RFE)
  • LDK leader Mustafa rules out any coalition with PDK (RTK)
  • Pacolli: I have secured 43 recognitions to Kosovo through my funds (RTK)
  • Lavrov: U.S. planning Kosovo’s membership in NATO; Pacolli reacts (media)
  • U.S. senator Barrasso visits troops in north of Kosovo (media)
  • Two persons arrested on suspicion of voter intimidation (Kallxo)
  • Djuric's deputy not allowed to enter Kosovo (Klan Kosova)
  • EU: Civil service hiring cannot proceed without government decision (Telegrafi)
  • Prime Minister, deputy PMs and 10 ministers hide expenses (Koha)
  • Parties using public funds and state administration in their campaigns (Koha)
  • Vondracek: Do not expect from us to withdraw recognition of Kosovo (RTK)
  • Odalovic: I do not exclude new provocations against Serbs in Kosovo (Klan)

British Ambassador calls on people of Kosovo to vote (media)

British Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, has called on the people of Kosovo, regardless of age, gender and background, to go out and vote on this Sunday's parliamentary elections. “It is in your hands to reward or even punish your representatives with your vote,” Abbott said at a conference organised by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the Western Balkans Democracy Initiative.

Abbott also said that citizens should be able to vote freely and free of threats and underlined that the United Kingdom government does not support any particular party or candidate running for election.

Kosovo party hires former Trump campaign aide ahead of elections (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has hired Sam Nunberg, former campaign adviser to Donald Trump ahead of parliamentary elections this weekend.

Nunberg, who was fired as a Trump aide in 2015 for racially charged social-media posts, has been tasked to "prepare speeches and communications advice" for the PDK's candidates, according to a September 30 foreign-agent-registration filing with the U.S. Justice Department. Nunberg will be paid $110,000 for his services which run through to 15 December.

See the full story:

LDK leader Mustafa rules out any coalition with PDK (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said on Wednesday during a gathering in Pristina that 6 October elections must be won by all means as LDK deserves this and it has the platform to further friendship with the U.S. and EU. “LDK will not make a coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo, this is clear to anyone. Also, LDK has not guaranteed coalition to any other entity, because we will discuss with the others, and make coalition with LDK’s conditions, with LDK’s program and friendships that we will increase with the U.S.A. and European Union. Also, with an economy that we will develop as a trade economy. Therefore, I invite you to be together on 6 October and increase votes,” Mustafa said.

Pacolli: I have secured 43 recognitions to Kosovo through my funds (RTK)

Leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and acting Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli said that he used his personal funds to lobby for recognition of Kosovo's independence. "While in opposition, I have secured this country 43 recognitions through my funds and I would do it many times again," he said at a rally in Gjilan.

Lavrov: U.S. planning Kosovo’s membership in NATO; Pacolli reacts (media)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the United States are trying to review the Brussels agreement between Kosovo and Serbia regarding the establishment of Association of Serb-majority municipalities and are also making efforts to get Kosovo to join NATO.

“The agreement has remained in paper for four years. Efforts are now underway to review it through active involvement of the United States with the goal of creating a situation whereby Kosovo joins NATO,” Lavrov was quoted by Serbian media.

Kosovo’s acting Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacollli reacted to Lavrov’s statement on Twitter: Kosovo is going to be a member state of @NATO w/the support of the United States & Europe. This is our destiny, this is our free choice. None, let alone Russia, can hinder us from this strategic goal that safeguards our region.”

U.S. senator Barrasso visits troops in north of Kosovo (media)

The U.S. senator John Barrasso visited Wyoming National Guard troops stationed in the north of Kosovo, the media report quoting a status on social media by the U.S. Embassy in Pristina. Barrasso was accompanied by the U.S. Ambassador Philip Kosnett.

Two persons arrested on suspicion of voter intimidation (Kallxo)

The prosecution in Gjilan has issued an order for detention of two persons arrested on suspicion of voter intimidation. According to the prosecution, the two suspects are accused of putting pressure on three people to support Serbian List in upcoming 6 October elections.

Djuric's deputy not allowed to enter Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Dusica Nikolic, deputy director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, has not been allowed entry to Kosovo.

"We are witness to undemocratic actions of provisional institutions in Pristina which without any legal basis continue to prevent representatives of the Government of Serbia from supporting their people in Kosovo," Nikolic is quoted to have said for TV Most.

EU: Civil service hiring cannot proceed without government decision (Telegrafi)

The European Union Office in Kosovo said it responded to Radio Free Europe saying all civil service vacancies currently published by state administration institutions, such as Ministries, executive and regulatory agencies, cannot proceed before such decisions are taken by Government.

"This is the only legally sound way ahead that does not expose the institutions to legal challenges and would otherwise risk exposing institutions and political parties to allegations and criticism of politicising public administration. We therefore call on the Ministry of Public Administration to inform public institutions that vacancies currently advertised by state administration institutions cannot proceed until sub-legal acts and decisions have been approved by Government," the EU said.

It added that it has taken note of concerns raised by the civil society regarding the vacancies and underlined that "all civil service recruitments should conform to the standards of impartiality and merit. Any impression of political or personal bias shall be avoided."

Prime Minister, deputy PMs and 10 ministers hide expenses (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that “the Prime Minister, five deputy prime ministers and ten ministers of the outgoing government have hidden their expenses and the expenses of their advisors and political staff”. The paper notes that it was denied access to the expenses by the Office of the Prime Minister, a ministry led by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, two ministries led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo, two ministries led by NISMA, two ministries led by the New Kosovo Alliance, and three ministries led by smaller parties or minority communities. Legal experts told the paper that in doing so the Office of the Prime Minister and the said ministries have violated the Law on access to public documents which foresees fines up to €10,000.

Parties using public funds and state administration in their campaigns (Koha)

Public funds and the state administration have been put in the service of political parties for their election campaigns, the paper reports on page three. Public servants were seen accompanying candidates for PMs in their campaigns. Civil society organisations too have noted that there has been an increase in using public funds and civil servants since the first day of the election campaign.

Vondracek: Do not expect from us to withdraw recognition of Kosovo (RTK)

Radek Vondracek, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, said on Wednesday while addressing the Parliament of Serbia at a special session that the position of his country with regards to Kosovo’s independence was never united. “Recognition of Kosovo was followed by different disagreements in the Czech Republic, and it never had society’s majority support. The Chamber of Deputies also appealed to the government to seek an alternative solution and see the future through membership of the entire region in the European Union. The Parliament had not recommended to the government to recognize the independence of the Republic of Kosovo. But finally, this was decided from some kind of pressure and impacted by some arguments that the time showed that they were not precise and correct,” he said. “A radical change from the Czech government in relation to Kosovo’s issue cannot be expected, because based on many experts, such a change is impossible,” Vondracek added.

Odalovic: I do not exclude new provocations against Serbs in Kosovo (Klan)

Serbia’s General Secretary at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic said on Wednesday that “Pristina is in panic and new provocations and problems for Serbs cannot be excluded”. He told RTS “it is clear that Albanians cannot count on manipulating the Serbian List, therefore they are trying other ways.”

“Serbian List does not interfere in Albanian elections, let them elect among themselves. We have a clear policy. Serbian List wants and it has every right to seek support of Serbs and I hope that they will gain it,” Odalovic said.