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UNMIK Headlines 30 October

Headlines - 30.10.2014

Jahjaga: Leaders must put aside party interests (dailies)

Several dailies cover the meeting between Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Kosovo, Farid Zarif, on Wednesday. “The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Madam Atifete Jahjaga, received today the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Kosovo, Mr. Farid Zarif and his associates, with whom she discussed about the current developments in Kosovo on the verge of holding the next meeting of the quarterly evaluation of the situation in Kosovo in the UN Security Council, appointed on 13 November. President Jahjaga and Mr. Zarif discussed about the current political circumstances in the country and the efforts to build the institutions of Kosovo and the President stressing that despite the fact that the political maturity in the country is being tested, said that she believes strongly in a solution acceptable by the leaders of the parliamentary political parties who must put aside party interests for the benefit of the state of Kosovo, the welfare of its citizens and the integration processes,” said a statement issued by the Office of the President on Wednesday.

Thaci calls for political opponents to hold dialogue (Epoka e Re)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaci, called on party leaders on Wednesday to meet and find a solution that would pave way to the formation of new institutions. Thaci said new institutions must be formed by respecting the will of the people and the decision of the Constitutional Court.

Haradinaj says stalemate coming to an end (Tribuna)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader, Ramush Haradinaj, said that the post-election coalition is the only alternative for resolving the current situation in Kosovo. In a meeting with AAK youth, Haradinaj said that the outgoing government led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is counting its last days in office. “I assured the youth that the coalition will form the country’s government and institutions very soon and give a new direction and development to Kosovo”, Haradinaj added.

Vetevendosje calls for protests to remove Thaçi from power (Bota Sot)

The Vetevendosje Movement believes the only way to remove Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Hashim Thaci from power is through a “reaction from the people.” Vetevendosje is seeking the support of its coalition partners: the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). Vetevendosje’s Secretary Dardan Molliqaj reiterated on Wednesday that Vetevendosje would not sit at the same table with Thaci and PDK officials.

Ashton: EU remains a sustainable partner for Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

Catherine Ashton, who is leaving the post of EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security on 1 November, wrote a letter on Wednesday to Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga. Ashton said that it was a privilege to know and work with Jahjaga. She said that Kosovo has advanced on its European path and that the EU would remain a sustainable partner for Kosovo.

Ozan: Failure to establish institutions a big loss for Kosovo (Bota Sot)

The Turkish Ambassador to Kosovo, Songyl Ozan, said on Wednesday that Kosovo needs to break the political deadlock as soon as possible and form the new institutions. In an interview for Radio Kosova, Ozan said wasting time in the formation of new institutions is very damaging for Kosovo’s economy and integration processes. She said that after successful elections in June, delays in forming the new government had been unexpected.

Kukan says Kosovo leaders are irresponsible & wasting time (Epoka e Re)

Eduard Kukan, Member of the European Parliament and former Foreign Minister of Slovakia, told Radio Dukagjini on Wednesday that leaders of political parties in Kosovo are behaving irresponsibly by wasting time and not forming new institutions. Kukan warned that, as a result, Kosovo could pay a price in the EU integration process. “Serbia will… say that they don’t have any partners to talk to in Kosovo,” Kukan said.

Wiretaps cast doubts on EU officials (Koha)

In the fourth part of a series of articles about alleged corruption in the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), the paper reports on the front page that it has managed to secure a confidential report, including information from wiretaps, about the involvement of EULEX chief prosecutor Jaroslava Novotna and former Chairman of the EULEX Assembly of Judges Francesco Florit in crime and corruption. Prosecutor Maria Bamieh had submitted the report to the management of the mission in 2012. She called for investigations based on the evidence she had secured. EULEX did not order investigations, but instead initiated disciplinary procedures against Bamieh for improper parking of her car.

EU confirms investigations on corruption in EULEX (Koha)

The European Union has issued its first statement since Koha Ditore started publishing a series of articles about alleged corruption in the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). “We are closely following the developments in Kosovo related to allegations against current and former members of the EU's Rule of Law Mission, EULEX Kosovo. Since 2013, EULEX and Kosovo judicial authorities have been pursuing a joint investigation into these allegations. Due diligence has therefore been applied thoroughly, in line with what is at the heart of EULEX's efforts, namely the fight against corruption and impunity. Notwithstanding the ongoing investigation, the presumption of innocence constitutes a cornerstone of any rule of law system and a guarantee that must be applied to every citizen without discrimination. We reiterate the EEAS's full support to the newly appointed Head of Mission EULEX and his dedicated team of professionals. We are confident that they will continue to successfully implement the mission's mandate and assist Kosovo authorities in the consolidation of a sustainable and accountable Rule of Law sector in Kosovo, free from political interference,” said the statement attributed to the spokesperson of the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Journalist association concerned by EULEX pressure on reporter (Koha)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK) issued a press release on Wednesday expressing serious concern over the pressure by EULEX officials on Koha Ditore reporter Vehbi Kajtazi. The latter said EULEX officials applied pressure asking him not to publish articles about the alleged involvement of EU officials in corruption. AGK said in the statement that it expects EULEX to be a partner to reporters when it comes to informing the public. The Association also said that any efforts to impede reporters from doing their jobs are unacceptable and reflect a tendency to undermine freedom of speech in Kosovo.

Over 24,000 KLA war veterans (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo Security Force Minister Agim Ceku said on Wednesday that, so far, 15,324 persons have been acknowledged as having KLA war veteran status. Ceku said the government commission for recognition and verification of the status of fallen martyrs, invalids and veterans has so far reviewed 41,000 applications. He also added that, if the current trend continues, there will be over 24,500 recognized KLA war veterans at the end of the process.