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UNMIK Headlines 5 August

  • Parliamentary parties to discuss today Assembly’s dissolution (media)
  • Crucial week for new elections (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: We have to make Kosovo a 100% country (media)
  • Mustafa: No one can beat us when we stand united (Zeri)
  • Hoxha: Early elections to avoid delays in integration process (Radio Free Europe)
  • Shala warns of reciprocity measures against North Macedonia (EO/Koha)
  • Osmani: No chances for Morina to be extradited to Serbia (RTV21/Bota Sot)
  • Mojsilovic: We have support of Russian Army for challenges in Kosovo (media)

Parliamentary parties to discuss today Assembly’s dissolution (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli has called a meeting of the Assembly presidency and leaders of parliamentary parties to discuss calling an extraordinary session to dissolve the Assembly and pave way for elections.

Zeri reports that the meeting is scheduled to take place at 11.00hrs and that opposition parties are skeptical that it could result in agreement on the date for new elections. Opposition parties do not rule out the possibility of the ruling coalition, backed by President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, will try to delay announcing new elections as much as possible.  Epoka e Re meanwhile quotes sources saying that the Assembly’s session will take place this week. “All parliamentary parties have expressed readiness on this issue [and] there is no reason to delay this any further,” the unnamed source said.

On Friday, Thaci sent a letter to Veseli as the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli and head of the ruling PAN coalition to nominate a new candidate for prime minister following the resignation of Ramush Haradinaj. Veseli soon replied saying there will be no new candidate to take on the post. “Based on the current political circumstances, political will expressed publicly by the winning coalition parties, and my belief as to what would presently be the best for the citizens and the Republic of Kosovo, I inform you that I will not propose a candidate to form a new government,” Veseli said in a letter to Thaci.

Crucial week for new elections (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that this week is expected to be crucial for disbanding the Assembly and announcing the date for new parliamentary elections. Assembly President Kadri Veseli has called a meeting of the Assembly Presidency for today with only one point in the agenda – preparations to hold a plenary session that will disband the Assembly.

However, before the assembly is disbanded, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has called for a session that will vote on EU funds (IPA) at around €90 million. “We cannot allow these funds to be delayed just because Kosovo had an illegitimate ruling coalition for two years,” LDK parliamentary group chief Avdullah Hoti told the paper on Sunday. He however did not say if other parliamentary parties will support the LDK’s request.

Haradinaj: We have to make Kosovo a 100% country (media)

Ougoing Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said that Kosovo is not yet a 100 percent country and called on those who he said are tired of the challenges of statehood to step aside and make way for others. “It would be incomprehensible to reach to 99 percent but stop before making Kosovo a 100 percent country. It would not be forgiven by the generations, by no one,” he said.

“We have a lot of work ahead. I would like to say without arrogance to my brothers and sisters that it is in our interest to make Kosovo 100 percent and unite our country,” Haradinaj said at a commemoration event for KLA fallen fighters in the village of Vraniq.

Meanwhile, in Gjilan/Gnjilane, Haradinaj warned against border changes saying they are dangerous and that Kosovo cannot allow a mini-state to function within its territory. “Imagine how important it is to be very clear that there can be no border games. It needs to be made perfectly clear that a two-million Kosovo is multiethnic. We have given small municipalities to the communities, we respect them. But in there is no room for two countries in this small Kosovo. For Kosovo and another state, a Dodik republic, a mini Russia,” he said.

Mustafa: No one can beat us when we stand united (Zeri)

Newly-elected leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa thanked the party’s membership for demonstrating a democratic culture during the general convention on Saturday.  “Our convention unified our diversity of thought and action whose common denominator is our political programme of centre-right and above all, our Kosovo,” Mustafa wrote on Facebook.

He said that LDK will head to new elections united. “When we stand united, we are unbeatable,” he declared.

Hoxha: Early elections to avoid delays in integration process (Radio Free Europe)

Kosovo’s outgoing Minister of European Integration, Dhurata Hoxha, said in an interview to the news agency that Kosovo needs to go to early general elections in order to avoid possible delays in integration processes. She said it was important not to allow any institutional vacuum. “In the current situation we see that elections are inevitable. We are faced with a situation where the people need to have their say and legitimise a new government that will lead processes that are very important for our country … I believe that the sooner elections are held the faster they will eliminate or limit delays in the process of reforms,” Hoxha said.

Shala warns of reciprocity measures against North Macedonia (EO/Koha)

Outgoing Minister of Trade and Industry, Endrit Shala, said in an interview with Ekonomia Online that Kosovo businesses have expressed concern over trade barriers they are encountering from Albanian and North Macedonian authorities but while with Albania these issues are in the process of being resolved, he warned that in the case of North Macedonia they may be forced to impose reciprocity measures.

“We have passed on information about these barriers to CEFTA mechanism and we are waiting a response from the line ministry of North Macedonia and if none arrives… we will be forces to take reciprocity measures,” Shala said.

Shala added that the import taxes on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will remain in force for as long as the reasons that led to the decision are not eliminated. “These will remain applicable and should go for any new minister, new government,” he underlined.

Osmani: No chances for Morina to be extradited to Serbia (RTV21/Bota Sot)

Besnik Osmani, North Macedonia’s Deputy Prime Minister, told RTV21 that he respects the judicial decision not allowing him to visit in the detention centre Tomor Morina, former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighter who is being held on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia but that he managed to contact him.

“I found a way to send a message to Tomor Morina saying we have activated all internal mechanism to resolve the situation and take a positive decision as quickly as possible and guarantee that there is no theoretical possibility of him being extradited to Serbia,” Osmani said.

Mojsilovic: We have support of Russian Army for challenges in Kosovo (media)

Several news websites report that Milan Mojsilovic, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, said during a visit to Moscow that “Russia as a strategic partner will continue to offer us support for the challenges in Kosovo”. Mojsilovic also said they have analysed the situation in Kosovo and that “unilateral actions by Pristina are threatening the security situation”.