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UNMIK Headlines 5 September

Headlines - 05.09.2013

New dialogue after elections (Tribuna)

The paper reports that there is a possibility for a new format of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in addition to the Brussels agreement. International sources in Pristina told the paper that Kosovo has high expectations from Germany’s position vis-à-vis Serbia in December this year when EU member states will decide whether or not to give Serbia the date for membership talks.

Germany’s conditions for Serbia could namely dictate a new process of negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade after the November local elections in Kosovo. According to international sources and political analysts, Serbia is not expected to join the European Union without recognizing Kosovo first.

“We are aware that the problem cannot be solved without mutual recognition. Without solving this problem, Serbia will create problems within the European Union in the future,” an international source said.

Discussions in Brussels on customs and IBM (Epoka e Re)

The Government of Kosovo informed on Wednesday that the tripartite discussions of the Group for implementation of Integrated Border Management and Customs of Kosovo started in Brussels. According to a press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister, the discussions are being mediated by the European Union. “The issues to be discussed during this meeting include building permanent IBM facilities at six border crossings between Serbia and Kosovo,” reads this press release and adds that the meeting is expected to last until 7 September.

No decision on EULEX’s mandate yet (Epoka e Re)

Officials of the European Union could not confirm on Wednesday if the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hajredin Kuçi, the EU head of civil operations, Hansjoerg Haber, and EULEX chief Bernd Borchardt discussed the “operative plan for the executive mandate and transfer of EULEX competencies to Kosovo authorities.”

Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, stated on Wednesday that this was a regular meeting held with all parties to discuss decisions for the future of EULEX. Diplomatic sources told this daily that contacts and exchange of opinions on this issue will last for months.

Gjonbalaj requests recognition from Pope (dailies)

The Ambassador of Kosovo in Rome met with Pope Francis on Wednesday and requested the recognition of the independence of Kosovo by the Holy See from him. The Ambassador informed the Pope that Kosovo is recognized by more than 100 countries and spoke of the void created by the Vatican due to the non-recognition. “The Population of Kosovo, especially the youth, needs to experience equality through recognition,” she said.

Serbs apply in CEC with citizens list “Srbija” (Koha/Tribuna)

So-called head of the district of Kosovo Vladeta Kostic personally submitted the application to the Central Election Committee (CEC) to register the citizens’ initiative “Srbija” as a unique list, which will represent Serbs in the November local elections.

CEC officials in Pristina did not want to comment if they are going to certify the list. After the application deadline on Wednesday, there were 102 political subjects who requested to be certified, 33 are political parties, 2 coalitions, 53 citizen’s initiatives and 15 independent candidates. The largest numbers of citizen’s initiatives are from Serbs in the north and from other parts of Kosovo.

Tribuna reports that the name of the list has been immediately rejected by several members of the CEC who argued that it is not in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. Kostic on the other hand told Serbian media that the list, which holds the name Srbija, should not be seen as an insult to anyone.

OSCE calls on CEC to administer voting applications through mail (Koha)

Members of the Central Election Committee (CEC) are not happy with the interference of the OSCE mission in the election process. CEC member Adnan Rrustemi called on his colleagues to reject a request coming from the OSCE mission to administer voting applications through mail in the November local elections. OSCE sent the letter on 30 August, and the CEC is expected to review it this week.

According to the newest member of the CEC, the letter has been processed through UNMIK. According to him, OSCE aims to legalise unlawful acts through this interference. Rrustemi said that OSCE is treating Kosovo as if before it declared independence.

OSCE spokesman Nikola Gaon told the paper on Wednesday that this organization deployed in Kosovo is based on UNSC Resolution 1244. “As you know, the OSCE mission in Kosovo was deployed in 1999 based on the UN Security Resolution 1244 and the decision of 305 members of the OSCE Permanent Council,” Gaon said.

Hasani: No war crimes trials with internationals (Bota Sot)

In an interview for the paper, Fejzullah Hasani, chairman of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, said one day Kosovo’s judicial system will have to address war crimes and other crimes, “because there is no other alternative”.

“We will have to prosecute, investigate and try war and other crimes. There is no other alternative, because countries in the region are already addressing serious crimes, for example Croatia is prosecuting, investigating and putting to trial its combatants who are proved to have violated the conventions of war. War crimes there are being tried by Croat judges and prosecutors and not by internationals,” Hasani was quoted as saying.

Çeku, resident of Fushë Kosova, no right to run for Pristina mayor (Koha)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) announced its candidate for Pristina mayor in the November local elections: Agim Çeku, current Minister of the Kosovo Security Force and former Prime Minister of Kosovo. However, Almakos news portal reports that Çeku’s candidacy is in opposition with the current legislation, because he is a resident of Fushë Kosovë. The law on elections provides that a candidate for mayor should be an inhabitant of that municipality for at least three years, in other words he cannot be a voter in another municipality. With the candidacy of Agim Çeku, Thaçi violated the law for electing heads of municipalities, respectively article 9.2. 

Charges for “Kosovo 2.0” case nine months later (dailies)

EULEX filed charges against three persons for the involvement in the attack of members of Kosovo 2.0. According to a press communiqué released by EULEX’s press office on Wednesday, charges have been raised against three persons, but no names have been made public. EULEX spokesperson Blerim Krasniqi said that the prosecutor has decided not to be published the names of defendants. The defendants are charged with counts of violating equal status of residents of Kosovo, preventing or hindering a public meeting, inflicting light bodily harm, inciting national, racial, religious or ethnic hatred, discord or intolerance and damage to movable property. The last two mentioned counts will be under the Law on Amnesty if it takes effect.