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UNMIK Headlines 6 May

Headlines - 06.05.2016

Mustafa: Future of Kosovo is in Europe (dailies)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, in a joint press conference with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, said the European Commission’s recommendation for visa liberalization is an important step for Kosovo. Mustafa said that he discussed in the meeting with EU officials the issue of visa liberalization as well as the fight against corruption, economic development, and dialogue with Serbia. He underlined that the people of Kosovo see Europe as their home. “Kosovo needs Europe but Europe will also be more complete with Kosovo,” said Mustafa. The strengthening of relations with the neighbouring countries was also tackled in the meeting and Mustafa is quoted as having said that Serbia needs to renounce its efforts in preventing Kosovo from joining international organisations.

President Thaci expresses recommitment for special court (Kosova Sot)

In a meeting with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said the decision to propose the lifting of Schengen visa regime for the people of Kosovo as well as the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) present a new momentum as “finally and officially we are part of the European geography”.  Thaci said to have briefed Mogherini on the priorities ahead which include full normalization of relations with Serbia but pointed out that all agreements reached between the parties so far need to be implemented first. President Thaci also said Kosovo institutions are ready to fulfill their obligations related to the special court and the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities.

Mogherini: Association/Community, not a risk for Kosovo (dailies)

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, during her stay in Pristina on Thursday congratulated Kosovo people on visa liberalization recommendation and UEFA membership. She said Kosovo is Europe and that it deserved these wins.  During her address to Kosovo Assembly MPs, Mogherini said the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is not a risk for Kosovo and that it will function according to Kosovo laws. “The Association/Community will strengthen Kosovo and will allow the Serb community to be integrated in the Kosovo institutions,” Mogherini said. She also said that the EU-brokered Pristina – Belgrade dialogue has achieved to make the lives of Kosovo citizens better.  Mogherini urged all political parties to commit to the integration of Kosovo, and expressed her happiness seeing opposition parties in the Assembly.  Meanwhile, Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that Kosovo institutions and citizens are oriented toward west and that there is still work to be done to make dreams come true. Mogherini and EU Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, during a joint press conference yesterday called for the continuation of dialogue with Serbia and ratification of the agreement on border-demarcation with Montenegro.  While, according to them, combating corruption should be permanent.

Ymeri: Association/Community undermines Kosovo’s sovereignty (RTK)

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri took to Facebook to reveal what he discussed with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini during a reception in Pristina last night. He said it was important for him to directly express to Mogherini the damage and risks the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities poses for Kosovo’s sovereignty as well as the “flagrant discordance” between the founding principles of the Association/Community and EU’s fundamental values. “Sustainable peace in Europe came and continues to live on only based on the equality between the people and the citizens. This peace and welfare would have been impossible if there had been inequality, oppression and exploitation”.

Opposition will continue to oppose border demarcation with Montenegro (Koha)

Representatives of opposition parties in Kosovo said they would continue to reject the agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro even though they realize that this is one of the key conditions for visa liberalization for Kosovo. Yll Hoxha, senior member of the Vetevendosje Movement, told the paper they don’t want integration if it implies losing territory. “If this integration implies losing territory, losing sovereignty and the division of Kosovo, then we won’t be interested in pushing this forward. Even in the case of visa liberalization, the European Union calls for the border demarcation with Montenegro, but they do not specify which demarcation,” Hoxha said. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), which was at the forefront of the opposition against the border demarcation agreement, said it would not attend the Assembly session that will vote on the agreement. AAK parliamentary group chief, Pal Lekaj, said the Kosovo government is playing stubborn and recalled that even the Montenegrin government has expressed readiness to renegotiate the agreement. The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), another opposition party, said the opposition would have to unite again in rejecting the agreement and in order to prove to the people that their cause has been honest. NISMA secretary Bilall Sherifi said it would be unreasonable to ratify the agreement and that opposition parties are responsible to the 205,000 people that signed the petition against the border demarcation.

Grabovci welcomes opposition’s participation in solemn session (Indeksonline)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group chief, Adem Grabovci, yesterday commended on the opposition’s decision to participate in the Kosovo Assembly solemn session where EU High Representative Federica Mogherini addressed the MPs.  “This is what was expected and should continue by the opposition not only when celebrating success,” Grabovci said. According to him, the opposition should return to the Assembly because they are all in the service of the citizens.

Thaci and Haradinaj reconcile (Epoka e Re)

The visit of the EU High Representative for Foreign Policies and Security, Frederica Mogherini appeared to be successful, being that it gathered President Hashim Thaci, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, and head of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Jakup Krasniqi, around the same table. On Thursday, during Mogherini’s meeting with political leaders, civil society and Journalists, Thaci and Haradinaj were also seen raising a toast. President Thaci was also seen talking to Haradinaj and Krasniqi for several minutes.

Kosovo Serbs can move in EU only with Kosovo passports (Lajmi)

Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns, and member of the Steering Council of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Izmi Zeka, said that Kosovo Serbs should possess Kosovo documentation if they want to move freely in Europe. Zeka said for Tribuna Channel that census in the four northern municipalities and in Gracanica will take place in the second half of this year. “I cannot say how many Serbs are in Kosovo because their number varies. But in order for them to move freely in Europe, they should possess biometric passports of Kosovo, and no other documents,” Zeka said. He added that the rights that monitories enjoy in Kosovo are not enjoyed anywhere else.