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UNMIK Headlines 7 December

North avoids the Constitution – recognizes Brussels Agreement (Tribuna)

Neutrality of the Brussels Agreement towards the status of Kosovo, could amnesty four mayors of Serb municipalities in the north from pledging in front of Kosovo’s Law and Constitution. Leaders of Srpska list in the six municipalities in the south of River Iber expect to continue to function based on Ahtisaari’s Package.  On the other hand, the four municipalities in the north and Serb Association , expect that everything will be decided based on Brussels Agreement. For the mayor of Gracanica, Branimir Stojanovic, everything that is decided by Belgrade, is legitimate for Serb municipalities.

Police officers in the north to be nominated by Serbia (Zёri)

Around 300 police officers from Serb community will be engaged in Kosovo Police, however a day after the agreement in Brussels, no one in Pristina gave details on the process. However in Serbia, claim that Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, was assured in Brussels that Serbia will deal with employment of Serb police officer at Kosovo Police. Serbia’s officials even told Zёri that the list of police officers will be drafted by them. “We will draft the list of those who apply to join Kosovo Police. We appeal on all of them not to hesitate, because this process does not mean recognition of the status of Kosovo. We will only look after the interests of Serbs in Kosovo, awhile we will look after the police officers,” they said.

Serbs loose their mandates if they do not pledge (Koha Ditore)

Official Pristina expressed commitment to remove the mandate of each new government official in the municipalities with Serb majority that refuses to pledge according to the Law on local self-governance. The recently elected mayors, mainly from Srpska list, claim that they will act according to the instructions that they receive from Belgrade and that they will work according to Serbian legislation.

“I do not believe that they will refuse. The content of the pledge is very general. Based on the contacts that we have had so far, no one from those who won said that they would not pledge, but only when do they have to do it,” said general secretary of the Ministry of Administration and Local Government, Besnik Osmani.

The accused of Drenica group, plead not guilty (dailies)

All dailies report that the biggest former KLA group accused for war crimes, pleaded not guilty during the Friday’s initial session, held in Pristina. During this session, they were informed about the procedures and prosecutor distributed material to the lawyers. Lawyer Arianit Koci requested from judge Dariusz Sielicki to release temporarily Sami Lushtaku, to make the oath in front of the municipal assembly. “I know that he was elected mayor with over 88 percent of the votes. I will bring my decision on Monday,” said judge Sielicki.

Dacic: Time for the division will come (dailies)

Serbia’s Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic, stated in an interview for Belgrade magazine Nedeljnik, that the time for the division of Kosovo will come, but that he has a current agreement not to discuss about it now. He stressed that division of Kosovo was to Serbia’s best interest, but that such thongs should be observed according to historical momentums. According to him, ten years ago, this arrangement could have been signed within five minutes.

Pacolli to participate at Mandela’s funeral (dailies)

Sources from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Behxhet Pacolli, confirm that Pacolli has received an invitation from Johannesburg authorities to participate at the funeral of the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. “Yes, Mr. Pacolli will be in Johannesburg with the invitation of their authorities, said an official from his cabinet. Pacolli met Mandela in 2010.