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UNMIK Headlines 9 February

Headlines - 09.02.2019

  • Haradinaj: Vucic’s statement, serious threat to Kosovo’s integrity (media)
  • Thaci: Tax should be suspended for dialogue to continue (media)
  • Hoti: Dialogue has no alternative, Kosovo has no land to spare (media)
  • UN Security Council decides to hold less frequent sessions on Kosovo (RTK)
  • UNMIK reacts to allegations against its staff member (Gazeta Express)
  • KSF member arrested on rape allegations (media)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Haradinaj: Vucic’s statement, serious threat to Kosovo’s integrity (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said that the statement made by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, that he doesn’t internationally recognised Kosovo borders in Jarinje and Bernjak is “aggressive”, “warmongering” and a “serious threat to Kosovo’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” “These statements are an open attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo, and a threat to peace, stability and security in Kosovo, the region and beyond. As Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, I vow to undertake all constitutional and legal actions to protect Kosovo’s territorial integrity in line with the Declaration of Independence of 17 February 2008 and the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo,” Haradinaj wrote on Facebook.

Thaci: Tax should be suspended for dialogue to continue (media)

Upon return from the U.S. where he attended the National Prayer Breakfast, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said in a press conference that the import tariff on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina should be suspended as requested by the U.S. and the EU. “We need to continue to strongly invest in preserving relations with the U.S. Only by fostering such relations can our country secure a future in joining NATO and the UN,” Thaci said adding: that Kosovo should heed international calls not to completely lift the tax but suspend it to give dialogue with Serbia a chance to succeed. “This decision is up to the government of Kosovo to take but I underline that in the first glance it may look as if Serbia is economically being damaged but there is no price that can pay a deterioration of relations between the U.S. and Kosovo,” Thaci said further. Thaci also commented on the proposal of Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj for an international conference that would result in an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia saying it would be a setback for Kosovo. On his statements that if the price of an agreement with Serbia involves ‘slight border correction’, Kosovo should accept it, Thaci said that demarcation of border between Kosovo and Serbia needs to happen to pave way for recognition.

Hoti: Dialogue has no alternative, Kosovo has no land to spare (media)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, has criticized remarks made by President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, in a press conference upon return from a trip to the U.S. “We cannot ‘maneuver’ with the process of dialogue. We need to be clear with the citizens of Kosovo and our allies regarding our position in the dialogue with Serbia,” Hoti said in a Facebook post. He acknowledged that there is no alternative to dialogue but stressed that “Kosovo has no land to spare.” Hoti also said Kosovo will not review its statehood and will not disable its state through “internal arrangements on ethnic basis.”

UN SC decides to hold less frequent sessions on Kosovo (Telegrafi/RTK)

The United Nations Security Council has reached agreement to reduce the number of sessions on Kosovo. Three sessions are scheduled to place this year - in February, June and October - and twice a year from 2020 onwards. Telegrafi and RTK hail the move as yet another defeat of Serbia.

UNMIK reacts to allegations against its staff member (Gazeta Express)

UNMIK has issued a press release following allegations that one of its staff members was involved in a minor offence in Pristina. UNMIK said Kosovo Police requested to interview a member of its personnel on 3 February and that the mission was undertaking enquiries and will take appropriate action in accordance with the United Nations policies and procedures. “UNMIK deplores reports circulated on certain television, print and on-line outlets, making additional, irresponsible and unsubstantiated allegations, disclosing personal and other confidential information, violating privacy, causing reputational damage and jeopardising the safety of UN personnel and their family members. UNMIK further expresses grave concern at the broadcast of a police report and other confidential material and calls upon relevant authorities to take action regarding this improper disclosure and publication,” the statement reads.

KSF member arrested on rape allegations (media)

A member of the Kosovo Security Force has been arrested on charges he raped a teenager. The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan said there was sufficient evidence to charge the KSF member of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl and of causing her bodily harm. Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Defence Burim Ramadani said it was intolerable for a member of the KSF being involved in any criminal activity. He said the case in question does not represent the spirit and integrity of the KSF and called on judicial institutions to undertake all necessary actions to deliver justice.