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UNMIK Headlines 9 November

Headlines - 09.11.2013

Thaçi: We will have our seat at UN (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, stated in an interview for Al Jazeera, that Albanians have never hated Serbs, and that they only resisted against the wild Serb presence in Kosovo. “As KLA leader, I fought not because we wanted war, but because it was needed to assure freedom and independence. Be as it may, we did not hate Serbia. In fact it was a resistance towards Serbia’s presence in Kosovo,” said Thaçi .

He assessed the agreement with Serbia as historical, and expressed conviction that Kosovo will soon integrate in Euro-Atlantic structures and institutions, and it will obtain a seat at the United Nations.

Deva and Hodjic with majority of votes in northern Mitrovica (Koha Ditore)

Based on its sources from election commissions, Radio Kontakt Plus in Mitrovica reported that the majority of votes in Mitrovica were casted for Agim Deva from PDK (1141 votes,) then for Adriana Hoxhic (519,) Oliver Ivanovic (34,) and Krstimir Pantic (30 votes.) In Zubin Potok, the candidate of Lista Srpska, Stevan Vulovic received 1861 votes. This party gained 530 votes in Zveqan  and 2444 votes in Leposaviq.

Jeremic applies for the position of UN Secretary General (Koha Ditore)

Serbia’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Current President of the UN General Assembly, Vuk Jeremic, has increased his political and diplomatic appetites. He intends to apply next year for the position of the UN Secretary General.

Belgrade daily Blic reported that he has the support of Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolic and that of Serbia’s Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic. The mandate of the current UN SG Ban Ki-moon ends in 2016. The next UN SG is expected to be from South-Eastern Europe, based on rotation procedures of six regional groups at UN.

Attackers of ballots in Mitrovica, identified (Koha Ditore)

Serbia’s security structures have identified 20 vandalists who destroyed ballot boxes at three polling stations in northern Mitrovica. According to Belgrade daily, Novosti, they are members of rightist organisations SNP “Nasi” and “Zavetnici.” The same daily reported that they have to be sent to the court during the following days. This issue was also discussed at the meeting of the Bureau for coordination of security services in Serbia.

Rama: The first meeting with the two Governments on 16 November (dailies)

Head of the Albanian Government, Edi Rama, has informed that the first meeting between the two Governments, of Albania and Kosovo, will be held in Prizren, on 16 November. In his profile, on the social network, Facebook, Rama posted a picture with Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Vlora Citaku and the delegation that accompanied her during yesterday’s visit in Tirana. “With Vlora Citaku and her delegation from the Ministry of Kosovo Integration, discussing preparations for the agenda of the first meeting of the two governments, which will be held on 16 November in Prizren,” wrote Rama.