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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 2, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • UK: Now is not the time for political maneuvering, but cooperation (media)
  • Thaci set to form new government, demands from Kurti PM candidate name (Express)g
  • Haradinaj: Impossible to hold elections at this time (media)
  • Limaj: We could be part of broad based government (RTK)
  • 6+ parliamentary group against new elections at a time of pandemic (media)
  • Surroi: Kosovo politics not to take side in Quint countries’ divisions (Koha)
  • Kurti’s adviser to the U.S. Embassy: Why siding with Serbia?
  • Vitia, Jevtic call for cooperation at a time of pandemic (RFE/Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dr Elek: There are currently 12 coronavirus infected people in the north (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic today with Macron and Putin, prior to Crisis Staff (B92)
  • Djuric: No blockade for lorries from Kosovo (FoNet, N1)
  • Dacic: Pristina authorities with reciprocity measures banned trade again (Danas, TV Pink)
  • New measures in Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Leposavic (KoSSev)
  • Serbian PM: Government withdrawing decree limiting release of information (N1)
  • New 160 infected, total 1060 infected, five more deaths of COVID-19, total 28 deaths (B92)
  • Patient from Leposavic infected with Covid-19 passed away (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Lawyers question legality of state of emergency in Serbia (FoNet, N1)


  • S. calls on Kosovo to drop restrictions on Serbians (Reuters)
  • Despite good news, the Western Balkans are in trouble (AlJazeera)


  • VoA: Where is the international assistance for health care institutions in Serbian communities? (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio, Kosovo Online)
  • No drug approved yet in treating COVID-19, expert says (N1)
  • Wakeup call for the Western Balkans ( 



Albanian Language Media


UK: Now is not the time for political maneuvering, but cooperation (media)

The United Kingdom’s Embassy in Kosovo issued a statement hailing the government’s decision to lift the tariff on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina saying that grievances can be resolved within the framework of the EU-facilitated dialogue. 

“The Dialogue should lead to a comprehensive, conclusive, legally binding agreement, respecting territorial integrity and normalising bilateral relations, that is acceptable to the citizens of both countries and will deliver long-term benefits to them and to the whole region. With the support of international partners, Kosovo and Serbia should now take the necessary steps to resume the Dialogue.”

The UK further noted that the challenge of the Covid 19 pandemic  requires determination, consistency and persistence from all of Kosovo’s institutions: “This is not a time for political manoeuvring, but cooperation, domestically and regionally.”

“Following the vote of no confidence in the Assembly, the UK calls for the Constitution to continue to be respected, and for decisions to be taken quickly to enable the incumbent or new Government to make protection of citizens’ lives the paramount consideration. We, the UK, stand with the people of Kosovo and the wider region during this global crisis.

“We call on the incumbent or new Government simultaneously to work to deliver the people’s long-term priorities, reflected in last October’s elections, focusing on strengthening the rule of law and combating corruption.”

Thaci set to form new government, demands from Kurti PM candidate name (Express)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci sent a letter to the incumbent Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, where he requested the proposal for the nomination of the new candidate to be mandated for Prime Minister.

In this letter, Thaci informs Kurti that required steps to form the new government will be taken in compliance with the Constitution of Kosovo, adding that the winning political party in the last elections has the right to propose a candidate for Prime Minister.

Express reports that Thacfi has also sent another letter to Kurti today, where he expresses appreciation for Kurti’s two letters sent to him on Wednesday, noting that it was a pleasure to meet him.  

Haradinaj: Impossible to hold elections at this time (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said after meeting President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci today that it is impossible to organise elections at the present time when Kosovo is facing a pandemic. 

Haradinaj said that the meeting focused on two issues: the coronavirus pandemic and the political situation following the no-confidence motion for the government. 

“AAK thinks it is safer for Kosovo to have a government voted at the Assembly rather than continue with a government that was dismissed by the Assembly. At the same time we think it is impossible to head to elections at this time. The government could be one with a provisional duration, but announcing elections at this time is impossible,” he said.

Limaj: We could be part of broad based government (RTK)

Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Social-Democratic Initiative said today after the meeting with President Hashim Thaci that he has requested from him to avoid early elections due to the situation caused by COVID-19. He said he requested from the President to respect each point of the Constitution of Kosovo. 

Limaj said his political party would be part of a broad based government, however with some conditions. 

“The President should see into the possibility of avoiding early elections. Let us safeguard the competency of each institution. There were interferences of the competencies at the Assembly. No one can usurp competencies of the Parliament. We would enter a deep crisis,” Limaj said. 

“The President does not have space to dissolve the Assembly without the will of the majority,” Limaj said adding that this would be a violation of the Constitution, as according to him, this can only be done by assembly MPs. 

6+ parliamentary group against new elections at a time of pandemic (media)

Representatives of the 6+ parliamentary group said after meeting President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci that they do not support the idea of Kosovo heading to fresh elections at this time when it is battling a pandemic.

Albert Kinolli said elections should take place once the threat of the coronavirus pandemic is over. 

“We don’t think this is the time when the citizens should be exposed to the danger of attending rallies and cast votes. No one is against elections but at this present time, we don’t think we are ready to head to elections,” he said.

Surroi: Kosovo politics not to take side in Quint countries’ divisions (Koha)

Publicist Veton Surroi said that the political spectrum in Kosovo should not be polarized by taking sides in differences of positions amongst the Quint countries that include the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy. 

In a Facebook post, Surroi wrote: 

“Four out of five Quint member states have hailed the actions of the Government of Kosovo for lifting the tax. Kosovo’s politics should not be polarized by seeking to take side in divisions among the Quint countries. The country will not gain anything with political maneuvering that play on the West’s division card. Freedom and independence of the country are a product of transatlantic unity and not divisions. Kosovo’s future challenges will be manageable when five out of five countries will have a common stance on the Euro-Atlantic perspective of this country.”

Kurti’s adviser to the U.S. Embassy: Why siding with Serbia?

The U.S. Embassy issued on Wednesday an official statement which objected reciprocity measures towards Serbia introduced by Kurti’s government. However, Fellenza Podrimja, adviser to Acting Prime Minister Albin Kurti, reacted harshly to this statement.

“The Gov' of Kosova is applying GATT& CEFTA standards. Reciprocity is a tool used by sovereign states to protect their economy & create a level playing field. Why siding w/ Serbia sabotaging RKS in every possible way? Serbia, an ally of Russia who has China patrolling its streets,” Podrimja tweeted.

Vitia, Jevtic call for cooperation at a time of pandemic (RFE/Koha)

Kosovo’s Acting Minister of Health Arben Vitia and deputy leader of the Serbian List Dalibor Jevtic have made a joint call to the people to use all possible services in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

At a news conference, Jevtic thanked Vitia for the assistance provided in fighting the pandemic while Vitia underlined that healthcare institutions in Kosovo are open for members of all communities. 

“We need to work together to be able to test and help cases and people with symptoms in your community. At this difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the world, we in Kosovo need to be together more than ever to help one another,” Vitia said.

Jevtic meanwhile said: “This disease knows no borders and attacks all people equally. It is important that apart from preventive actions, we report any symptoms.”

Serbian Language Media


Dr Elek: There are currently 12 coronavirus infected people in the north (Kosovo Online)

There are currently 12 coronavirus infected people in four municipalities in northern Kosovo, two of which are undergoing treatment in Belgrade and Nis, Zlatan Elek, deputy director of the Clinical Hospital Center in North Mitrovica, confirmed for the portal Kosovo Online.

Dr. Elek said that there are currently two patients with a stable clinical picture at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in their health care facility, while one person was transported to Nis this morning due to a deterioration of his health condition.

"Other patients who are positive for Covid are in self-isolation," said Dr. Elek.

He pointed out that between 20 and 25 people suspected of having coronavirus infection are tested daily at the Public Health Institute.

Vucic today with Macron and Putin, prior to Crisis Staff (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will today conduct telephone conversations with the presidents of France and Russia, exclusively learns

The main topics will be the fight against coronavirus, continued cooperation with the European Union and confirmation of the closest friendly relations with Russia.

Vucic will speak with Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin before the Crisis Staff sessions scheduled for 6 pm today.

These are meetings of the Crisis Staff for fighting infectious disease COVID-19, and the Crisis Staff to eliminate the emergence and prevention of the potential economic impact of COVID-19.

After that, President Vucic will address the public.

Djuric: No blockade for lorries from Kosovo (FoNet, N1)

Marko Djuric, Serbia's Government Office for Kosovo, said on Wednesday that there was no blockade for lorries for "central Serbia," but asked the European Union to urgently react to "the so-called reciprocal measures" because, as he said, the lorries with wheat for all Kosovo population waited at the crossings "because of Pristina insists on Belgrade's recognition of Kosovo's independence," the FoNet news agency reported.

He said Serbia's ban existed during the curfew imposed to prevent coronavirus spreading, but that the lorries carrying staples "for the Albanians in Kosovo too," were exempted from the ban on Monday.

The Pristina Government revoked the 100 percent import taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina until June 15. However, it conditioned the import of Serbia's goods with reciprocity, accusing Belgrade of introducing many non-custom costs.

Unlike the EU which welcomed the decision, the US criticised it, asking Pristina to remove all taxes and avoid creating new barriers.

Dacic: Pristina authorities with reciprocity measures banned trade again (Danas, TV Pink)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today that Pristina authorities with reciprocity measures have banned the trade again, Danas daily reports.

Dacic told TV Pink the situation in Kosovo is “insane” and that nobody deals with fighting coronavirus. Commenting on Pristina's latest measures towards Belgrade, Dacic noted that in ancient Greece, the wars were suspended during Olympic Games, adding it was normal that political disputes end at the times of pandemic. 

New measures by Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Leposavic crisis teams (KoSSev)

The Kosovska Mitrovica crisis team adopted new measures to combat the spread of coronavirus last night, the provisional Serbian-sponsored authority in Kosovska Mitrovica announced, adding that the measures were taken in accordance with the decisions of the Serbian government – aimed at protecting the citizens, as well as containing and ending the coronavirus outbreak.

The provisional Serbian-sponsored authority in Kosovska Mitrovica announced new protective measures last night – such as new working time of stores in North Mitrovica (from 07.00 to 15.00 on weekdays and from 07.00 to 13.00 on weekends, while the elderly will be able to shop every Sunday from 6am to 8am) and the closing of non-essential businesses such as beauty parlors, fitness clubs and gyms, and betting shops.

According to this provisional authority, new prevention measures also banned gatherings in public areas, such as parks and playgrounds, while citizens will have a 17.00 to 06.00 curfew on weekdays, and a 15.00 to 06.00 curfew on weekends.

They also urged citizens to maintain social distancing and personal hygiene, emphasizing that they must respect the prescribed measures when leaving their homes – using masks and gloves, keeping a distance of 2 meters when meeting other people on the streets.

All persons who come in contact with those who tested positive to COVID-19 are called to report to a doctor at the Health Center as soon as possible and respect the prescribed measures of isolation.

The provisional Serbian-sponsored authority in Kosovska Mitrovica also said that measures were taken in accordance with the decisions of the Serbian government – aimed at protecting the citizens, as well as containing and ending the coronavirus outbreak.

Following Mitrovica North, the Zvecan and Leposavic Crisis Staff also adopted new measures aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus. 

Serbian PM: Government withdrawing decree limiting release of information (N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday morning that the government would meet later in the day to revoke the decree banning anyone but the Crisis Staff from releasing information about the coronavirus pandemic, N1 reports.

She added the decree would be withdrawn at the request of President Aleksandar Vucic to avoid casting a shadow on everything that has been done so far. Brnabic noted the decree was taken to provide verified information to the public. 

To illustrate the gravity of the situation, Brnabic quoted a tweet by N1 Program Director Jugoslav Cosic who wrote that “this is a state of emergency, not a state of war” saying - this is a state of war. 

See at:

New 160 infected, total 1060 infected, five more deaths of COVID-19, total 28 deaths (B92)

According to the latest data, there are 160 people infected in Serbia, while by April 1, 4.371 people were tested in Serbia.

Deputy Director of the Batut Institute Darija Kisic Tepavcevic said that 160 newly infected coronavirus cases were recorded in Serbia.

She said 640 patients were hospitalized and there were 72 patients on the respirator.

"We have 5 more deaths, the total number of deaths is 28," she said, adding that all who died in the last 24 hours are men with an average age of 61.2 years.

She stated that 21 men and seven women have died from the disease so far, and that the total mortality to date is 2.64 percent.

See at:

Patient from Leposavic infected with Covid-19 passed away (Radio kontakt plus)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said last night that a man born in 1973, from Leposavic municipality, and infected with Covid-19 passed away at the Clinical Center in Nis, Radio kontakt plus reports.

The patient was transferred to Nis on Sunday for further treatment and was one of the two first cases with Covid-19 infection in northern Kosovo. He also suffered from kidney disease.

Djuric further said that 5 more cases have been registered in Serb-populated settlements in Kosovo, making the total number at 9.

However, the Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North said earlier yesterday that 7 persons in total are infected with Covid-19 in the Serb-populated areas, Radio kontakt plus recalled. 

Lawyers question legality of state of emergency in Serbia (FoNet, N1)

The group of six lawyers filed a request to Serbian Constitutional Court to consider if the decision on declaration of the state of emergency made on March 15 was in line with the country’s highest legal act, FoNet news agency reports.

The lawyers said the Serbian Constitution stipulates that the state of emergency can be introduced when the survival of the country and its citizens is endangered, not their safety.

Besides, the infectious diseases pandemic or epidemic are defined as a natural disaster and not as a danger to the public's existence.

They added that the decision was made although the conditions for the state of emergency were not met and that it wasn’t declared by the Parliament but by co-signatures of the Parliament Speaker, Prime Minister and the President.

The lawyers say that the introduction of the state of emergency is in no way a proportional or adequate measure for the goal it declared as the reason.

See at:






U.S. calls on Kosovo to drop restrictions on Serbians (Reuters)

The United States criticized on Wednesday a move by Kosovo making it harder for Serbians to enter the country, despite its removal of 100% tariffs on goods produced by its neighbor.

Under pressure from the European Union and the U.S., which last month halted $50 million in economic aid to Kosovo, prime minister Albin Kurti said the tariffs would be removed from April 1, with an evaluation of the situation on June 15.

Despite good news, the Western Balkans are in trouble (AlJazeera)

Progress on Euro-Atlantic integration may not stave off major challenges the region is facing.

On March 30, the North Macedonian flag was flown for the first time in front of NATO's headquarters in Brussels. The former Yugoslav republic had waited for this moment for over a decade.  

See more:




VoA: Where is the international assistance for health care institutions in Serbian communities? (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio, Kosovo Online)

Voice of America in Serbian language reported on ''numerous international organizations, institutions and embassies in Kosovo assistance to Kosovo's healthcare institutions in the fight against coronavirus in recent weeks''. 

The VoA reported that it tried to find out who and how helped in this difficult time the healthcare in Serb-majority municipalities, which operates within the Republic of Serbia system. 

"The Coronavirus knows neither religion, nor nation, nor skin color, nor political affiliation," quoted VoA in Serbian a sentence that could be heard all over the world in the last few months, and in the last few weeks in Kosovo. 

Serbian health care institutions operating in the Republic of Serbia system in Kosovo for many years have been facing problems in the supply of medicines, medical supplies and equipment. However, despite all these problems, health centers and hospitals in Serbian places provided health care to patients, not only to Serbs, but to all who sought help, reported VoA.

A few days ago, Director of the Hospital in Gracanica, Bratislav Lazic confirmed to VoA that the resources in the fight against Covid-19 were modest and the problems enormous. 

“The Clinical Hospital Center in Gracanica has two respirators. One respirator must be preserved for all others who do not suffer from coronavirus because we treat people in the same intensity and in the same way and when other health problems are at stake, as if there was no Covid-19. So, we are obliged to take care of all other emergencies related to other types of health issues here,” Lazic said.

The Official Pristina and the embassies of the countries that have recognized Kosovo's independence, perceive health institutions operating in Kosovo within the system of the Republic of Serbia as parallel structures.

However, VoA asked what status neutral organizations in Kosovo are doing in this crisis caused by Covid-19 and have they reacted urgently to the problems that health care institutions in Serbian communities face these days? Whether and how they affect the distribution of aid that comes through them in Kosovo?

The EU office in Kosovo allocated five million euros two days ago for medical supplies and equipment. The United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS) was responsible for the procurement of the equipment. VoA asked representatives of the EU and UNOPS in Kosovo whether this package implies an assistance to Serbian health care institutions in Kosovo meaning whether they will receive equipment and medical supplies.

“Medical equipment and supplies worth € 5 million as an EU donation will be procured by UNOPS and delivered to the University Clinic in Pristina. It is up to the Ministry of Health to distribute supplies throughout Kosovo according to the needs of the health centers. Contact the Ministry of Health for more details,” Dinka Zivalj, a spokeswoman for the EU Office in Kosovo, wrote in a written statement to Voice of America.

“UNOPS is responsible for the procurement of medical equipment funded by the EU Office in Kosovo, which will be provided to the Ministry of Health in Kosovo. You should direct your question to the Department of Health, but I understand that any equipment currently available or arriving will be distributed to all health centers in Kosovo based on their needs," UNOPS Kosovo Chief Brendan Kiernan told Voice of America.

Voice of America also addressed the Ministry of Health of Kosovo and asked whether this ministry aided the health facilities in Serbian communities with equipment or medical supplies to combat Covid -19? 

The Voice of America was told they would provide a response as soon as possible as they gather data.

The VoA asked whether and what health care institutions in Serbian communities would receive from a European Union donation of EUR 5 million earmarked for equipment and medical supplies in the fight against Covid-19? 

While awaiting an answer to this question, the Voice of America and other media received a press release from the Kosovo Ministry of Health about a meeting between Minister Arben Vitia and British Ambassador to Kosovo Nicholas Abbott.

The statement reads "that Ambassador Abbott congratulated the minister on the work carried out by the Ministry and other institutions in response to the coronavirus situation and expressed his gratitude that the measures also included minority communities in Kosovo, especially the Serb community," quoted VoA.  

No drug approved yet in treating COVID-19, expert says (N1)

Professor Keiji Fukuda, from the Hong Kong University, spoke to N1 about the new coronavirus.

Fukuda, who worked at the World Health Organization (WHO) in several capacities, answered questions about the incubation period for the new virus, how it would behave in the summer and whether the medicine for malaria could be used in treating COVID-19.

He said that the FDA and WHO were studying the effects of the chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and that in the US plasma was approved as an experimental drug which could be administered to some patients.

"But, I think that right now we don’t know if it is useful against this virus or not," Fukuda told N1’s Jelena Zoric in the interview held via Skype.

Full interview is available at:

Wakeup call for the Western Balkans ( 

Fifteen years ago, the Energy Community was established as the principal tool to integrate the energy sectors of non-EU countries into the single European energy market. Wave by wave, the Energy Community Contracting Parties took over key EU acquis communautaire in the energy sphere. In the last two years, the EU stepped up its ambitious decarbonization policy, while the Energy Community Contracting Parties stood still. The gap between them in terms of energy policy is now almost insurmountable.

See more at: