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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 4, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti met with emissaries of Germany and Austria for the Western Balkans (RTK)
  • Chief negotiators in Brussels: Lajcak first meets Bislimi then Petkovic (Klan)
  • Varheleyi meets Bislimi prior to the meeting in Brussels (Reporteri)
  • Kurti meets Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (ekonomiaonline)
  • Two years as President, Osmani: My guide remains the citizen’s and the Republic’s interest (media)
  • Haradinaj: Kosovo has its place in NATO, next to its friends (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic: Pristina will do all to obstruct formation of CSM (BETA, Blic, N1)
  • Petkovic meets with Lajcak in Brussels (Tanjug)
  • Lawyer: M.B. from Zubin Potok sent to one month detention (KoSSev, Radio KIM, RTS)
  • Vucic: The pressure will continue, but Serbia knows how to fight (Politika, Tanjug)
  • Brnabic meets with Atlantic Council delegation (Tanjug)
  • Leader of the CI "For Zubin Potok'' on the current crisis in Kosovo (Danas)
  • Mladenovic: Complain or interrupt the conference when there is no translation (KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio, UNS)
  • Representatives of the Serbian List with special representatives for the Western Balkans, Sarazzin and Aigner (Radio Mitrovica sever, FB)


  • Thaci's Lawyers Say He Didn't Hold Command Power As Guerrilla Leader During Kosovo War (RFE)
  • Trial of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci gets underway in The Hague (euronews)
  • Serbia/Kosovo: Start of ex-Kosovo president’s trial for war crimes “an important step along the long road to justice” (



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti met with emissaries of Germany and Austria for the Western Balkans (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti met on Monday evening for a working dinner at the residence of the German ambassador Jorn Rohde, with the German Emissary for Western Balkans Manuael Sarazin and the Special Representative of Austria for Western Balkans Johannes Eigner. They discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and the region, and the importance of regional cooperation.

The Prime Minister’s Office informs that the topic of discussion was also the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the implementation of the basic agreement reached in Brussels and its annex agreed in Ohrid, as well as the way forward on the eve of the next meeting at the level of chief negotiators that will take place today in Brussels.

The Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli and the acting head of the Vetevendosje Movement Parliamentary Group Mimoza Kusari Lila, were also present at the meeting. 

Chief negotiators in Brussels: Lajcak first meets Bislimi then Petkovic (Klan)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Besnik Bislimi met this morning in Brussels the Special Representative of the European Union for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Miroslav Lajcak.

Afterwards, Lajcak met with the head of the Office for Kosovo in the government of Serbia, Petar Petkovic.

The trilateral meeting is expected to take place after, where, according to the EU, the parties will discuss the next steps in the implementation of the Agreement on the path towards the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

“Today, I'm hosting a Dialogue meeting on the level of the Chief negotiators in Brussels to discuss the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and urgent current issues,” Lajcak tweeted. 

Varheleyi meets Bislimi prior to the meeting in Brussels (Reporteri)

The European Union Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver Varheleyi met today the Kosovo Principal Deputy Prime Minister and head of the negotiating team of Kosovo in the dialogue with Serbia, Besnik Bislimi.

"Starting the day with Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi discussing the EU reform agenda and the tasks ahead of us and how the Commission will be able to help implement the results when the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue is successful," he wrote on Twitter.

Kurti meets Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (ekonomiaonline)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has received for a visit the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development of the United Arab Emirates L.T. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The meeting was held in the Kosovo government building. Initially, the minister was also received by the Kosovo Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla.

Two years as President, Osmani: My guide remains the citizen’s and the Republic’s interest (media)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani today marks the second anniversary since taking office as the head of state.

“Two years as your President! As always, the only guide in my every work and action is the civic will and the interest of the Republic of Kosovo. It will be like this until the end of the mandate! Thank you forever for the trust!” Osmani wrote on Facebook.

On April 2, 2021, the Assembly of Kosovo, with an extraordinary session, elected Vjosa Osmani as president, with 71 votes in favour.

Haradinaj: Kosovo has its place in NATO, next to its friends (media)

On NATO's 74th birthday, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, considers it necessary for Kosovo to be part of NATO.

“The strongest political-military alliance in the world, which protects freedom, democracy, peace and security not only in North America and Europe but in the entire globe, today marks its 74th birthday. The power of justice of this great Alliance was also experienced by the people of Kosovo, in the most decisive moments of its history for liberation, for which we are forever grateful,” Haradinaj wrote.

He added that Kosovo belongs in NATO alongside its friends to help peace in the world.

“Today as the Republic of Kosovo, we are contributors with our Army, in the international peacekeeping missions of this alliance. As a free people with a natural Euro-Atlantic orientation, we aim to be an equal part of the alliance of NATO states, led by U.S. A. I strongly believe that Kosovo belongs in NATO, to be with our friends to help peace and freedom,” Haradinaj concluded. 




Serbian Language Media 


Dacic: Pristina will do all to obstruct formation of CSM (BETA, Blic, N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that in resolving the Kosovo issue Belgrade can only implement what it has undertaken as an obligation.

“The President clearly pointed out our red lines because he did to want to sign those documents, and he verbally distanced himself from the disputed parts – Kosovo independence and its membership in the United Nations”, Dacic told Blic TV.

Commenting on the Franco-German agreement, Dacic said Serbia “will not diverge from” those red lines because that is Serbia’s state policy.

Asked if pressure exerted by the European Union (EU), but primarily by the US will this time play a decisive role regarding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM), Dacic said “it is a very positive fact that it was clearly stated that this is Pristina’s renewed obligation, to do this immediately”. So, there is no dilemma, and we will see whether or not Pristina wants to do this, he underlined.

“We know that they will do all in their power to obstruct the formation of the CSM and this casts a big shadow of doubt on their good intentions”, Dacic added.

Petkovic meets with Lajcak in Brussels (Tanjug)

The head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, who is also Belgrade chief negotiator in the dialogue with Pristina, met with EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Tuesday afternoon.

Previously, Lajcak met with Pristina chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi. A meeting between Petkovic and Bislimi, to be facilitated by Lajcak, is also due to take place in Brussels during the day.

Lawyer: M.B. from Zubin Potok sent to one month detention (KoSSev, Radio KIM, RTS)

M.B. a Serb from Zubin Potok arrested two days ago, under suspicion of allegedly committing number of criminal acts, including setting cars in northern Kosovo on fire, was sent to one-month detention as per decision of the Basic Court in Pristina, his defence lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic told KoSSev portal.

Vlajic said that a prosecutor from Pristina took part in the hearing, and presented no evidence against his client. Vlajic added that according to the court detention measure was imposed because of the alleged danger to flee and possibility to influence witnesses or evidence. He also said he will file an appeal to this decision within a 48-hours deadline.

According to Vlajic “this will be one of the champions of the Kosovo judiciary, in which we know of no evidence for what the public prosecutor claims”. He noted his client is accused of a number of criminal acts, which became known to the media following his arrest.

KoSSev portal recalls that after the arrest of M.B. Kosovo police but also Kosovo Interior Minister, Xhellal Svecla presented a number of criminal acts that he is accused of.

“Apart from burning the cars in the north, wounding members of Kosovo police, damaging our critical infrastructure, illegally crossing the border, beating up Serbs, extorting and burning down local companies, taking part in the attack on houses and properties of the Serb members of the Kosovo Security Forces, and he is also a suspect in the murder of EULEX member”, Svecla alleged in relation to the arrested M.B. 

Vucic: The pressure will continue, but Serbia knows how to fight (Politika, Tanjug, TV Happy)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said last night he expected pressure on Serbia to continue when it comes to the Kosovo issue but that Serbia would know how to deal with it, reported daily Politika, citing Tanjug.

"They will continue to press us both, more us, and tactically-technically them, it's a game, a game plan, but Serbia will know how to fight," Vucic told TV Happy from Verona, answering the question whether he expected continuation of the diplomatic offensive within the framework of the German-French proposal.

Vucic also pointed out that Serbia wants normalisation and better relations with the Albanians in KiM. 

"It is difficult when someone only wants to humiliate Serbia and thinks that this is the only thing to offer to you and that this is the best way to defeat you, but you will not see that movie soon," he said.

When asked whether there will be discussions between the main negotiators tomorrow in the continuation of the dialogue in Pristina on the implementation of what was agreed upon, Vucic said that there will be and that the director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, was going to Brussels.

"It is important to show openness and seriousness, but protecting our vital national and state interests, and he knows how to do that," said Vucic. 

When asked about the tension in Kosovo and the new incidents, he said that behind the provocation was the intention to avoid the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. 

"That is the essence, to enter into conflicts earlier so that NATO turns against Serbia, without them having to form the CSM", Vucic said, adding that Vjosa Osmani also said that the CSM will never be formed. He said that "they are only provoking, because they want a conflict", and that the PM Kurti, as he said, "wants to be Zelenski, and I little Putin".

He also stated that Kurti had a so-called rally of veterans and Thaci supporters, and that there were 8,500 people, "although Kurti says there were 100,000".

"But even for Pristina, 8,500 is a huge number. They will continue an even worse anti-Serb policy to prove that they have not capitulated and that they are inventing nonsense on missing persons to the CSM not being CSM but Kurti's wish list on how to avoid the CSM,'' said Vucic, reported Politika. 

Vucic also said that a lot of merciless untruths have been told about the conflict in Ukraine and how quickly it will end, and that is why it is important to act responsibly and rationally.

"I am proud of the fact that Serbia has maintained its independent policy for more than a year, and we will do our best to continue such a policy," said Vucic.

Brnabic meets with Atlantic Council delegation (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with members of an Atlantic Council delegation on Monday, Tanjug news agency reports. Brnabic said Serbia was firmly committed to advance overall bilateral cooperation with the US, and noted that the US was Serbia's top trade partner in exchange of services and that a growing number of US companies was coming to Serbia to invest in the country due to a significantly improved business environment.

Speaking about the situation in the region, Brnabic noted that maintaining stability and stepping up cooperation in the region in all fields was crucial to Serbia, the Serbian Government said in a statement.

She said that, in that sense, the Open Balkan had proved to be a very efficient format as it enabled connectivity and cooperation in the region, faster movement of people and goods as well as overall progress that should ensure peace and stability.

She again noted the necessity of strict and non-selective fulfilment of all previous commitments from the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, including, above all, commitments related to a Community of Serb Municipalities.

Jorn Fleck, senior director with the Atlantic Council's Europe Center, said the organisation's intention was to help preserve peace and stability in the Western Balkans and that it was ready to contribute to better regional cooperation and connectivity.

Leader of the CI "For Zubin Potok'' on the current crisis in Kosovo (Danas)

Milija Bisevac, leader of the Civic Initiative "For Zubin Potok" (Za Zubin Potok), says that his initiative supports law enforcement, but that the arrest of their fellow citizen, suspected of having participated in burning a car with RKS licence plates, was done without providing clear evidence. According to him, the Serbs are upset because they do not know which of them will be arrested next, reported daily Danas. 

Danas recalled that the Basic Court in Pristina ordered a one-month detention for Serb M.B., suspected of having participated in the burning of a vehicle with RKS licence plates and an attack on two police officers in the north of Kosovo last week.

The court announcement stated that M.B. was charged with five criminal acts, namely participation in or organisation of a criminal group, causing general danger, assault on an officer on duty, attempted murder and arson, and on the day of the arrest, Serbs in Zubin Potok went out to protest.

"Of course, we are in favour of law enforcement. The people were not informed about what happened, the family said that it was literally a kind of kidnapping. Also, after all the arrests, it is clearly shown that the Serbs do not trust those institutions," said Bisevac and recalled the recent arrest at the Jarinje administrative crossing of a former member of the Kosovo Police M.J. which, as the police said, was a mistake.

After his arrest, he was publicly accused of organised crime.

That case additionally puts a question mark on the validity of the evidence that the Kosovo institutions have at their disposal when arresting and detaining Serbs, Bisevac told Danas daily. 

The intensification of arrests of Serbs, especially due to the earlier appearance of alleged lists of suspects, as he said, was causing additional anxiety to citizens of Serbian nationality.

"Serbs in the North of Kosovo have no access to those institutions and the judiciary, because people were arrested without hard evidence. Some were released, and some spent a long time in prison, then released without any conviction. There is great concern right now for this very reason. We don't know who is next," he pointed out. s out.

He says that he cannot comment on whether the accused M.B. is guilty, repeating that Serbs often put themselves in a situation to justify the guilt imposed on them to some extent.

"It is up to the authorities to prove it. We are not sure how correct the evidence is, we doubt that he is the one who did it. Previously, there were various lists that were circulated through the media, anyone can be on a list," says Bisevac.

The leader of CI "For Zubin Potok" notes that Serbian List, whose leadership announced an "uprising" of the Serbian people if M.B. is not released, says that this party supported the "shameful removal of barricades" at the end of last year, recalling that those barricades were installed so that such arrests do not occur.

The demands of the Kosovo Serbs at the barricades were the release of three arrested Serbs, of whom only one was released, the withdrawal of the lists of suspects compiled by the Kosovo Police, as well as the withdrawal of special members of the Kosovo Police from the north of Kosovo.

"Regarding the Serbian List itself and their statements, the people are disappointed in their actions after the shameful removal of the barricades, when people democratically tried to fight for their rights and warned against what is happening now. The Serbian List supported the removal of those barricades, the withdrawal of citizens, and now we already have what is happening on the ground. They are to blame for what is happening, the people have lost trust in them. The Serbian list has no function any more here. The fact that they are represented in the media and that they are trying to present themselves as representatives of the people, I don't think is true at all," says Bisevac.

Asked specifically if he expects any actions regarding the announced "uprising", he replies that it is a political procedure in order to show the media that they are doing something, noting that the European proposal for Kosovo, which was accepted by the President of Serbia and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, states that both sides will abstain from raising tensions, that is, he states, any "uprising":

"The Serbian List is a silent follower of everything that President Vucic orders. I don't believe they can do anything without Vucic's knowledge. We know what was accepted in Brussels and Ohrid," says Bisevac.

However, this activist does not dispute that some kind of organisation of Serbs is necessary to oppose Pristina's actions. He believes that it would be appropriate to first come out with the evidence and then to arrest someone, that is, that the processes must be more transparent.

He explains that the issue of plates is the reason, as he says, the people have lost confidence in the Serbian List. 

"They still claim that it is possible to enter with KM plates, even though the situation on the ground denies them. Many people specifically complained to me that they could not enter Kosovo and Metohija from central Serbia if they were registered after the agreement from Brussels in November. Also, they cannot go to Montenegro or North Macedonia, in fact, anywhere outside the north of Kosovo. The Serbian list convinces people otherwise, which is not the case, and then there is great concern about what to do with those dysfunctional vehicles. We have a couple of cases of burning cars with RKS plates. On the other hand, Serbian List urges people not to re-register, but they do nothing. Maybe there was a model to register these vehicles on licence plates of cities in central Serbia... They didn't do anything about it, almost two months after the removal of the barricades, they didn't appear among the people. Their trust has dropped a lot," says Bisevac.

He also says that some citizens wanted to somehow solve the problem the day before the deadline, which was the first of April, to take RKS plates, but that in these two days, as far as he knows, no one registered the car.

Mladenovic: Complain or interrupt the conference when there is no translation (KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio, UNS)

Addressing non-compliance with the Law on the Use of Languages in Kosovo has never been a priority. "Politicians must understand that this is a legal obligation that must be implemented", Slavisa Mladenovic, commissioner for language, told the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS). He pointed out that although there was progress, we were doomed to a slow solution to this problem.

Individuals, organizations, and the media complain about the implementation of the Law on the Use of Language. In the last month, the Office of the Commissioner received three complaints from the media. The law was violated by the Agency for Gender Equality of Kosovo, Ministry of Communities and Return. The media also complained about the work of the Government of Kosovo.

"The first instance for pointing out this problem is the institution that broke the law. You should point out the problem to the manager by e-mail or try to interrupt the conference and say, 'for God's sake, people, we can't work here, there is no translation'. You can then complain to the Office of the Commissioner and the Ombudsman. In the end, there is also the court," Mladenovic said to UNS. 

The issue would not be solved unless the problems and arguments of Serbian newsrooms were not visible to the Albanian public and if pressure was not put on politicians who break the law.

"It is very important that you develop awareness of the problem among fellow Albanians. If they are 'blind' to your problems and do not want to help you, the situation is much more complicated. I believe this is not the case," stated Mladenovic.

The latest in a series of cases where a translation into Serbian was missing was a conference organized by the Agency for Gender Equality. The commissioner for languages said that after the complaint, which the journalist of the Media Center in Caglavica, Sanja Djokic, submitted to the Office, a recommendation was sent to this Agency.

"The error occurred in the invitation because it was not highlighted that it is necessary to confirm participation. The Law on the Use of Languages clearly states that the institution must provide translation at public events, as well as when there is a request for it. There is no such active offer here, in the sense of 'we will translate in case someone shows up'. Unfortunately, it often happens that the participation is confirmed, but there is no translation," he said. 

"This is the first time that someone has complained about this Agency. If it happens again, you understand that it is an intention to discriminate against someone. Here is an example. "We sent a recommendation to the Ministry of Health of Kosovo four times in which we requested that those responsible for the offense be punished, and that did not happen," Mladenovic pointed out.

According to him, the Commissioner's Office only issues recommendations to institutions and organizations for non-compliance with this Law.

Mladenovic said that the Ministry of Public Administration, which authority was the implementation of fines, based on the recommendation sent by the Office of the Commissioner, did not do so.

"Not only did they not implement it, but they were shut down as a Ministry and integrated into the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Whenever the translation is missing, we send a recommendation to the chief administrative officer in the organization in question to discipline the persons responsible for the implementation of those recommendations," said Mladenovic.

He noted that complaints addressed to the same institution or organization are repeated.

"The institutions that were the best example of respect for the Law on the Use of Language are not today. Most often it happens after a change of leadership because the professionalism of an institution is in fact its mirror. In principle, the administration does not need an order from a minister or secretary to work according to the law," Mladenovic pointed out. 

The Association of Journalists of Serbia and its branch, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) protested at the beginning of the month that the press conference of the Minister of Communities and Returns in the Government of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic, was not translated into Serbian, but also into Albanian. On that occasion, Rasic spoke about the procedures that need to be fulfilled to ensure the translation.

"Procedures are complicated and their interpretation always harms the Law on the Use of Language. A Ministry submits a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which should conduct the competition. Not to mention the fact that ministries leave vacant positions so as not to send a request to the Ministry of the Interior because they want to keep the hiring discretion for themselves. They (ministries) should send the request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the competition is conducted in the Ministry," said Mladenovic.

Mladenovic said that when it comes specifically to the Ministry for Communities and Return, which did not happen, more precisely, once a competition was opened in this Ministry, there were no candidates then and the competition was cancelled. After the reaction of the UNS, the Ministry of Communities and Returns managed to hire an interpreter.

At the end of the conversation, the Commissioner for Languages said that the Office was doing what it could and must, but that it was not enough.

"The solution is to create a demand for adequate staff that needs to be educated. The solution to this problem will not happen overnight," concluded Slavisa Mladenovic, Commissioner for Languages in Kosovo.

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM), have been protesting for years and pointing out the established practice of violating the Law on the Use of Language, which journalists face every day. They do not give up in their demand that the Law be respected and fulfill the rights to equal use of the Serbian language in Kosovo.

Representatives of the Serbian List with special representatives for the Western Balkans, Sarazzin and Aigner (Radio Mitrovica sever, FB)

The president of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, together with vice-president Igor Simic and member of the presidency Milan Radojevic, met in Mitrovica with the special representatives for the Western Balkans from Germany, Manuel Sarazzin, and Johannes Eigner, from Austria, in the presence of the ambassador of Germany in Pristina, Jorn Rohde, it was announced on Facebook.

As stated, the representatives of the Serbian List indicated the need for the most urgent formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities in accordance with the agreement in Brussels and indicated the repression that the Pristina institutions are carrying out against the Serbs, and the need to urgently stop the oppression of the Serbian people, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing the FB post.






Thaci's Lawyers Say He Didn't Hold Command Power As Guerrilla Leader During Kosovo War (RFE)

Lawyers for Hashim Thaci have said the former president of Kosovo did not have command power as a guerrilla leader in the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) during the period of time covered by the war crimes indictment against him and three other former UCK commanders.

Thaci, in court in The Hague for a second day on April 4, faces 10 charges for allegedly targeting those perceived as enemies of the UCK as the group fought against persecution from Belgrade in 1998-99 during the conflict known as the Kosovo War.

More than 10,000 people -- most of them ethnic Albanians from Kosovo -- were killed during the conflict, and more than 1,600 people remain unaccounted for. The fighting ended after a 78-day NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia, which at the time consisted of Serbia and Montenegro.

Read more at:

Trial of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci gets underway in The Hague (euronews)

Kosovo's former president, Hashim Thaci, has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity as his trial got underway Monday at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

Thaci, who served as commander-in-chief of the ethnic Albanian rebel Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), is accused together with three others of crimes committed during the 1998 to 1999 armed conflict against Serbian forces.

These include persecution, imprisonment, illegal or arbitrary arrest and detention, other inhuman acts, cruel treatment, torture, murder, and enforced disappearance of persons.

Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi, and Jakup Krasniqi, all former KLA leaders, have also pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Read more at:

Serbia/Kosovo: Start of ex-Kosovo president’s trial for war crimes “an important step along the long road to justice” (

As the special war crimes tribunal begins in the Hague against former Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi and three other commanders of Kosovo’s Liberation Army (KLA) for their alleged responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity, Amnesty International’s Europe Director,NilsMuizniekssaid:

“Today is an important step on the long road to justice, truth and reparation for hundreds of victims of the Kosovo War who have waited almost two-and-a-half decades to find out the truth about the horrific crimes committed against them and their loved ones.

“That it has taken more than 10 years for any of those suspected of criminal responsibility to be brought to court has allowed a culture of impunity for war crimes committed during the Kosovo War to persist. This trial sends a clear message that senior officials are not above the law.”

Read more at: