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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 11, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Disinformation led to barricades, violation of free movement in the north (media)
  • EU comments on possible joint statement on missing persons (Telegrafi)
  • PDK deputy leader Vlora Citaku interview for Ekonomia Online
  • 780 new cases with COVID-19, one death (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: Pristina wants to attack north Kosovo, execution of Serbs being prepared (RTS)
  • Serbian Ministry of Culture: Çeku is diverting attention, Serbian cultural heritage is under constant threat (Kosovo Online)
  • “Kurti’s synchronized campaign against Serbs and Belgrade underway” (KosovoOnline)
  • Christopher Hill: There is a bigger possibility for progress in the talks than for the conflict on September 1 in Kosovo (
  • Greece is not changing its position and will not recognize Kosovo-excerpt (B92)
  • Monks of Visoki Decani Monastery: Serbs live under the discriminatory rule of Kosovo Albanians (Radio Kontakt Plus)


  • DokuFest Brings Kosovo and Serbia Youngsters Closer Together (BIRN)

Albanian Language Media  

Kurti: Disinformation led to barricades and violation of free movement in the north (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said in a Twitter post today that at the government meeting on Wednesday he highlighted the dangers of fake news, particularly regarding Kosovo’s decisions on car plates and entry-exit documents at border crossing points with Serbia. “This disinformation led to barricades and violation of free movement in the north of Kosovo,” Kurti tweeted.

EU comments on possible joint statement on missing persons (Telegrafi)

A spokesperson for the European Union said today that they do not comment on media speculation when asked about reports in some Serbian media according to which Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are expected to sign a joint statement on missing persons on August 18 in Brussels. “We do not comment on media speculation, and we do not preempt the conclusions of meetings,” the EU spokesperson said. “About the high-level meeting in the dialogue with President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti in Brussels on August 18, we will publish more details, including the agenda, as we get closer to the date of the meeting.”

PDK deputy leader Vlora Citaku interview for Ekonomia Online

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Vlora Citaku, said in an interview with the news website that the war in Kosovo ended 23 years ago and that a statement by Prime Minister Albin Kurti about the possibility of conflict has caused great panic, confusion, and uncertainty. 

Citaku called on Kurti to be more serious and mature in his statements, adding that he has inherited a Kosovo in peace, independent and sovereign. “We have NATO in Kosovo, and its mandate is to maintain peace, security, and territorial integrity. It is clear that we have challenges in the north, with the criminal structures there that are directly sponsored by Belgrade and the government there. We must surely do our share of the work, to dissolve those structures, and for law and order to be implemented throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo,” she said.

Citaku argued that in this phase Kosovo must insist on a comprehensive agreement with Serbia centred around mutual recognition.

780 new cases with COVID-19, one death (media)

780 new cases with COVID-19 and one death from the virus were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. There are 7,221 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic: Pristina wants to attack northern Kosovo, execution of Serbs is being prepared (RTS)

Today, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić held a press conference in which he said, inter alia, that he is going to Brussels to talk, but that he does not hope for any result. He pointed out that he is sceptical, but that he has hopes related to the meeting and the rational behaviour of Pristina, as well as that he hopes that “their illegal parents will force them to do it”. He warned that Pristina wants to attack the north of Kosovo and that, under the guise of fighting crime, it is preparing the arrest and liquidation (execution) of Serbs.

Vucic said he is sceptical about the results of the meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels on August 18, but that he hopes for the meeting and the rational behaviour of Pristina adding that he is going there to find a solution. “I hope that their illegal parents will force them to do it” he said.

Vucic also said that the Association of Serb-majority municipalities cannot be a non-governmental organization. “Why did we negotiate and talk at all if the ZSO has to be in accordance with the Kosovo constitution, then it is a right and a possibility for everyone - Egyptians, Roma or Croats. Why do we care what is written in their constitution, which we do not recognize? Well, we think that it must be in accordance with the Constitution of Serbia - and what are we going to do now? Do you think we should create a non-governmental organization so that they have the right to sell chewing gum and collect erasers before the start of classes on September 1? Well, it can’t be done” Vučić said.

He also asked what the purpose of the Brussels Agreement was in that case. “My message to Quint, first of all – we are going in good faith, we want to talk about everything. You can do everything by force, but only by force. To force us to give up our rights, to take part in the destruction of our country and signed agreements – don’t even try or even to dream about it” Vucic said.

Vucic further claimed that Pristina is using the situation in Ukraine to campaign against Serbia, and that it is a lie that Serbia wants to attack anyone, but quite the opposite. He pointed out that Pristina is the one that wants to attack the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and is preparing the liquidation of Serbs, under the guise of fighting crime, which is why he warned them not to do so.

Serbian Ministry of Culture: Çeku is diverting attention, Serbian cultural heritage is under constant threat (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information issued a press release today in which it has reminded that Visoki Dečani is the only monument in Europe that has been under continuous strong military protection for 20 years, and since 2006 it has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage in Danger. This was their response to the statement of Kosovo’s Minister of Culture Hajrulla Çeku that Serbia is abusing the Orthodox churches in Kosovo and that the presence of KFOR around the Visoki Dečani monastery is symbolic.

“Therefore, it is not clear which security reports the representative of the provisional institutions of Pristina is referring to, bearing in mind the unanimous decision of UNESCO that Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija remain on the list of heritage in danger, as well as the latest report of the OSCE Mission from July of this year, which indicates numerous vandalisms and criminal acts committed at the facilities and localities of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the period from 2014 to 2020” Ministry of Culture of Serbia said in its press release.

“Kurti’s synchronized campaign against Serbs and Belgrade is underway” (Kosovo Online)

The head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, said this morning that a synchronized campaign of the representatives of Pristina against the Serbs in Kosovo is underway and that Albin Kurti is sabre-rattling and calling for war, attacking and accusing the Serbs and Belgrade.

“A synchronized campaign against Serbs is afoot: The one who engages in sabre-rattling and calls for war, attacks and accuses Serbs and Belgrade, Albin Kurti” Petkovic tweeted.

He said that the representatives of Pristina want to criminalize the Serbs in the north and protect the monasteries that they were demolishing.

“Those who are a hotbed of crime, who want to criminalize the Serbs in the north, Xhelal Svecla. Those who demolished the monasteries, now they want to protect them, Hajrulla Ceku” Petkovic tweeted.

Christopher Hill: There is a bigger possibility for progress in the talks than for the conflict on September 1 in Kosovo (

Today, the US Ambassador to Serbia was responding to citizens’ questions, and on that occasion he said that the representatives of Belgrade and Pristina, who have fairly good mediators from the EU in the dialogue, must do more in resolving the disputed issues, and added that he honestly thinks that there is a greater possibility for real progress in the dialogue than for a new conflict on September 1. 

Hill said this in response to one of nearly 400 questions and comments on Twitter and Facebook from citizens, which asked if there was a possibility of another conflict at the administrative line on September 1 (over the licence plate agreement), and if the answer is yes-then how the embassy prepares for such a scenario. 

“I honestly think that there is a bigger possibility for real progress in the dialogue than for problems. It is obvious that Belgrade and Pristina should do more in solving the disputed issues, they have quite good EU mediators and USA is also very active” said Ambassador Hill, who launched a new initiative three days ago and invited citizens to communicate directly with him and ask him questions on FB and Twitter. 

When asked why the US supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but not Serbia, he said that he understands the person who asked that question and why he was asking, but he added that it is important to understand that the situation in Ukraine is completely different. 

“At the end of the day, it’s about a neighbour that attacked Ukraine, its civilians and continues to bomb its cities. Ukraine really had to fight against that absolutely malicious attack by Russia, which is still ongoing today” Hill said, adding that would therefore be very careful when comparing the situation in Ukraine with that of a few decades ago. 

Upon reminding one of the citizens that Serbia is the only country in Europe that does not impose sanctions on Russia, that regardless of this it has the support of the USA, re replied to one question of whether such a contribution will remain in the future and emphasized that it is important that the USA and Serbia try to work together on important issues. 

“Serbia has a different stance than its European partners, but I think it’s important to concentrate on the things we agree on and to try to move forward together” Hill said. 

Greece is not changing its position and will not recognize Kosovo-excerpt (B92)

“Greece is not changing its position and won’t recognize Kosovo” said Greek Ambassador Georgios Diakofotakis, pointing out there’s no pressure on Greece to do so. 

“During his recent visit to Belgrade (June 3), Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias reiterated that Greece’s position remains unchanged and that it does not intend to recognize Kosovo’s independence” the ambassador said today in a written interview to Tanjug, when answering the question of whether Pristina’s expectations that Greece will be the first out of five remaining EU members to recognize Kosovo. 

When speaking about Pristina’s increased diplomatic activities in talks with Greek officials aimed at the recognition of Kosovo, he said that Athens maintains good relations with the authorities in Pristina, especially in the field of economy and trade, as well as that it cooperates within regional organizations in Southeast Europe. 

When asked if he was aware of the earlier statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kosovo Donika Gervalla, that there is a possibility that the five EU members who have not done so, will collectively recognize the independence of Kosovo, and that Athens will be the first, and whether Athens is under pressure to do so, the ambassador pointed out that he does not know about such a possibility. 

“It doesn’t actually exist” he said and added that “Greece is not under anyone’s pressure”. The ambassador reminds that during his recent visit to Belgrade, the head of diplomacy, Nikos Dendias, reiterated that Greece supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU. 

“Together with other EU members, Greece fully supports the efforts of Miroslav Lajcak and appreciates his work. We hope for a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and Pristina as foreseen by the conclusions of the EU Council, and in accordance with the legal acquis of the EU” Dakofotakis said in written answers to questions of Tanjug, which were sent to him last month. He adds that Athens believes that a successful outcome of the dialogue will increase the security and prosperity of the Western Balkans. 

He replied to Tanjug’s statement that the current crisis strengthens the need for regional initiatives, such as the Open Balkan, and the question of whether the intensification of cooperation within the Quadrilateral initiative, which includes Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia can be the answer to the growing crisis, he pointed out that cooperation in the Quadrilateral has slowed down due to the pandemic. 

“Now that the situation is improving, there is room to believe that a new meeting will be held soon. This format of cooperation can improve our coordination and promote interconnectivity in all its forms, thus contributing to the economic growth of our region and closer contact between our citizens” he said. 

He points out that the Greek-Bulgarian Interconnector (IGB), a natural gas pipeline of great importance for diversification and energy security in Southeast Europe, was recently launched, and should begin deliveries in the next few months. Initially, it will transport gas from Azerbaijan via the TAP pipeline. By the end of next year, the floating terminal for storage and regasification of liquefied natural gas in Alexandroupolis will also be able to be used, he explains. 

“Serbia has already expressed interest in diversifying its sources of energy supply. It too will be able to receive Azerbaijani gas through the TAP gas pipeline and the TPG terminal. But first, the Serbian-Bulgarian gas interconnector needs to be completed” he said. As he pointed out, the liquefied natural gas (LPG) terminal in Alexandroupolis is a very important project for the energy security of Southeast Europe because it diversifies energy supply routes and ensures a normal flow of gas to the region, and it will be fully operational by the end of 2023. 

When asked if there is a possibility of abolishing roaming for Serbian tourists in Greece, the ambassador replied that the government in Athens encourages mobile phone providers to reduce prices, but that due to EU law, it cannot impose such measures on companies that provide mobile phone services. 

Monks of Visoki Decani Monastery: Serbs live under the discriminatory rule of Kosovo Albanians (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Yesterday afternoon, the monastic brotherhood of Visoki Decani stated that Serbs in Kosovo have been living under the discriminatory rule of the Kosovo Albanians for 23 years. 

“Kosovo Serbs were living under Ottoman occupation for 500 years. We survived, we had to obey the laws of the occupying power, but we preserved our faith and traditions. For the last 23 years, we have been living under the discriminatory rule of the Kosovo Albanians, but we will not stop fighting peacefully for our rights and equality” Visoki Decani monastery posted on Twitter. 

It is added that “in the last 23 years of ‘peace’, our holy sites have been desecrated, our people deprived of their fundamental rights, our identity denied despite the international presence. In a society that is turning into an ethnically pure Albanian country, we still remain determined to stay on our own property”. 

They also pointed out that these days when the Serbian people face daily threats and insults from Kosovo politicians, when refugees cannot return home after 20 years of exile and dozens of churches still lie in ruins, Kosovo Serbs “remain with their faith in God that human injustice and the reign of terror will not last forever”. 

“Without the rule of law, chronic corruption, ethnic and religious discrimination, can leave Kosovo for a long time far from a democratic society with many young people going to the West. The political fanaticism that rules Kosovo today has made it an unstable place and a black hole” it was posted on the Twitter account of Visoki Decani Monastery. 


DokuFest Brings Kosovo and Serbia Youngsters Closer Together (BIRN)

An exhibition at Kosovo's DukoFest film festival shows youngsters from Kosovo and Serbia confronting each other on social challenges and assumptions by answering the question 'How Do I See You?'

A multimedia exhibition at the Kosovo Film Festival DokuFest shows 14 youngsters from Kosovo and Serbia confronting each other on social challenges and assumptions based on narratives created by the spread of propaganda and fake news in the two countries.

Zana Arapi Xheladini, coordinator of the project, told BIRN that the “aim of the project is to bring together youngsters from Kosovo and Serbia and, via cultural camps, organized in Kosovo and Serbia, spend as much time with each other as possible, and realize the main difference between them is the language”.

“The main goal is to debunk the harsh negatives published in certain media,” on fake news and in propaganda spread between Kosovo and Serbia, due to the frozen conflict between the two countries. 

The exhibition “How Do I See You?” premiered on Wednesday at the Shani Efendi house, a former community house close to the Lumbardhi cinema in Prizren and will be open until the last day of DokuFest, August 13. 

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