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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 22, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti hosted by Mitsotakis, “good relations that are constantly advanced” (media)
  • LDK calls for resignation of Minister of Education (Radio Free Europe)
  • Reactions to meeting between Zelensky and Vucic (media)
  • Mitrovica North joins Association of Kosovo Municipalities (media)
  • Customs reaches record-setting €1 billion for Kosovo budget (Ekonomia Online)
  • Sinani: Only staff of Serbian nationality being employed in the Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian President says no change in Greece’s position on Kosovo (FoNet, N1)
  • Vucic: The EU preparing an economic growth program for the WB; Serbia and Ukraine mutually respect the principle of territorial integrity (RTS)
  • Serbian List: ''Kurti's special forces again entered the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija'' (Politika, Tanjug, Danas, KiM radio)
  • Petkovic: Atiq and Kurti want to threaten the existence of 40 employees, we will not allow that (KiM radio)
  • The Assembly of the Serbian National Council (SNV) postponed (KiM radio)  


  • Serbia Riles Neighbours with Harsh Warning About Kosovo Recognitions (Balkan Insight)
  • Athens Declaration: Leaders support territorial integrity of Ukraine, stress the need for re-energized enlargement (EWB)
  • Zelenskiy Says Talks With Serbia's Vucic 'Honest, Fruitful' (RFE)


  • Film Director Zelimir Zilnik: Championing Those on the Margins (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti hosted by Mitsotakis, “good relations that are constantly advanced” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti was hosted in a meeting today in Athens by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Kurti said Kosovo and Greece enjoy good relations that are constantly advanced both in the economy through an increase in trade exchange as well as in politics through frequent visits by the heads of institutions.

Kurti and Mistotakis talked about the dialogue in Brussels and regional cooperation, with Kurti saying that there is an agreement in place between Kosovo and Serbia that needs full and unconditional implementation. “Kurti recalled that after the Bratislava agreement, two months have passed without a violent incident or protest in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. The situation has de-escalated, and the focus should be on preventing a re-escalation by violent elements,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.

“The meeting was dominated by discussions on strengthening economic relations. Prime Minister Mitsotakis thanked Prime Minister Kurti for attending the dinner and said that he is interested in strengthening economic ties and showed interest in different sectors of the economy,” the press release notes.

LDK calls for resignation of Minister of Education (Radio Free Europe)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has criticised the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arberie Nagavci, today about the new plan for the distribution of school books for children. The LDK calls for Nagavci’s resignation citing “the mismanagement of the school year”. “Kosovo doesn’t deserve a minister that has failed at every level to manage the education sector and has ultimately surrendered by shifting the responsibility to the parents,” head of the LDK Women’s Forum, Jehona Lushaku, told a press conference today.

Minister Nagavci said on Monday that the Ministry was considering the possibility of transferring funds to parents so that they can purchase the schoolbooks for their children for the new school year. In the past, the Ministry purchased the schoolbooks from publishing companies, and they were then distributed to pupils in schools.

Lushaku meanwhile criticised the plan, saying that “a complete last-minute change in procedures without a clear and detailed plan not knowing what the results will be proves the inability of this government to plan the budget and to manage the purchasing of school books on time, which is a legal obligation of the ministry”. “In addition to its inability to manage the situation, the government is also avoiding its responsibility by burdening the parents and violating the legislation in force,” she said.

Nagavci, on the other hand, while giving the reasons for the new plan, mentioned financial abuses, and said there were several cases which the ministry had addressed to investigative authorities. “We had cases when a school text was sold for 3 euros, and in the following year it was sold for over 12 euros. There were major discrepancies in the prices of school books,” she argued.

Lushaku said that the government will not save money with the new plan “but it will be proved that purchasing the books [by the parents] will lead to a higher cost for the budget of our state”.

Head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri, said today that the new plan could provoke strikes in the education sector. “And this situation can end only with the dismissal of this government. This government is damaging Kosovo on the international, domestic, political, and economic level,” he said.

Tahiri also called for the dismissal of the government through an extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly in early September, referring also to the abuses with state reserves.

Reactions to meeting between Zelensky and Vucic (media)

Ukrainian MP and Vice President of the PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Oleksiy Goncharenko, wrote on Twitter that “Zelensky met with the President of Serbia. Serbia is an ally of Russia. We will not be able to drag Serbia to our side. And this is not because we are so bad, but because the population of Serbia supports Russia in some incredible majority. Do we need to meet then? Yes of course. Should we compromise our principles? No. Ukraine should recognize the independence of Kosovo.”

European Parliament’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, shared Goncharenko’s post and added that “exactly: very likely that Vucic agreed to meet Zelensky to mainly put pressure on Ukraine: weapons for non-recognition of Kosovo. I do hope that Zelensky understands which political risk might such a deal entail. Kosovo independence & stability are also in Ukraine’s interest”.

General Secretary of the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Strategy in Kosovo and Serb politician, Boban Bogdanovic, wrote today that “It has just been confirmed to me, that Zelensky made it clear to Vucic that Ukraine will recognise Kosovo and support the Republic of Serbia on the way to European Union! Also, the president of Ukraine thanked his colleague from the Republic of Serbia for the continuous assistance and supply of ammunition to the Ukrainian army! Good meeting.”

Mitrovica North joins Association of Kosovo Municipalities (media)

The Association of Kosovo Municipalities said today that the municipality of Mitrovica North has become a member of the association during an extraordinary meeting of the assembly today. “The vote on the membership of Mitrovica North in the AKK has passed with the votes of all delegates in the Assembly and took place after the request of the municipality which was adopted at the municipal assembly to join the Association,” the statement notes.

Mitrovica North Mayor, Erden Atiq, said he was pleased with the unanimous vote and that he will contribute to addressing the challenges of local governance.

Customs reaches record-setting €1 billion for Kosovo budget (Ekonomia Online)

The Kosovo Customs said in a press release today that they have reached a record-setting €1 billion so far this year for the Kosovo budget, surpassing last year by €71 million or 7.62 percent.

“Knowing that last year too there was a very positive trend of growth and at the same time an increase in the counter-effect of furthering the levels of free trade agreement and at the same time no changes in fiscal policies, surpassing with this comparison clearly shows the unprecedented commitment of the Kosovo Customs to combat informal economy and to promote practices that support fair and honest competition. Noted successes in these efforts are also a result of cooperation with relevant institutions, the business community and the public in general, therefore, we are very grateful for the shared efforts that have resulted with these successes,” the statement notes.

Sinani: Only staff of Serbian nationality being employed in the Valley (media)

Ardita Sinani, former mayor of Presevo municipality in Serbia and now political advisor to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti for Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, said in a Facebook post today that there are more than 10 state institutions operating in that region that employ only persons with Serbian nationality. She said that according to international observers, the Serbian legal framework contains provisions to promote the protection of rights of members of national minorities and that they have improved in the last couple of years. “They however also unanimously agree that the Serbian legal framework lacks a comprehensive and strategic approach to integrate national minorities … and special concern in reports by international experts is expressed about ‘interethnic relations in Serbia’ which ‘are still cause for concern’ according to the Council of Europe,” she argued.




Serbian Language Media


Serbian President says no change in Greece’s position on Kosovo (FoNet, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Athens with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis who confirmed that there will be no change in the official position of Greece regarding the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, reported N1.

Vucic said on Instagram that he had a good and friendly talk with the Greek PM with whom he exchanged opinions on overall regional cooperation, global issues and Greece’s position on the situation in Kosovo.

“Our Greek friends once again confirmed that there will be no change in the official position regarding the non-recognition of Kosovo’s unilaterally proclaimed independence,” stressed Vucic, adding that Serbia and Greece will continue to strengthen cooperation in all areas of common interest.

Vucic: The EU preparing an economic growth program for the WB; Kovacevski reaction; Serbia and Ukraine mutually respect the principle of territorial integrity; Greece not changing position  (RTS)

It is up to us to continue the European path and see what our country can get from it, said President Aleksandar Vucic in Athens. 

He pointed out that the Athens summit is an opportunity to talk with European leaders, to exchange experience about the European path of the countries of the WB and their future.

"For the people of Serbia, it is important that we spoke with Ursula von der Leyen last night, and she and Charles Michel reiterated the importance of the so-called Growth agendas and how the EU is preparing a growth program for the countries of the Western Balkans for the month of October, what can we do to improve economic performance, and I expect here, apart from support for various programs, subsidies, incentives for the green agenda, and additional cash flow for the countries of the Western Balkans," he said, pointing out that it means a lot nowadays.

He stated that the informal dinner was in a somewhat strange format. He explained that, except for Edi Rama, the leaders of the WB were present in the "five plus one" format, but that the Summit was also attended by the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, the Bulgarian and Romanian Prime Ministers, as well as the President of Moldova and the President of Ukraine.

He stated that more can be expected in December than just the date for the start of negotiations on the entry of Moldova and Ukraine into the EU.

"It is important for us to look at what we can do with the EU, what they said about the single economic market is important, it is not easy, but it is extremely important for us. It would additionally stimulate growth in our country, we would be more attractive to foreign investors," said Vucic.

He stated that in the EU, 10 out of 27 countries bear the greatest burden, and that ''push'' for Ukraine is logical. 

"Because Ukraine is at war and doing work for all of them and it has to get some incentive, but as soon as I hear remarks about the rule of law, I see where it leads... Even when it comes to some other countries," said Vucic.

Kovacevski reacted strongly because of Kurti

Vucic also said that the PM of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, reacted strongly because of what Kurti did in Tetovo, and that it surprised many. He added that he spoke with him and said that "Macedonians are our brothers", reported RTS.

According to him, the Croatian Prime Minister gave a meaningful speech.

"Plenkovic had a serious, systematic and rational approach to future European issues. It is up to us to continue that path, but to see what we can get out of it for our country," said Vucic. 

Serbia and Ukraine mutually respect the principle of territorial integrity

The President of Serbia said that he had an open and honest conversation with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was interested in what our citizens thought.

"I said that when it comes to the question of territorial integrity, Serbia, unlike others, is sincere and supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. It was a sincere, friendly conversation and I hope that we will succeed in continuing to develop cooperation with the country that has never done anything bad to Serbia. I also believe that there will be no changes in Ukraine's position when it comes to the territorial integrity of Serbia, and that was a great job we did," said Vucic. 

There is nothing in the Declaration that is against our interests

When it comes to the text of the Declaration adopted in Athens, according to the words of the President of Serbia, everyone was looking for a sharp and clear narrative when it comes to sanctions against Russia, but, as he says, he asked and managed to ensure that nothing in the text is found that goes against Serbia's interests and politics. 

"There are things for which we are not ready at this moment to decide, and we do not want to decide. We cannot talk about who is a criminal, we cannot be prosecutors and judges. As much as we could protect our interests, we did it," Vucic said.

He said that he did not agree with the part of the Declaration that talks about "somewhat more effective application of sanctions against Russia".

"I can't quote, but a whole paragraph is about it and there was another one, I talked about it, but I will read it to you precisely - it was the conversation of our host and everyone else, how it goes around, the first version goes, then the intermediate version, then the third version and so on. It's not simple and not always easy, but you look at how much you can protect the interests of your country. That's what's important," the president said.

He added that a "hot autumn" is ahead and that the situation in Ukraine is not easy and simple, that nothing is going fast and will not be solved quickly and, as he said, there are many more problems ahead.

Greece will not change its position on the issue of territorial integrity of Serbia

The President of Serbia said that there is a centuries-old friendship between Serbia and Greece and that he believes that we will be able to continue it.

"Today I will have a conversation with our Greek friends, and I hope that we will continue our cooperation. Last night I spoke briefly with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and many other Greek officials. I believe that today we will have a good conversation with Kyriakos Mitsotakis. He also told me last night, I can confirm this to you right away, that there will be no change in Greece's position regarding the recognition of Kosovo's independence," Vucic pointed out.

The President of Serbia also stated that Greece has been fair and respectful since the beginning of the meetings in Athens.

"I don't have a problem with Kurti being there. It's not easy for me about that bilateral meeting in the Athens offices, but last night they were fair, you saw that they wrote on the stairs where we were standing. Nowhere was it written Kosovo or Serbia and so on, it was written Belgrade, Pristina, there were no flags and pennants, there were only the names of the people who were there. In that regard, Greece was fair and respected everyone," said Vucic.

Serbian List: ''Kurti's special forces again entered the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija'' (Politika, Tanjug)

Politika daily reports that today, the Serbian List informed the international community that the representatives of the "Kurti's mayor'' again entered the building where the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Service of the Directorate of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, the Kosovo-Mitrovica Administrative District and the Center for Social Work in Vucitrn are located, in Bosniak Mahala settlement, in Mitrovica North. 

On that occasion, the employees were informed that they had to leave their workplaces and move out of the building within three days, according to the announcement of the Serbian List.

"At the invitation of the international community that illegitimate mayors work from alternative locations, they went one step further and want to take away our premises as well, and in that process, they show their apathy and demonstration of force by not respecting their own laws and rules and delivered the document in the Albanian language," it was said in the announcement. 

At the same time, Serbian List asked international representatives whether their call that illegitimate mayors do only administrative work and not make political decisions against the citizens of our municipalities is respected in this way, reported the media.

Portal KoSSev reports that the SL attached the minutes of this municipal inspection. The bilingual form, otherwise in the irregular Serbian language, was filled out in the inspector's handwriting in Albanian, with the name "Igor Simic" written on it, the following was stated in it:

"The minutes compiled by the municipal inspector, on August 22, 2023, on the occasion of the inspection of the business entity PIO, owned by the municipality with personal number 25********, Oslobodjenja Street, North Mitrovica. 

This inspection establishes that the municipal facility used by the office of Serbia does not provide documentation for the basis of the use of that municipal space of the facility. They were informed a few days earlier to prepare the presentation of documentation with the agreement on the use permit.

The inspection made a visit to this facility and informed them to prepare a document based on which they use it.

Based on the established situation, the inspector orders these measures to be taken within three days.

In the absence of documents, they are ordered to vacate the facility.

For non-implementation of the same, measures provided by the law will be taken. 

This record is compiled in four copies.’’

Petkovic: Atiq and Kurti want to threaten the existence of 40 employees, we will not allow that (KiM radio)

After the inspectors of the Municipality of North Mitrovica once again warned the employees of several institutions that work according to the system of the Republic of Serbia to leave the building that they claim is owned by this Kosovo municipality, the director of the Office for KiM Petar Petkovic reacted. KiM radio recalls that the headquarters of this Office is also located in that building.

Petkovic believes that in this way it directly threatens the livelihood and right to work for about 40 employees in this building, but also provides services to Serbs, Albanians, Bosniaks, Gorani, Roma...

"Institutions located in this building, such as the PIO Fund, which provide services in the field of pension and disability insurance for tens of thousands of users of all nationalities, while as many as 120 socially vulnerable families depend on the work of the Department of the Center for Social Work!"

He states that the President of the Municipality of North Mitrovica, Erden Atiq, as well as the PM of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, want to, as he states, directly threaten the existence of employees in several institutions and their right to work and realization of assistance.

Such a scenario, he says, will not be allowed.

"Just as we will not allow endangerment of the existence of tens of employees and thousands of social assistance beneficiaries, who depend on the work of these institutions that Atiq wants to evict and close. Such unilateral and illegal moves by a fake mayor, for whom neither Serbs or Albanians voted, lead to a new rise in tensions and cause a crisis on the ground and do not go in the direction of any de-escalation, but direct escalation," Petkovic said in a press release.

Petkovic says that Kurti, through his associates, is making moves that are a direct threat to peace and stability, while the international community, on the other hand, is silent and watching silently.

The Assembly of the Serbian National Council (SNV) postponed (KiM radio)  

The Assembly of the Serbian National Council (SNV), planned to be held on August 26 in Cultural Centre Gracanica, was postponed, because it was not possible to secure a hall for this gathering, the SNC Organizing Committee announced.

As stated in the press release, during the negotiations regarding the use of the Cultural Centre in Gracanica, there were misunderstandings that were resolved by sending an official request to its management.

“Although on August 16, the Committee submitted a request by email to the Cultural Centre in Gracanica to assign the large hall in which the Assembly would be held, and on August 20 and 22 asked for an urgent response, to this day, the management of Cultural Centre has not responded, either with a positive or negative response, so we consider that our request was rejected,” it was said in the statement.

The reasons why there is no response are not known to the Organizing Committee, they added.

“We are unable to find another hall for the 400 delegates and guests who were invited to attend the Assembly, there was no other option but to postpone it. The Committee did not accept the proposals that such a large national gathering, which is being organized at a decisive moment for Kosovo-Metohija Serbs, should be held in restaurants and bars, next to the existing Cultural Centre in Gracanica. We express our regret and apologies to all those invited to the Assembly, especially the representatives of exiled Serbs and guests from central Serbia,” the statement read.

The new date and venue of the Assembly will be announced later, reported KiM radio.






Serbia Riles Neighbours with Harsh Warning About Kosovo Recognitions (Balkan Insight)

Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Albania responded sharply after Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said that their recognition of the independence of Kosovo will cause a harsh reaction “just like in Ukraine”.

Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Albania have expressed concern after Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic, who is also head of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, said that their recognition of Kosovo will come back to hurt them.

“You made a mistake and it will hit you on the head, just like in Ukraine, it hits everyone who promoted Kosovo and Metohija as an independent state,” Vucevic told Serbia’s pro-government TV Pink on Sunday.

“You have opened Pandora’s box. Your bureaucratic answers that Kosovo is sui generis, that it’s a special case, are ridiculous,” he added.

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Athens Declaration: Leaders support territorial integrity of Ukraine, stress the need for re-energized enlargement (EWB)

ATHENS – Leaders of the EU candidate and potential candidate countries met in Athens on Monday evening at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, marking the 20 years of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Thessaloniki which promised EU membership perspective to the region. Western Balkan presidents and prime ministers were joined by the leaders of the new candidate countries, Ukraine and Moldova, EU members from the region, as well as Presidents of the European Commission and European Council.

The joint Declaration, which confirmed the support for Ukrainian independence and territorial integrity, as well as “re-energized and re-focused” enlargement, was issued by President Vučić of Serbia, President Sandu of Moldova, President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, President Milatović of Montenegro, Prime Minister Mitsotakis of Greece, Prime Minister Ciolacu of Romania, Prime Minister Kurti of Kosovo, Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Krišto, Prime Minister of North Macedonia Kovachevski, Prime Minister of Bulgaria Denkov, and Prime Minister of Croatia Plenković.

President of Albania Bajram Begaj was invited to represent his country but could not participate “due to an agenda defined earlier”.

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Zelenskiy Says Talks With Serbia's Vucic 'Honest, Fruitful' (RFE)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says he had "an open, honest, and fruitful meeting" in Athens with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic. "Good conversation on respect for the UN Charter and the inviolability of borders. On our nations’ shared future in the common European home. On developing our relations, that is in our mutual interest," he said in a post on the X social media platform, formerly known as Twitter. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis hosted an informal summit in the Greek capital for top officials from nine Balkan nations. Serbia, a traditional ally of Russia, has bucked EU pressure to join Western sanctions to punish Moscow for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

See at:





Film Director Zelimir Zilnik: Championing Those on the Margins (Balkan Insight)

After a half-century of film and documentary-making, his work in challenging stereotypes about class, race and gender and the madness of nationalism remains as relevant as ever.

In more than 50 years of work, Zelimir Zilnik, now 80, has made dozens of films, as one of the representatives of the Yugoslav “Black Wave”.

Art historian Branislav Dimitrijevic wrote that when it comes to forms of innovation and experimentation, Zilnik is on par with authors like Godard, Warhol, Makavejev or Fassbinder.

Some of the characteristics of Zilnik’s work are documentary fiction, work with non-professional actors and the unclear difference between acted and spontaneous. 

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