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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 25, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID – 19: Eight deaths, 136 new cases (media)
  • EU: Dialogue at level of experts to continue August 27 (RFE)
  • Hoti about the road near Monastery: Laws must be respected (media)
  • Mustafa: Changes in government if agreement is not respected (media)
  • Konjufca: Hoti is going to dialogue with Serbia without platform (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Janjic after meeting Hoti: I hope solution would be satisfactory to all (Kosovo-online)
  • Abbot Janjic: We support economic development of municipality, but highway can’t go through protective zone (Kosovo-online)
  • EU: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at expert level on August 27 in Brussels (Kosovo-online)
  • “I would quote Vucic, do not waste kerosene” (B92, Tanjug)
  • “Washington meeting part of US election campaign, its importance to be exaggerated” (KoSSev)
  • Server: Some agreements on Gazivode and Trepca in Washington are possible (Danas)
  • Serbian, Russian military chiefs discuss security situation, cooperation (BETA, N1)


  • Serbs and Albanians laid together flowers at monument of missing persons (Kosovo-online)
  • European Commission adopts measures to help neighbors recover from pandemic (RTS, N1)



Albanian Language Media


COVID – 19: Eight deaths, 136 new cases (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said in a statement today that eight deaths and 136 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded over the last 24 hours. 131 persons have recovered from the virus during this period. The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (51).

EU: Dialogue at level of experts to continue August 27 (RFE)

Sources in the European Union told the news website today that the next EU-facilitated meeting between Kosovo and Serbia at the level of experts will be held on August 27.

EU spokeswoman Nabila Massrali confirmed the meeting but did not disclose further details. “We can confirm that the next meeting will be held on August 27. We don’t comment on ongoing discussions,” she said.

Diplomatic sources in Brussels also said there could be another high-level meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister and Serbian President, Avdullah Hoti and Aleksandar Vucic, in early September. The same sources said that the pace of dialogue will be intensified in autumn with meetings between leaders twice a month and meetings between experts every week.

Hoti about the road near Monastery: Laws must be respected (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said after meeting Decan Mayor Bashkim Ramosaj today that they discussed the road near the Decani Monastery and that there is agreement that laws passed by the Kosovo Assembly must be respected.

“We discussed important issues, the economy, the local economic development of Decan, and in particular about the road near the Monastery. We have an institutional culture of respecting laws that were passed by the Kosovo Assembly,” Hoti said. “We are here to protect and promote the interests of the residents of Decan and to show the necessary care for cultural and religious sites. I am confident that in the discussions in the coming days and weeks we will find a good solution agreed upon by all parties”.

Ramosaj said there is joint commitment to build the road but that the dispute needs to be resolved first. He said the construction of the Decan - Plav road is a common interest. “It is our joint commitment to build the road and to resolve the dispute. I think and I hope that we are on the right path to resolve all problems that Decan has faced for a long time,” Ramosaj said.

Mustafa: Changes in government if agreement is not respected (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa said in a Facebook post today that there changes could be made in the ruling coalition if rules of the agreement are not respected. Mustafa said there will be “changes at any time for those that understand the governing order and the governing discipline; those that follow personal or party agendas, or who are found to use public funds without merit”.

“We have promised a government that will be efficient in its work, one that will combat crime and corruption, be rational and responsible on public funds. No other topic can shift our attention away from this commitment,” Mustafa said. 

The LDK leader also called for cooperation between the government and opposition for the dialogue with Serbia. “The dialogue with Serbia on mutual recognition, be it in Washington or Brussels, will be more substantial and stable if the government and the opposition are stakeholders in the process. The strategy for the dialogue must be an issue that is discussed and formulated by the Prime Minister and his close cabinet with partners of the coalition and leaders of the opposition,” he said.

Konjufca: Hoti is going to dialogue with Serbia without platform (media)

Vetevendosje senior member and former Foreign Minister, Glauk Konjufca, said in a press conference today that Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti is going to dialogue with Serbia without a platform. “Hoti doesn’t have any strategy … These politicians are very irresponsible. Therefore, they can only bring harm to Kosovo if they maintain this approach … They are fighting each other who will go to dialogue. They want to finish a deal with Serbia. This political discourse is fatal for the situation we are now,” he said.



Serbian Language Media


Janjic after meeting Hoti: I hope solution would be satisfactory to all (Kosovo-online)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery Sava Janjic said today following the meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Avduallah Hoti it is important to have in mind that there is a law prohibiting reconstruction of the road passing through special protective zones, expressing a hope that solution to this problem would be satisfactory to all, Kosovo-online portal reports.

“This road would impact the monastery, but peace as well, we have discussed ways to find a lasting solution that would be mutually accepted. I am encouraged by this meeting and I do hope a solution would be satisfactory to all”, Father Sava said.

He added he “supports road reconstruction that connects the people and ideas for economic development of the municipality”. However, he recalled that the Law on Special Protective Zones does not permit reconstruction of highways through protective zones, as it is the case with Decani-Plav road reconstruction.  

Abbot Janjic: We support economic development of municipality, but highway can’t go through protective zone (Kosovo-online)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery published today on his Twitter profile video message in Albanian, Serbian and English language and explained how he sees a solution to the problem of Decani-Plav road, Kosovo-online portal reports. Full transcript of video message in English language is below:


I am taking this opportunity to address the citizens of Kosovo who are confused with the problem with the road Deçan/Dečani  ¬ Plav through the Protective zone of Deačni/Deçan Monastery.

First,   I   want   to   assure   you   that   we   as   citizens   fully   support   the   economic development of  our  Municipality   and  construction   of  roads  which   connect  people. However,   the   law   on   Special   Protective   Zones   which   was   approved   by   Kosovo Parliament   prohibits   construction   of   highways   through   such   zones.  

In   2014   the Government of Kosovo decided to make a road from Deçan/Dečani  to Montenegro going around the Zone following partly the valley of Loqan/Loćani  and connecting with the road along the Lumbardhe e Deçanit/Dečanska Bistrica river at the end of the Protective Zone.  This project is the best solution because it would be fully in accordance to the Kosovo law and at the same time it would keep the heavy traffic out of the area which is envisaged by the law to be an area of undisturbed nature and peace.  The existing road through the zone may be completed later as a road of local character, with appropriate width, speed limit and prohibition of heavy traffic.  I strongly hope the Government of Kosovo and the Municipality of Deçan/Dečani will support this solution which was suggested also by international representatives.

At the same time this solution would be a good foundation for building confidence and promotion of the Monastery of Dečani/ Deçan as a World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO with an unspoiled natural ambient, without noise, turbulences and crowded roads. The local road through the zone would remain accessible for recreation and tourism as the existing road leading to the monastery.  I am sure it would be possible to complete this local road as soon as the road circumventing   the   zone   is   constructed.   Around   the   road   more   vegetation   may   be planted   to   preserve   the   character   of this Zone which is also the National park of Bjeshket e nemune/Prokletije”, Abbot Janjic said in a video message.  

EU: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at expert level on August 27 in Brussels (Kosovo-online)

The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would continue at the level of experts on August 27, in Brussels, the EU spokeswoman Nabila Massrali confirmed to Tanjug news agency.

The EU said it was about “part of the process” within the renewed dialogue process between Belgrade and Prstina.

“After the meeting at the highest level in July, the dialogue continues with a series of meetings at the level of experts,” Massrali added.

The last meeting of Belgrade and Pristina experts took place on July 30 in Brussels, and the EU said the experts would meet regularly in order to discuss the topics the leaders opened in the meeting at a high political level.

Missing persons, displaced persons and economic relations were the topics thus far discussed at the technical level of renewed Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Meanwhile, EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak announced a new meeting within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the highest political level for the beginning of September.

Earlier, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said a new meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Avduallah Hoti might take place on September 7, a few days after the planned meeting in Washington on September 4.

The EU also confirmed to Tanjug they are “in contact with all partners, including the US” when it comes to the support of dialogue led by the EU aiming at reaching comprehensive normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations and resolving all open issues between the two sides.   

“I would quote Vucic, do not waste kerosene” (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric told Pristina’s side not to go to Washington if their aim was to talk about independence of Kosovo, B92 reports.

This way Djuric reacted to the statement of Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Limaj who said earlier talks on independence of Kosovo would be held in Washington on September 4.

“I would quote what President Aleksandar Vucic already told them. If their aim and intention was to talk about independence of Kosovo and Metohija they better not go there because they would return with empty suitcases and a failed goal”, Djuric told TV Pink.

Serbia wants constructive talks on economic issues, how to help young people on both sides, who have no jobs, how to open administrative lines and trade without obstacles, how the CEFTA agreement would function, he added. 

“They can talk about independence with themselves only, they should not waste kerosene and time on such talks”, Djuric said.

Asked how the EU sees the upcoming talks in Washington, Djuric responded he assumes “they are not thrilled.”

“Tomorrow or the day after I expect to talk with (Miroslav) Lajcak. We expect continuation of the technical dialogue in Brussels that I would lead. We will talk about economic cooperation, missing persons and displaced persons issues in Brussels”, Djuric said.

“We would use this opportunity to hear the EU's stance on the talks in Washington. Our position is set on the UN General Assembly Resolution from 2010 which made the EU mediator in the dialogue on status and political issues”, Djuric added.

“Washington meeting part of US election campaign, its importance to be exaggerated” (KoSSev)

Serbian and Kosovo delegations are set to meet in Washington on September 4th to “negotiate” – the US Special Envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenell announced. This is Grenell’s second attempt to organize such a meeting. Milan Krstic, editor of the portal “Americki izbori,” told KoSSev that the meeting in question will be “part of the activities within Donald Trump’s election campaign” and its importance will be “exaggerated” by Washington.

Achieving any agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in the White House would be deemed by Grenell and the Trump administration as a giant success and confirmation that the US plays an important mediating role around the world, Milan Krstic, an assistant at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade and editor of the “Americki izbori” portal told KoSSev.

“This kind of message has already been sent by the recent agreement between the UAE and Israel. Although foreign policy is certainly not one of the key factors that will decide the fate of the elections, Trump must use every opportunity now to cut the current advantage that polls give to his challenger Joseph Biden“, Krstic added.

However, according to him, there is no room for the “final recognition agreement“, as Kosovo officials were announcing.

“A formal agreement between the states is not possible, since Serbia does not recognize Kosovo and that will not change after the Washington talks. I expect a framework agreement to be reached in a less formal and non-binding form, which would mainly regulate economic issues and which each side could present as its own victory. While its importance would be exaggerated by Washington“, Krstic opined.

See more at:

Server: Some agreements on Gazivode and Trepca in Washington are possible (Danas) 

It is not realistic to expect that a comprehensive agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina would be signed on September 4 in the White House, Belgrade-based daily Danas reports on Monday.

The two sides still have opposing views - for Albanians in Kosovo that would mean Serbia recognizing Kosovo, which Serbian officials do not agree to it at all, diplomatic sources and experts on the Western Balkans told Danas, commenting on the upcoming September 4 meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti.

Danas interlocutors pointed out the current US administration believed it was important to improve economic cooperation between the two sides “while waiting for a comprehensive agreement to be reached”, so the economy will be the main topic ‘on the table’.

Diplomats pointed out this summer it seemed that the European Union was once again taking the lead in the negotiations on Kosovo, but the United States ‘returned to the game’ by organizing a meeting in Washington.

“The EU's belief that it has a leading role in the Serbia-Kosovo dispute follows a well-known intervention scheme in which Europeans claim to have a solution to a problem, insist that Americans do not interfere, and then when they do not reach a solution it is necessary for America to re-join”, Danas sources emphasized.

Daniel Server, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, told the daily he was ‘not quite sure’ whether something would be signed at the meeting in Washington, but did not rule out the possibility of reaching “some agreements in the economic domain, including the one on Trepca and Gazivode lake”.

“Or special economic zones along the line between Kosovo and Serbia. I doubt there can be agreement on the bigger political issues concerning normalization of relations, as Belgrade seems unwilling to recognize Kosovo as sovereign and independent and Pristina can accept nothing less. Prime Minister Hoti has a narrow margin in parliament and won’t want to risk an early election, which former Prime Minister Kurti is likely to win decisively”, Server said.

Asked if he expects an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in the White House, Shpëtim Gashi, vice president of the Council for Inclusive Governance told the daily “it is still not clear but it seems that participants in the meeting will  turn three letters of intent into agreements - on the commercial flights, highway and railway, which were signed by Serbian and Kosovo representatives eight months ago”.

“If they find money for these projects or for some other agreements that they may sign, these will be important steps towards normalization, but if these agreements remain only ‘on paper’, they will not be relevant”, Gashi said.

Serbian, Russian military chiefs discuss security situation, cooperation (BETA, N1)

Serbian Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic met in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Valeriy Vasilyevich Gerasimov to discuss the global and regional political and security situation, with focus on Kosovo, the Defense Ministry said in a press release on Monday, BETA news agency reports.

The two generals also discussed promoting bilateral military cooperation as well as current activities, it said.  Mojsilovic is quoted as thanking Gerasimov for Russia’s help in preserving Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the help of its armed forces in combating the coronavirus pandemic in April and May this year “in conditions when the Russian people were themselves endangered by the virus”. 

“The Army of Serbia (VS) Chief of Staff stressed especially the aid from the Russian Federation in equipping the VS with modern military equipment and training our flight and technical personnel on Russian-made aircraft,” the press release said. 

Mojsilovic also spoke highly of this year's International Military Games, adding that the VS is thinking about competing to organize one of the disciplines. 

See at:





Serbs and Albanians laid together flowers at monument of missing persons (Kosovo-online)

Missing persons families’ members of all ethnicities have laid flowers today at the monument dedicated to the missing persons in front of the Kosovo Assembly, followed by a joint press conference of the Missing Persons Resource Center from Pristina and association of missing persons families Kosovo Sufferers from Belgrade, Kosovo-online portal reports.   

Bajram Qerkini from Missing Persons Resource Center said they request responsible institutions to shed the light on the fate of missing persons regardless of their ethnic or religious background. He recalled that even 20 years after they are still searching for 1.600 persons who went missing during and after the war in Kosovo.

He also said that families of the missing persons received no information following the last meeting of Kosovo and Serbia delegations in Brussels, where the missing persons issue was one of the topics to be discussed.

“We do not know what was done up to now, apart from what they said it would be the first topic on the agenda”, Qerkini said. He also pointed out that the law on missing persons is still being “kept in a drawer”, adding political willingness is necessary to resolve this issue.

Milorad Trifunovic from the Missing Persons Resource Center said their request was to include the missing persons issue on the agenda of Belgrade-Pristina negotiations and they would insist on it.

At the same time, Natasa Scepanovic from the Association Kosovo Sufferers based in Belgrade said members of the missing persons families cannot find their beloved ones alone, but need support of the institutions from Kosovo and Serbia

“Our common denominators are sorrow and pain and our struggle is sad, hard and lasts the way too long. We are aware of the fact that we can’t find our missing ones alone that is why we joined the forces to exert pressure on all the stakeholders, on all international and domestic institutions and organizations to help us shed the light on destinies of all missing persons. All those who have committed crimes must be identified by name and surname, must be prosecuted and adequately punished”, Scepanovic said.

The same event would be organized in Belgrade on August 27, on the occasion of International Day of Missing Persons.

European Commission adopts measures to help neighbors recover from pandemic (RTS, N1)

The European Commission has adopted measures to raise the level of trade between the European Union and neighboring countries, including Serbia, the Serbian public broadcaster RTS reported on Monday.

It said that the proposed measures should help those countries recover from the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. Commission sources are quoted as saying that the proposed measures are directed at modernizing preferential trade agreements between the EU and 20 trade partners in the pan-Mediterranean region to make the origin rule in those trade agreements more flexible and favorable. The rules of origin are necessary in any trade agreement because they define which goods meet the conditions for preferential treatment, the report said. 

The goods under preferential treatment meet the conditions for lower or even no customs duties; the European Commission is quoted as saying. 

See at: