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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Visa suspension would kill the dialogue (media)
  • EU: Kosovo and Serbia should create conditions for continuation of the dialogue (RFE)
  • Kurti appeals to the international community: Increase pressure on Serbia to find our citizens (media)
  • Serbia requested to open archives: It is violating Brussels agreement (media)
  • UNMIK: Fate of missing persons must be resolved in spirit of reconciliation, not politicized (Koha)
  • Rohde calls for the implementation of the Declaration on Missing Persons (RTK)
  • Grubi: Prizren-Tetovo road, initiative of Macedonian Government, Kurti used it for his campaign (media)
  • Klinaku interviewed by Police about his statement on Kurti (media)
  • Mayor of Zvecan requests meeting with Kurti and Osmani (Reporteri)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic met Lajcak: I am worried about Kurti's plan to expel the Serbs and occupy the north by force (Kosovo online)
  • Vucic met Congressman Turner: We are committed to the additional development of overall cooperation with the USA (Tanjug, Kosov Online)
  • Dacic: Macron's threat with visas not realistic (Blic)
  • International Day of Missing Persons marked in Gracanica: Why is the truth being kidnapped from us? (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
  • Ziadeh calls for the implementation of the Declaration on the missing persons (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)
  • Lucic: Telekom Srbija filed an appeal against Pristina's decision, we expect a positive result (Kosovo Online, TV Happy)
  • Surlic: The dialogue clinically dead, Lajcak trying to revive it for the umpteenth time (RTS)


  • 2030? Pffft! Balkan leaders slam EU chief’s enlargement timeline (




Albanian Language Media  


Osmani: Visa suspension would kill the dialogue (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has said that the suspension of the decision to remove visas for citizens of Kosovo from January 1, 2024, would kill the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

"I would say that this is the way to kill the dialogue once and for all. If someone wants to stop dialogue, then take such measures, which are punitive measures against the people of Kosovo. They are not against any leader, they are not against a policy, they are against the people of Kosovo. And such an unprecedented punishment, which has been a great injustice for the people of Kosovo, will result in the death of the dialogue. No one has a mandate to go to Brussels, when the people of Kosovo are being punished," she said.

Osmani made this statement, referring to the position of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, who said that his country will review the commitments it has made on economic issues and visa policies for Kosovo and Serbia, if they do not behave responsibly.

Osmani has said that Kosovo has reached compliance with the European Union for the de-escalation of the situation. She has mentioned that the agreement envisages the reduction of the presence of the Kosovo Police in and around the municipal buildings in the north, a step that she has said that Kosovo has made, and that they are working on the organization of new elections.

According to her, the legal basis for holding these elections will be ready on September 1, and thus she said that she expects the EU to remove the punitive measures against Kosovo, which she has assessed as unfair and disproportionate.

Another point of the Bratislava agreement envisages the fastest possible return to high-level dialogue. Osmani has said that she expects movement in this direction in September.

EU: Kosovo and Serbia should create conditions for continuation of the dialogue (RFE)

The European Union (EU) has reiterated its requests to Kosovo and Serbia to take the steps required of them to create the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue, but did not want to mention when a meeting of the high level could take place in Brussels. Peter Stano, EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security, expressed these views for Radio Free Europe.

"The dialogue work is continuing. We have continuously repeated in recent weeks that there is a clear expectation on the part of the EU that the parties take very clearly defined steps for de-escalation, and create the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue", Stano said.

Stano also refused to mention the dates of the high level meeting in Brussels saying that "we will announce the date for any next meeting led by the High Representative when it is appropriate".

The spokesperson of the European Union has also repeated the calls for the rapid implementation and without delay of the agreements that have come out of the dialogue.

"We have also said very clearly that it is necessary that the dialogue facilitated by the high representative and the rapid implementation of the agreement on the normalization of reports and the annex for implementation, be done without any new delay," he emphasized.

Kurti appeals to the international community: Increase pressure on Serbia to find our citizens (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has called on the international community to increase the pressure on Serbia, which, according to him, is responsible for the disappearance of Kosovo citizens and clarify their fate. On the Day of the Disappeared, Kurti said that justice must be done by punishing the political, military and police responsible for these crimes.

"The open graves in Kosovo await the truth. The weight of the absence weighs on the families of 1,617 persons who disappeared violently during the war in Kosovo. Mothers wait for the day when they will place a flower in memory of their loved ones. Those who were kidnapped were forcibly disappeared by the ordering and executing authorities of Serbia. After the fall of Milosevic, five large mass graves were discovered in Serbia, with a total of 950 of our people kidnapped and killed, killed and kidnapped, in Batajnica, Perucac, Petrovo Selo, Rudnica and Kizevak. Serbia still stands over the mass graves while denying them. Today and always, I call on the international partners to increase the pressure on Serbia, as responsible for the disappearance of our citizens, to clarify their fate and to bring justice by punishing the political, military and police responsible for these crimes", Kurti wrote in Facebook on Wednesday.

He has further mentioned some of the work they have done to discover the fate of the missing from the last war in Kosovo. 

He mentioned the establishment of the Institute for the crimes committed during the war in Kosovo, the changes in the legislation for the Kosovo authorities to pursue and punish the perpetrators of war crimes in absentia and the increase of the budget for 50 positions for the Prosecutorial and Judicial Council of Kosovo.

"While in the Kosovo Police, from one sector, we have established the War Crimes Investigation Department, which will have 41 investigators. In July, we marked the final step for the membership of the Republic of Kosovo in the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). Our state, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, is committed and is being engaged to the truth about all the violent disappearances that have occurred in Kosovo. On the International Day of Persons Disappeared by Violence, we honor all those disappeared by violence during the war in Kosovo. We will never stop until their fate is known. We all miss them", Kurti wrote.

According to UNMIK, 6,065 people disappeared as a result of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. There are currently 1,617 open cases of missing persons, of which 1,355 are men and 262 are women.

Serbia requested to open archives: It is violating Brussels agreement (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca have paid tribute to the Memorial for the Missing, on the International Day of the Disappeared.

On the International Day of the Missing, President Vjosa Osmani expressed her solidarity with all the families in Kosovo who are still looking for their loved ones, who disappeared violently during the last war in Kosovo.

Osmani said that Serbia is not implementing the agreement reached in Brussels to open the archives. The president requested that the international community increase the pressure on Serbia to hand over the forcibly disappeared.

"The violently disappeared are the deepest wound and are the biggest pain of our country, despite the fact that during this year an agreement was reached in Brussels and then the annexation in Ohrid, which has created a clear obligation for Serbia to open all the archives where there is information about the mass cemeteries and the location of the violently disappeared during the last war in Kosovo. Against the request of the government commission made in June of this year to the president of Serbia to open all those archives in accordance with the obligation of the Brussels and Ohrid agreement, unfortunately Serbia still continues to make flagrant violations of these obligations and continues to repeat her crime by hiding the presence of persons who disappeared by force during the last war in Kosovo. I call on the international community and allied friends to think about the parents and family members who are still missing in the cemeteries of Serbia. To think about the mother who has an

empty grave, to think about the children who still don't know where their father is, so that Serbia will hand over the missing," Osmani said.

"We very much hope that the dialogue in Brussels will not be a process through which pressure will be put on Kosovo, injustice will be done to the people of Kosovo, while the face of Vucic, a man who still sleeps on mass graves, will continue to be unfairly washed away", said Osmani.

Meanwhile, the speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, said that they are honoring all those whom Serbia forcibly disappeared. According to him, this for the people of Kosovo is a pain that is never ending and a lack of justice for all family members whose loved ones were forcibly disappeared by Serbia.

"The fact that the bodies of our loved ones have been found in recent years in many places in Serbia, such as in Perucac, as in Rudnica and Kizevak, shows that international justice must search for those forcibly disappeared in Serbia. Serbia is also the country where the criminals who committed these crimes are located. What we have to do is that we have to take all the measures that are in the hands of the institutions of Kosovo, so as to make sure that the international community, the EU and other important decision-making factors are aware that there is a need for a greater pressure on Vucic and on the institutions of Serbia so that this issue is clarified", Konjufca said.

UNMIK: Fate of missing persons must be resolved in spirit of reconciliation, not politicized (Koha)

30 August 2023 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, calls for renewed efforts and commitment to resolving the fate of the victims of enforced disappearances. She calls on authorities to address the issue of the missing persons as a matter priority to ease the suffering of families.

“I urge competent authorities to undertake all necessary measures to implement, in good faith, the Declaration on Missing Persons agreed in May within the EU-facilitated Dialogue,” she said in a statement commemorating the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

“Solving the fate of missing persons can contribute to the broader process of trustbuilding, reconciliation, and sustaining peace. The lack of progress can undermine the ongoing dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade.”

SRSG Ziadeh also recalls the recent visit and key findings of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence Mr. Fabián Salvioli*, who found at the time that the politicisation of the search for missing persons had caused immense frustration in civil society and the families.

“The fate of victims of enforced disappearances should be resolved in the spirit of reconciliation, building trust and respect of human rights; and not politicised,” SRSG Ziadeh said.

According to the communiqué, UNMIK will continue to advocate for the resumption of cooperation on this issue with a human rights approach centered on the victims, in close cooperation with the families and all relevant actors.

According to UNMIK, 6,065 people disappeared as a result of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. There are currently 1,617 open cases of missing persons, of which 1,355 are men and 262 are women.

*Salvioli's report will be presented during the fifty-fourth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, from September 11 to October 6, 2023.

Rohde calls for the implementation of the Declaration on Missing Persons (RTK)

The German ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, on the International Day of the Disappeared, requested the implementation of the Brussels agreement, specifically the Declaration on Missing Persons.

"On the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance, I join the OSCE in calling for the speedy implementation of the aforementioned agreement. More than 1,600 people are still missing, each of them is worth a lot," Rohde wrote on platform X.

Meanwhile, the official website of the OSCE said that today's thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the missing persons.

"We call on the parties to implement the Declaration on Missing Persons signed on May 2 of this year in Brussels, in order to end the suffering and promote reconciliation and lasting peace," the OSCE wrote.

Grubi: Prizren-Tetovo road, initiative of Macedonian Government, Kurti used it for his campaign (media)

The Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Artan Grubi spoke about the visit of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti to North Macedonia. He said that the Macedonian government was not officially informed about this visit.

"We were informed by the media, not formally", he said. He also mentioned the "Elita 5" concert in Tetovo where Kurti participated. He added that the project for the Prizren-Tetovo road, which the Prime Minister of Kosovo spoke about at that meeting, was carried out by North Macedonia.

"For the Prime Minister to participate in a concert and to promote or better to discuss the Prizren-Tetovo road, which is an initiative of the Government of North Macedonia, it means that when the government of Kosovo, and we discussed this with Minister Liburn Aliu two or three days after the Prime Minister's visit, he had neither the idea nor the project nor the feasibility, and we gave them that time, and now the government of Kosovo or Vetevendosje used the feasibility study that we had done, for the election campaign in Prizren, so with the project paid for with the taxpayers of North Macedonia, and it is the starting point, the starting point from the authorities of North Macedonia," Grubi said.

He also said that Kurti went to the village of Vice, which, according to Grubi, has no connection with the Prizren-Tetovo road, since, as he added, the road is being built on a completely different side.

"And that's where the "Autochthonous" banner came out and now it was misused by the Macedonian political elite, especially by the opposition, because they say that ideas for Greater Albania are emerging in a country that has recognized Kosovo, that has supported the liberalization of visas for Kosovo, has supported Kosovo's membership in all regional, continental and international mechanisms and is now getting back to North Macedonia in this form, not respecting either the state anthem or the state flag at all. By the Albanian oppositionists it was mainly described as an attempt to avoid all the political focus that we have, to change the Constitution", Grubi told RTV 21.

According to him, all this was described as an attempt to remove the focus from the issue of Bulgaria and restore nationalism or the dispute between Macedonians and Albanians, which, as Grubi assessed, is already in the past. He assessed that it is not necessary to restore such a narrative.

Klinaku interviewed by Police about his statement on Kurti (media)

The acting head of the Kosovo Liberation Army War Veterans Organization  Faton Klinaku was interviewed today by the Kosovo Police. Klinaku's interview came after his statement in which he said "...I would rather kill Albin Kurti than make way for him and leave Kosovo".

Klinaku's lawyer, Rame Dreshaj, said that a case was opened against Klinaku in the Police. "A case was opened for allegedly threatening to kill, and now this can also be related to another article where the president and the prime minister are mentioned, but honestly, it is a wrong interpretation" Dreshaj said.

"If his post is analyzed with a cold head, it was not necessary to take it out of the context. Did he threaten to kill Albin Kurti, the entire text should have been analyzed thoroughly, and then it would turn out that he did not threaten Albin Kurti" - he continued.

During Klinaku's statement to the Police, the lawyer said that his client said that "it is better for the Public Prosecutor's Office to deal with the statements of Mimoza Kusari who is cooperating with Radojcic". According to Dreshaj Klinaku has also stated that he will choose Kosovo before every politician, even before Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and others.

On the other hand, the Speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, considers this statement by Klinaku as an open threat to Prime Minister Kurti. "It is an open threat to the Prime Minister of Kosovo and as such it is unacceptable" Konjufca said.

Mayor of Zvecan requests a meeting with Prime Minister Kurti and President Osmani (Reporteri)

The mayor of Zvecan, Ilir Peci, has requested a meeting with Prime Minister Kurti and President Osmani, as according to him, the administrative instruction is not the right way to go to the elections. Peci says that if such a meeting were to take place, some agreement could be reached for the benefit of the north.

"I have always considered it more reasonable that the four mayors of the northern municipalities have a meeting with Prime Minister Kurti and the president of the country, Vjosa Osmani. During that meeting, maybe we could have managed to reach an agreement", said Peci.

Peci further added that going to the elections through this petition is not reasonable.

" But if it happens for the four northern municipalities, I think it should happen for the entire Kosovo," he said.

"Ultimately, in my opinion, the best way is a meeting between the mayors and the prime minister or the president, then a joint decision could be made," concluded Peci.




Serbian Language Media


Vucic met Lajcak: I am worried about Kurti's plan to expel the Serbs and occupy the north by force (Kosovo online)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, spoke with the EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, and conveyed to him his concern about the development of events in Kosovo, reported Kosovo Online. 

After the two-hour conversation, Vucic on Instagram posted that he conveyed to Lajcak his concern regarding Kurti's plan to occupy the north of Kosovo and expel the Serbs.

"I am very concerned about the developments in Kosovo and Kurti's plan to occupy the north of the province by force and expel the Serbs from their centuries-old hearths. I conveyed it to the European Union's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak," said Vucic.

Vucic met Congressman Turner: We are committed to the additional development of overall cooperation with the USA (Tanjug, Kosovo Online )

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today US Congressman Michael Turner and stated that Serbia is committed to further developing overall cooperation with the US, reported Tanjug agency. 

Vucic announced on Instagram that he had a good conversation with Congressman Turner about bilateral relations, Serbia's European path, and all other current regional and global issues.

"I welcomed the dynamic political dialogue with the representatives of the US administration and Congress and pointed out that we are committed to the additional development of overall cooperation with the US," said President Vucic.

As reported by the Media Service of the President of Serbia, Vucic said during the meeting that Serbia is investing a lot of effort in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the EU, because it sees it as the only right way to reach a sustainable agreement and resolve the crisis situations caused by unilateral moves of the Pristina authorities.

Vucic thanked the American side for its efforts to calm tensions in Kosovo and pointed out that it is important to say more clearly whose responsibility it is for constantly causing tensions, instead of both sides constantly calling for de-escalation.

The President of Serbia discussed with Congressman Turner about bilateral relations, Serbia's European path, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and all other current regional and world issues.

Vucic welcomed the dynamic political dialogue with representatives of the US administration and Congress, stressing that Serbia is committed to meaningful cooperation and improvement of relations between Serbia and the US, especially in the field of economy.

Recalling that diplomatic relations between Serbia and the USA were established 142 years ago, Vucic expressed the hope that these ties will further strengthen in the period ahead and noted that Serbia proposed the establishment of a Strategic Dialogue with the USA, which would give bilateral relations a clearer structure. 

Vucic expressed his gratitude for Washington's continued support for Serbia's path to full membership in the EU, on which, as he noted, Serbia is working hard with the necessary reforms.

Republican congressman Michael Turner said that he sincerely appreciates the efforts of President Vucic and his role in ensuring peace and stability in the region.

He also expressed satisfaction with Serbia's economic progress and praised Serbia's commitment to further encouraging regional cooperation.

Dacic: Macron's threat with visas not realistic (Blic, TV Prva)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told TV Prva that Charles Michel's statement on the position that the EU should accept new members by the end of 2030, should be questioned whether it was just his opinion or the position of all member states. Also, he called French President Emmanuel Macron's threat that the EU will consider returning visas to Belgrade and Pristina if they do not agree on Kosovo as unrealistic, at least when it comes to Serbia, reported daily Blic.

After the panel "Western Balkans: Everything changes but everything remains the same?", which took place within the Bled Strategic Forum, Dacic says that this entire region is in a kind of reserve waiting room when it comes to EU membership.

- First, we are not satisfied that this process has been taking so long, because I don't think there is a single reason for this process to be delayed and stopped. You know, many of us here say that we are guilty of something, because there is still that dispute over the status of Kosovo. But what about, for example, Albania and what about North Macedonia, what is the reason for them? So, in general, this entire region is in a kind of reserve waiting room, where many problems that exist in general throughout the world are reflected and where there is a dilemma whether the European Union should be expanded or not. And European officials speak differently about this - says Ivica Dacic.

Accusations by the opposition that he was scandalous in Bled

- I am not a European, nor a Russian citizen, nor an American. National and state interests guide us. What was scandalous? What I said is that Kosovo should fulfil what they signed ten years ago. Why is it scandalous? What is scandalous in the fact that I said that the EU should have dealt with Yugoslavia this way, when Yugoslavia was falling apart?! What are we talking about? It is better to deal with it before the war than to deal with it after the war - says Dacic.

We cannot defend Kosovo without the support of our friends, said Dacic. He points out that the important topic is who we will have on our side when it is necessary.

- Here we may again have a request for membership in UNESCO, we will again have a request for membership in INTERPOL, we will have a request for membership in the United Nations. You know, that's now, that's the political reality. If we are going to give up the fight for Kosovo, then we should say so - says Dacic.

New pressures on Serbia

 President Vucic yesterday warned that Serbia will face new pressure and threats regarding Kosovo, Dacic said that the main question he faces was "when will this be implemented regarding Kosovo".

- I am asking, well, when will be implemented what we signed ten years ago - the Community of Serbian Municipalities?! Nobody answered anything. Kurti says that he is no longer interested in the Brussels agreement. And we also have a problem in that it will not be stopped with the promotion of Kosovo. Pressure will be exerted, and you have also seen what Macron was talking about now, about the abolition of visa liberalization. I don't think it's realistic and I don't think it's possible and I think it's more of a threat addressed to Kosovo rather than Serbia - says Dacic.

The entry of KSF to the north

The Minister of Defense in Pristina, Ejup Maqedonci said that KSF will soon be found in the north among Serbian areas, and Dacic states that this is a threat.

- It can be found, but only by force and violation of the Brussels Agreement. It is another announcement of escalation, further escalation of the problem - Dacic told TV Prva. 

He also states that there is a NATO guarantee that this will not happen and that everything depends on whether Kurti's behavior will continue to be tolerated.

Dacic also concluded that Serbia is ready for talks and that it behaves sensibly when it comes to negotiations with Pristina.

International Day of Missing Persons marked in Gracanica: Why is the truth being kidnapped from us? (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

Family members of kidnapped and missing Serbs gathered around the association of the same name and marked the International Day of Missing Persons in Gracanica, reported KiM radio. 

For 24 years, from the same place, they have been asking for their loved ones to be found, and for the perpetrators of the crime to be brought to justice.

Silvana Marinkovic, on behalf of the Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons, pointed out that every year they hope that their messages to the competent institutions will bear fruit, but that they are still at the beginning.

"The only news, to our regret, is that EULEX forwarded our confidential information that we gave them, in the hope that they would investigate and find information, to the investigative police of Kosovo, the police that participated in these crimes. In this way, as many times before, they betrayed our trust and threatened our security. Politicians say that this is a humanitarian issue, and it's all the work of politics, because until there is political will, there will be no results," said Marinkovic, who is searching for her missing husband.

"We wonder why the Serbian victims were discriminated against? Why do they replace criminals and victims? Why is the truth being stolen from us?", she added.

Marinkovic appealed to representatives of the international community and competent institutions to open their archives and use all available information.

"Let them check the potential grave sites, so that the issue of kidnapped and missing persons is a priority in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina," she concluded.

Darko Gvozdenovic, in front of the Red Cross of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, told the gathered that no missing person should be forgotten.

"Clarifying the fate of missing persons is a civilizational and moral obligation towards the victims and their families, this obligation has not and cannot be diminished over time. The families of missing persons, in addition to obvious emotional problems, are exposed to numerous social and economic difficulties, and in solving the fate of the missing, it is very important to take into account the entire humanitarian aspect of this problem," said Gvozdenovic, recalling his missing colleagues: doctor Andrija Tomanovic (from Pristina) and Milorad Dejanovic, employee of the Kacanik Red Cross.

The same goal has been gathering members of the families of kidnapped and missing people for almost a quarter of a century. They seek justice for their loved ones.

"After 25 years, we stand here without any results, we only have hope, to hope for something. And to what? It's hard to find the right answer. All those who are to blame for everything that is happening to us are silent to our pleas and demands. They were only willing to hear as much as they needed, testing us to find out how much we knew about our loved ones. When they assembled their mosaic, today they are gone," said Sasa Perenic from Dobrotin, brother of Radio Pristina journalist Ranko Perenic, who, together with his colleague Djuro Slavuj, disappeared on August 21, 1998, when they went on a work assignment to the Zociste monastery.

Jasmina Zivkovic from Strpce is looking for her father, who disappeared at his workplace during the war. Although there is justice, in the case of the missing, it is too late, she said.

"We are still in uncertainty; we do not know what happened to the missing persons. We continue to appeal, but this appeal does not meet with a positive response, although we are convinced that the truth is known, but is being hidden. Is there a greater injustice than hiding the truth?" asked Zivkovic and added:

"The human race cannot continue to live and talk about democracy and progress, if the truth about the missing persons is not known."

The poem "Molba" (Plea) written by the mother of the missing seventeen-year-old Ivan was read in front of the crowd by Zorana Mandic, the cousin of the kidnapped Zoran Stanisic. 

In Kosovo, more than 1,600 persons who disappeared during the conflicts are still being searched.

The commemoration of the International Day of the Missing in Gracanica was attended by representatives of the International Red Cross, the Red Cross of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, the local government, the House of Culture, the Health Center, and citizens.

Ziadeh calls for the implementation of the Declaration on the missing persons (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)

Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, calls for renewed efforts and commitment to resolving the fate of the victims of enforced disappearances-it was said in the press release.

Ziadeh also called on authorities to address the issue of the missing persons as a matter of priority to ease the suffering of families.

“I urge competent authorities to undertake, in good faith, all of the necessary measures to implement the Declaration on Missing Persons agreed in May within the EU-facilitated Dialogue,” she said in a communiqué issued to commemorate the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

“Solving the fate of missing persons can contribute to the broader process of trustbuilding, reconciliation, and sustaining peace. The lack of progress can undermine the ongoing dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade.”

SRSG Ziadeh also reminded about the recent visit and key findings of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence Mr. Fabián Salvioli, who, at the time, found that the politicisation of the search for missing persons had caused immense frustration in civil society and the families.

“The fate of missing persons should be resolved in the spirit of reconciliation, building of trust and respect of human rights, and not politicised,” Ziadeh said.

UNMIK will continue to advocate for the renewal of cooperation and an approach to this matter that is victim-centered and based on human rights, in close cooperation with families and all relevant actors, it was concluded in the press release. 

Lucic: Telekom Srbija filed an appeal against Pristina's decision, we expect a positive result (Kosovo Online, TV Happy)

In Pristina, Telekom Srbija filed an appeal against the decision to ban the operation of that company in Kosovo, that is, to delete the company "MTS d.o.o." from the company register, and expects a positive result, announced the company's general manager Vladimir Lucic, reported Kosovo Online. 

"Banning our MTS in Kosovo and Metohija would mean the grossest violation and practically irreversible annulment of the Brussels Agreement. I am optimistic that our appeal will be accepted, because its rejection would mean a dramatic decision by Pristina, with huge consequences. We certainly would not voluntarily extinguish ourselves on KiM , they would have to do it by force, which would destabilize the region, because 30,000 Serbian families would be left without all forms of communication and their lives would become completely unbearable," Lucic told TV Happy. 

The CEO of Telekom Srbija especially thanked the US ambassadors and EU representatives for their very correct statements and actions regarding Pristina's attempt to ban the largest Serbian company in Kosovo.

Surlic: The dialogue clinically dead, Lajcak trying to revive it for the umpteenth time (RTS)

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Stefan Surlic, told RTS this morning that Euroscepticism is growing in Serbia and in other countries of the Western Balkans. Citizens do not believe that their countries will ever become EU members because they believe that there are some hidden conditions that cannot be met. He said that the year 2030 can be as Charles Michel emphasized - both realistic and ambitious at the same time. On the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, he said that it is clinically dead at the moment, and Miroslav Lajcak, as a mediator, is trying for the umpteenth time to revive the dialogue with a new round of negotiations. 

Surlic said that Charles Michel’s statement surprised him because it is still a big responsibility when bidding on dates.

“Of course, the politicians, at least the leadership in Brussels, avoided announcing something like that, knowing also the methodology that in fact full membership, in addition to all these criteria, requires the consent of all member-states. For this reason, we had some years - even Juncker once said that, if Serbia and Montenegro fulfil all the criteria, the realistic date is 2025,” Surlic said.

According to him, it seems like a completely unfeasible scenario at this point.

The year 2030 can be, as Charles Michel emphasized, both realistic and ambitious at the same time.

“I would add the most optimistic, because experts dealing with the EU accession process say that according to the current methodology, it takes at least five to seven years to complete the whole, complex process,” Surlic said. 

Surlic said to RTS that talking about a certain date is very important, because it is a landmark, it gives predictability to the process, but added that it should be taken with a grain of salt. 

“For several reasons. First, those who are talking about that year today, most likely will hold any political office then. Let’s remember Angela Merkel, who was the one to bring in the countries of the Western Balkans at the end of her political career. She is already in a big political retirement, and the WB is far from the EU,” he said. 

“So, the earlier messages of Juncker, now Michel, should be taken with a grain of salt, because most likely they will not be the ones in charge and responsible for the full membership of the WB countries in the EU,” Surlic assessed. 

Euroscepticism growing

He said that Euroscepticism is growing not only in Serbia but also in other WB countries. 

“Citizens do not believe that their countries will ever become EU members and believe that there are some hidden conditions that cannot be met,” said Surlic.

He stated that he is encouraged by the statement of both Michel and President Macron, that a new structure of accession to the EU will be approached, that is, that the countries of the WB will be able to access certain institutions or policies in phases at different speeds.

“This would mean that according to progress in specific criteria, countries can be more or less connected to the EU in different ways and feel the benefits of the Union even before full membership. That would be a concrete policy,” he points out.

“What we have heard so far is only the announcement of EU reform and that there will be no enlargement until that reform takes place, but this is already a story that has been going on for more than ten years. There is no substantial reform in sight within the EU itself,” Surlic said.

Alignment with EU foreign policy

Surlic opined that this is decisive. “It is crucial because we see that the enlargement policy is actually placed in a geopolitical context. The European Union, at least all its representatives, agree that they do not want to import problems and that Belgrade and Prišsina must agree and achieve full normalization of relations before any talk of membership,” said Surlic. 

The war in Ukraine is completely changing the political space and atmosphere. “Now, like in the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, it may look at some formal criteria, and in return offer a clearer perspective of the membership of the Western Balkans. It is no longer the interest of the countries of the Western Balkans, but the interest of the EU member states to have a more secure European continent,” he underlined.

Changing the EU methodology

“We see a constant change in methodology, but here for Serbia, the political conditions are much more important, which, first of all, concern the normalization of relations with Pristina and which will be harmonized with the EU’s foreign policy. Specifically, I am referring to the sanctions against Russia. Now, Serbia’s position is neutral. It condemned the aggression against Ukraine but does not impose sanctions on Russia. But if we are really talking about future EU membership, all countries, including Serbia, will then have to come to terms with foreign policy,” Surlic said.

“Whether these sanctions will continue to be in force at the moment of accession is an open question, but we will certainly have an open problem of further normalization of the relationship of the final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, and without that we cannot talk about any perspective of full membership of Serbia and EU,” Surlic told RTS. 

The dialogue clinically dead

The continuation of the dialogue was also discussed on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. The mediator in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, met with Albin Kurti, and he will arrive in Belgrade today.

“Dialogue is clinically dead at the moment and Lajcak as a mediator is trying for the umpteenth time to revive the dialogue with a new round of negotiations, that is, a meeting at the highest level in Brussels where things would move from the deadlock,” Surlic said.

“At the moment, we can see that the Franco-German proposal and the annex from Ohrid are not being implemented, the three-point plan for de-escalation of situation in the north of Kosovo is not even being fully implemented, the EU has threatened very strict sanctions, however, we see that those sanctions stopped at a very symbolic level towards Pristina, and of course then we raise the question of the credibility of the mediator, the credibility of the EU,” Surlic pointed out.

“As long as this process continues, that the agreements are being reached, and there are no sanctions for one or the other party for failing to fulfil the points of the agreement, we cannot speak of any success of the process itself,” he added.

Pristina does not fulfil its obligations

Surlic said that they are again resorting to equalizing the two sides. “I think it is a wrong policy, it should be pointed out that at this moment it is Pristina that is not fulfilling its obligations and that Pristina is threatened with the cancellation of visa liberalization that should start next year”.

It indicates that an essential requirement has not been met, which is the implementation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM).

“Of course, very difficult conditions lie ahead for Belgrade in fulfilling the points of the agreement, but what we agreed on is certainly that the CSM, the normal life of Serbs in Kosovo, essential autonomy, something that is crucial for their survival in the territory of Kosovo and with as soon as there is no calculation, and for that there should be more listening and respect from the highest European addresses, including Macron,” Surlic concluded.




2030? Pffft! Balkan leaders slam EU chief’s enlargement timeline (

They accuse Brussels of shifting the goalposts and betraying its promises.

Balkan leaders blasted European Council President Charles Michel’s 2030 target for EU enlargement.

EU candidate countries accused the Brussels institutions of shifting the goalposts and expressed a number of concerns with Michel’s timeline.

Speaking at a forum in Bled, Slovenia, on Monday, the Council chief indicated that the EU should be ready to accept new members in 2030 in a bid to re-energize the EU’s enlargement debate. But his words were met with annoyance from Western Balkan leaders and the European Commission, which refused to endorse the target.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed doubts that his country will be ready to join by 2030 — but he pinned the blame on Brussels for that.

“There should not be only reforms and criticism that are necessary, but also the most consistent support, and I’m not talking only from the financial point of view, but also the market access of our enterprises,” the Albanian leader said, noting that the EU is lagging behind the U.S. and China in its financial support for infrastructure in the region.

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