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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 6, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo Parliament does not pass resolution on Washington agreement (media)
  • “Failure of resolution does not mean role of the U.S. is not appreciated” (RFE)
  • Sacking initiated for judge involved in leaked audio recordings (media)
  • Health Minister: We are reviewing anti COVID-19 measures (media)
  • Minister of Education: Around 50% of teaching staff are vaccinated (media)
  • Public Health Institute appeals for vaccination against COVID-19 (media)
  • COVID-19: 271 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Djuric: The dialogue is Brussels' responsibility for Washington (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
  • Dacic: Serbia donating Sputnik V vaccine to Iran (N1)
  • Serbian Defense Minister and US congressmen on Belgrade-Washington cooperation (N1)
  • US embassy in Pristina: Kosovo govt to be open-minded about ‘Open Balkan’ (N1)
  • Gajic: There is no single reason why Albanians should resent Bregovic (Kosovo-online, Sputnik)
  • Vucic: Attacks on Serbian holy shrines in Kosovo impermissible (Kosovo-online)
  • Office for KiM on KLA graffiti in Prilepac (Kosovo-online)
  • Petkovic: Flat of Dragica Gasic refurbished with new furniture (Kosovo-online)
  • RECOM: There was no political attention for the important and reasonable words of Patriarch Porfirije (Beta, N1)


  • Moscow expects West to impartially assess Kosovo leadership's actions — Foreign Ministry (TASS)


  • Dream that Survived: Kosovo’s DokuFest Marks 20 Triumphant Years (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kosovo Parliament does not pass resolution on Washington agreement (media)

A resolution proposed by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) calling on the government to implement the Washington agreement did not pass at the Kosovo Parliament today. 24 opposition MPs voted in favor of the resolution, while MPs from the ruling coalition abstained from voting. 

The Kosovo and Serbia economic normalisation agreements, informally known as the Washington Agreement, were signed at the White House in September 2020 and are a pair of documents in which Kosovo and Serbia pledged to normalise economic relations.

“Failure of resolution does not mean role of the U.S. is not appreciated” (RFE)

Mimoza Kusari-Lila, head of the parliamentary group of the ruling Vetevendosje Movement, told the news agency today that the failure of LDK’s resolution on the Washington Agreement, does not mean that the role of the United States of America is not appreciated.

Kusari-Lila said it was absurd for the LDK to call on the current government to implement the agreement, as it includes the Mini-Schengen initiative, which was recently opposed even by LDK leader Lumir Abdixhiku.

“There were several points which we, while we were in the opposition in parliament, said should not be part of any eventual agreement. Then Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti had confirmed that these points would not be included. One of them was ‘Mini Schengen’ which has now been renamed to ‘Open Balkan’ and the other point had to do with the sharing of Kosovo’s resources with Serbia such as the case of the Ujman Lake,” she said.

Kusari-Lila said the Kurti-led government remains committed to a strategic partnership with the U.S. “There are two substantial principles. First is that our non-support for the resolution is in no way a lack of appreciation for the role of the U.S. Quite the contrary. The Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group and the Kosovo Government remain committed to a strategic partnership with the United States, which is special for Kosovo and its people. We will continue to cooperate in all areas, especially in the process of the dialogue. The other principle is that Kosovo does not enter the dialogue as a party that must make repeated compromises, but as two states that will discuss a past where Serbia was the aggressor and Kosovo was the victim,” she added.

Sacking initiated for judge involved in leaked audio recordings (media)

A parliamentary committee has recommended to the Kosovo Parliament to sack Driton Muharremi, a member of the Kosovo Judicial Council and a serious crimes judge, after his involvement in the recently leaked audio recordings. “Today the parliamentary committee for legislation, in line with its constitutional and legal competencies and in efforts to safeguard the integrity, independence and impartiality of our justice system, unanimously decided to recommend to Parliament to dismiss Mr. Muharremi,” the head of the committee said.

Health Minister: We are reviewing anti COVID-19 measures (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, called on the citizens of Kosovo again today to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and said that children are not spared from the Delta variant of the virus. “There is no alternative to vaccination. With the appearance of the Delta variant, it is clear that conventional measures will not have the success they had before this variant appeared. There are 290 vaccination teams all over Kosovo and the process will continue with an increased number of teams,” Vitia said. 

“Since last Monday we have been holding meetings to review the new measures aimed at increasing public awareness for vaccination. There are enough vaccines; they are safe and there is no reason whatsoever for people not to get vaccinated. Children are not being spared from the Delta variant. Many children have been infected with the virus in the last wave. This is an alarm for us to be more responsible.”

Vitia also said that “we cannot allow the citizens that do not get vaccinated, due to their negligence, to have the same freedoms with those that get vaccinated”.

Minister of Education: Around 50% of teaching staff are vaccinated (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Education, Arberie Nagavci, said today that around 50 percent of the teaching staff in Kosovo have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and called on the remaining staff to get vaccinated before the start of the new school year. She said the vaccines are the only weapon against the virus.

Asked if the Ministry of Education can undertake measures against teaching staff that refuse to get vaccinated, Nagavci said: “currently we as Ministry cannot take any measures. We are here to call on all teaching staff to get vaccinated. Meanwhile, you will be informed about the decisions that will be made by the government for all employees in the public sector and beyond.”  

Public Health Institute appeals for vaccination against COVID-19 (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health appealed to the citizens of Kosovo again today to get vaccinated against COVID-19 “as the best and most efficient tool in the fight against the virus”. “Get vaccinated now so that we don’t have to face stricter measures in autumn! Through vaccination we will pass the new wave caused by the Delta variant with a smaller number of infected persons,” the statement notes.

COVID-19: 271 new cases, no deaths (media)

271 new COVID-19 cases were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. No fatalities were recorded during this time. There are 1,321 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo. 8,188 people were vaccinated in the last 24 hours. To date, 478,084 vaccine doses have been administered in Kosovo.

Several news websites are reporting that as part of new anti COVID-19 measures that are expected to be introduced, people won’t be allowed to take part in weddings or enter trade centers and clubs without proof that they have been vaccinated at least with the first dose of the vaccine.



Serbian Language Media


Djuric: The dialogue is Brussels' responsibility for Washington (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)

Serbian Ambassador to the United States Marko Djuric says that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is seen in Washington as the responsibility of Brussels, reported Kosovo Online, citing Tanjug. 

"Here, the dialogue is seen primarily as the responsibility of Brussels. In addition, important appointments of officials in charge of our region in the new administration have not yet been completed. We will use every opportunity to share with them our vision of a compromise solution, but also an elementally sustainable solution to relations with our southern province, as well as the transformation of the entire region into a region of success," stated Djuric. 

He stated that the recent claim of John Bolton, the national security adviser of former US President Donald Trump, that the correction of borders and the division of Kosovo are the only sustainable solution, is not on the agenda of the Biden administration at all.

He added that he talks with American officials every day about the necessity of reaching a compromise solution when it comes to the Kosovo issue

Djuric told daily Srpski Telegraf that the President of the USA, Joseph Biden, is welcome in Belgrade at any moment.

"I dare to say that I think he would be welcomed better than in many countries in the wider environment," said Djuric and reminded that President Aleksandar Vucic was a great host to US President Biden in 2006 and that Serbs, as a ''wise historical nation, know to recognize the importance of building friendly relations with the United States''.

Dacic: Serbia donating Sputnik V vaccine to Iran (N1)

Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said on Friday that Serbia is going to donate 50,000 doses of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine to Iran, N1 reports.

Speaking in Teheran where he attended the inauguration of President Ebrahim Raisi, Dacic said that the donation is a gesture of friendship, adding that Iran is a traditional friend of Serbia.

“We always had mutual understanding for all problems, the double standards of the international community”, Dacic told the Serbian public broadcaster RTS after a meeting with the new Iranian president and other senior officials.

“Iran has not recognized Kosovo and supports Serbia in international organizations. On the other hand, Serbia takes care of Iran’s interests”, he said.

Dacic added Belgrade and Tehran want their economic cooperation to develop in a number of areas.

Serbian Defense Minister and US congressmen on Belgrade-Washington cooperation (N1)

Serbian Minister of Defense Nebojsa Stefanovic and the US congressmen Eric Swalwell and Sean Maloney discussed in Belgrade Thursday the further bilateral cooperation between the two countries, the Ministry said in a statement, N1 reports.

It added the congressmen said they hoped Serbia and the US would bring the cooperation in defense at a higher level, but also in other areas.

According to the statement, Swalwell and Maloney supported Serbia’s economic progress and praised Belgrade for “a positive influence on world safety, mostly through its participation in the UN and EU multinational operations”.

Stefanovic added that the two countries had an upward trend in bilateral relations, and that “traditionally, the most promising part is in defense”.

The US Ambassador to Serbia Antony Godfrey and the head of Serbian Military Information Agency Brigadier General Zoran Stojkovic were also present at the meeting.

Earlier, Swalwell and Maloney had talks with President Aleksandar Vucic.

See at: 

US embassy in Pristina: Kosovo govt to be open-minded about ‘Open Balkan’ (N1)

The US Embassy in Pristina called on Kosovo Government to "open-mindedly" approach the 'Open Balkan' initiative to strengthen economic and regional integration, N1 reports citing RFE.

Commenting on Pristina’s decision not to join the initiative, the former 'mini-Schengen', the embassy, said that “Kosovo Government must decide which initiatives it will join and which initiatives best support its economic visions“.

“We encourage Kosovo to seek opportunities to reduce trade barriers, increase its economic competitiveness and build a regionally integrated and resilient economy that delivers results for all citizens of Kosovo“, RFE reported.

Besides Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s Self-Determination Movement, other political parties also don’t support the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative.

Kurti said it did not have a “vision“ for the region. The Foreign Minister, Donika Gërvalla, added it was a “dangerous idea“ that could create the illusion of an alternative to European integration.

“However, we encourage the government to join regional efforts for the economic integration with an open mind and to accept solutions that bring results for the citizens of Kosovo while improving ties with neighbours“,  the embassy said.

The initiative includes Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia and has been renamed from mini-Schengen to ‘Open Balkan.

See at:

Gajic: There is no single reason why Albanians should resent Bregovic (Kosovo-online, Sputnik)

The harangue against Goran Bregovic in the Kosovo Albanian media “is inexplicable and irrational” because the celebrated artist by no means deserves to be called "the inspirer of the massacre against Albanians", and that is exactly how print and online media in the Albanian language in Kosovo call him because of the song "Kalashnikov", Kosovo-online portal reports citing Belgrade-based Sputnik.

The portal further wrote that not even a fact that Bregovic was the first one (of not Albanian origin) to introduce Albanian language in the Yugoslav rock and roll with a song “Kosovska” in 1983 didn’t help. Also, in 2006 the-then mayor of Tirana, and now Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama presented Bregovic with the keys of the Albanian capital after performing there. 

“Kalashnikov” is a song of defiance and spite and not a call to kill 

Sputnik interlocutors, rock critic Petar Janjatovic and popular culture expert from Belgrade Institute for European Studies, Aleksandar Gajic said the media campaign against Bregovic is “incomprehensible, inexplicable and irrational”.

“It is unusual that someone may blame one song and the author of it as instigators or motives for murders. I think music has no such strength (…)”, Janjatovic said.

For Gajic, the media campaign against Bregovic was “a mix of irrational attitude towards him and interest related to one of the largest beer festivals in the region, taking place from August 14 to 18 in Albania”.

"There is simply no other explanation, because his behavior and statements in no way classified him as anti-Albanian, nor does 'Kalashnikov' have a connotation that refers to Kosovo and the wars of the 1990s", Gajic said.

Moreover, Janjatovic recalled, "Kalashnikov", a song that Bregovic originally composed for the film "Underground" by Emir Kusturica, became popular during the winter protests of Serbian youth in 1996/1997.

"It is a song that did not call for war and violence at that time, but called for defiance and spite," Janjatovic pointed out. He added Bregovic was well received in all former Yugoslav republics and that his mixed Croat-Serbian origin contributed to that.

"There is not a single reason why Kosovo Albanians should resent him, nor can they attach any ideological label to him that would negatively reflect on his eventual participation in a festival or a similar happening in the region," Gajic said.

Vucic: Attacks on Serbian holy shrines in Kosovo impermissible (Kosovo-online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today the endangering of religious objects in Kosovo was absolutely impermissible, and it was also impermissible for the Albanian society in Kosovo to encourage such behaviour towards Serbs instead of criticizing it publicly, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Vucic made these remarks when asked by journalists to comment on “KLA” graffiti  inscription in Prilepac village, the birthplace of Serbian Tsar Lazar. Vucic added “although UNESCO has decided that Serbian holy shrines are endangered and that international protection is needed, even in the previous period, the religious buildings were endangered in Kosovo and that was why UNESCO made that decision”.

“But, when you have a society in which such behaviour towards Serbs is encouraged, and not publicly criticized, then it is logical that we face it on a daily basis”, he added.

Office for KiM on KLA graffiti in Prilepac (Kosovo-online)

“Writing of the graffiti “KLA”, “Kosovo is Albania” and “Adem Jashari” at the place leading to the memorial to Tsar Lazar in Prilepac in Ranilug municipality is a desecration by which Albanian extremists send a clear message of religious and national hatred and disrespect for Serbian holy places”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Kosovo-online portal reports.  

The Office added the case was reported to police and requested perpetrators of this act, as well as of all other incidents against the Serbian people and shrines in Kosovo be arrested and adequately sanctioned. 

It also pointed out that the number of incidents against the Serbs in Kosovo has intensified this year. The Office said it was necessary that international organizations, obliged to ensure the security of the Serbian people, strengthen their presence in particular in mixed areas and stop provocations.

Petkovic: Flat of Dragica Gasic refurbished with new furniture (Kosovo-online)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said his Office kept the promise and refurbished the flat of Dragica Gasic, the first Serb returnee in Djakovica with new furniture, Kosovo-online portal  reports.

“Over the previous days new pieces of furniture she chose were brought to her apartment and assembled to make a flat she returned to after 22 years more comfortable for living”, Petkovic wrote.

He added Dragica is determined to remain in Djakovica, and the office will help and assist her in doing so. 

RECOM: There was no political attention for the important and reasonable words of Patriarch Porfirije (Beta, N1)

RECOM's network of reconciliation announced that this year's commemoration of Operation Storm in Serbia and Croatia was marked by political messages that further reduced the space for self-critical re-examination of the past and recognition of victims, regardless of religion and ethnicity.

The statement said that the day of remembrance of the victims of the Croatian operation "Storm" was marked in Serbia, while the national holiday, Victory Day, homeland thanksgiving and Defenders' Day were celebrated in Croatia.

Croatia passed the promised Law on Civilian Victims of War, but with messages about missing persons and criticism of the law and practice of the Hague Tribunal regarding command responsibility, it moved away from the obligation to promote regional reconciliation as an EU member.

The messages and attitudes of the President of Serbia, uttered with intensified nationalist rhetoric, connecting the victims of "Storm" and Jasenovac with historical injustice towards Serbs, do not do well for Serbia or the victims of "Storm", who still remember mobilization and forced deportation to Kosovo.

The ceremony in the refugee settlement of Busije in Batajnica was directed by Dragoslav Bokan, commander of the paramilitary group "White Eagles" from the 1990s, and at the gathering, which Patriarch Porfirije called a memorial, there was no political attention for his reasonable and important words.

The Patriarch warned that the abuse of the victims deepens the spiral of conflict, that the matrix of cry closes (society) in a permanently helpless state of the victim

The narrative of the victim as the only possible one cannot be the initiator, the source of inspiration - was the important message of Patriarch Porfirije, stated the RECOM network.

In Croatia, sharp messages about the past were sent to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Speaker of Parliament

Croatia's Gordan Jandrokovic, while President Zoran Milanovic said that Croatia would not judge its war commanders.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic recommended to Serbia to "abandon the unfruitful policy of the past, face its responsibility and turn to the policy of reconciliation and the future".

It is worrying that the victims of the wars of the 1990s were not listed and that there were no politically mature and responsible people among the leaders of the post-Yugoslav countries to gather around that civilizational and historical obligation, RECOM warned.





Moscow expects West to impartially assess Kosovo leadership's actions — Foreign Ministry (TASS)

Alexander Bikantov recalled that on September 4, 2020 a number of obligations by the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo were put on record in Washington, including a moratorium on Pristina's promotion of its candidature in international organizations, as well as Belgrade's suspension of efforts to persuade world capitals to revoke their recognition of "Kosovo's independence"

Read more at:





Dream that Survived: Kosovo’s DokuFest Marks 20 Triumphant Years (Balkan Insight)

As Kosovo’s most famous film festival roars back to life following the challenges of the pandemic, its founders recall how it all started two decades ago in the back garden of a ruined cinema.

Pouring rain slightly dampened the plans of a group of cultural enthusiasts on a summer night in 2002 in the southern Kosovo city of Prizren but did not rob them of their determination.

Read more at: