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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 1, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • EP demands Association and agreement with mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia (Sinjali)
  • Kurti: An ethnic association is not possible in a multi-ethnic Kosovo (media)
  • Hovenier: The U.S. thinks it is time to move forward with the Association (Telegrafi)
  • Rohde: You are late with the Association (Nacionale)
  • PDK’s Krasniqi meets with Escobar, discuss developments in Kosovo and the region (Reporteri)
  • Kurti: The biggest salary increase ever in independent Kosovo (Klan)
  • Murati: With new law, average gross salary will be 730 euros (Klan)
  • The value of coefficient for salaries of over 80 thousand workers, published (media)
  • Abdixhiku on salary coefficient: Kosovo's emptying coefficient (Albanian Post)
  • The opposition leaves Assembly session in protest of salary coefficient (media)

 Serbian Language Media:

  • EU sources: Kosovo Constitutional Court did not dispute the establishment of the CSM (ZSO) (Beta, NMagazin)
  • Serbian Parliament Speaker says MPs will debate report, not proposal for Kosovo (N1)
  • Vucic: Parties not interested in Kosovo proposal (N1)
  • Aleksic: Peoples’ Party submits Resolution against European plan to Serbian Assembly (KoSSev)
  • Police secures works on disputed land in Dren village in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic: Clear intention to cause new crisis and tensions by land expropriation in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)
  • SL attended the discussion at the embassy: It was underlined that the ASM should have executive powers (KoSSev)
  • Arsenijevic: Hovenier brought the incompatible under one roof, productive discussions (KoSSev)
  • Brnabic says it is unclear to her why Friedrich Ebert Foundation deals with ZSO establishment (Radio KIM)
  • Hill with Vucevic: The USA ready to help the process of equipping the Serbian Armed Forces (RTS)
  • Kosovo police searched Milan Radojevic, former Mitrovica North mayor, after shooting a video (Radio KIM, media)
  • Pristina's application for membership in the Council of Europe not on the Committee's agenda (Tanjug)


  • In Kosovo, Proposal to Research Post-War Crimes Sparks Controversy (Balkan Insight)
  • Kosovo Ruling Party Accused of ‘Capturing’ Public Broadcaster (Balkan Insight)
  • A Serb Association in Kosovo Would Threaten Integration and Peace (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


EP demands Association and agreement with mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia (Sinjali)

In the draft report of the European Parliament on Kosovo, prepared by the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Kosovo and Serbia have been called upon to engage in dialogue and reach an agreement for the normalisation of relations with mutual recognition. Also, the EP says that past agreements should be implemented, including the establishment of the Association.

In the paragraph on reconciliation and good neighbourly relations, the EP called on Kosovo and Serbia to engage in dialogue to reach a comprehensive agreement with mutual recognition.

“[EP] reiterates full support for the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue; calls on Kosovo and Serbia to engage in this dialogue in good faith and in the spirit of compromise to reach a comprehensive, legally binding agreement for the normalisation of their relations, based on mutual recognition, in accordance with international law; calls for the full implementation of all relevant agreements, including the establishment of the Association/Community of Municipalities with a Serbian Majority," the report states.

In this draft report, Kosovo is congratulated on a number of regional cooperation initiatives and encouraged to increase its efforts for reconciliation and seek solutions to past disputes.

Meanwhile, it regrets the fact that the initiatives for the inclusion of the Serb community in the political, social and economic structures of Kosovo remain very limited, calling on the government of Kosovo and the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs to engage in real dialogue to increase mutual trust.

The EP has also condemned "all actions that endanger stability and jeopardise the reconciliation process, including the tensions in the north of Kosovo, and recalls the common responsibility for peace and the rule of law for all people in Kosovo."

Kurti: An ethnic association is not possible in a multi-ethnic Kosovo (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti during a media conference, was asked if he sees the elections as a referendum for the Association.

"There were elections in 2022 in the Vetevendosje Movement. In 2021 there were parliamentary elections and local elections, Serbia cannot decide for Kosovo, soon we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the declaration of independence, and we are proud of the achievements in the last two years. You saw it yesterday when Transparency International showed that in the last two years, we are higher in terms of fighting corruption and the country's image for 20 countries," Kurti said.

Kurti said that an ethnic association is not possible in a multi-ethnic Kosovo, since, according to him, when it declared independence, Kosovo was not considered an Albanian country.

"An ethnic association is not possible in a multi-ethnic Kosovo. When we declared independence 15 years ago, they said that even though Kosovo has over 90 percent Albanians, it should not be considered as Albanian," Kurti said.

"The demands and needs of Serb citizens and every minority, I am also their prime minister and I fulfil them. But we cannot compensate Serbia for the lost war in the spring of 1999, but it must compensate us for the damage it has caused us both in terms of people and material goods. And last but not least, there are many more Albanians in Serbia than in Kosovo. Minorities in Serbia are almost 20 percent, in Kosovo almost 7 percent," Kurti said after visiting a business in Ferizaj.

Hovenier: The U.S. thinks it is time to move forward with the Association (Telegrafi)

The U.S. ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier said today during a visit to the Municipality of Gjakova that it is time to move forward with the Association of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo.

"Two hours after the meeting, I gave a press release, and there I expressed our point of view on how yesterday's meeting went. I think it was an important opportunity for a full exchange of ideas. The U.S. believes that now is the time for the government of Kosovo to move forward with the Association of Serb Majority Municipalities. It should not be a 'Republika Srpska' and not with executive powers," the American ambassador said.

Meanwhile, Gjakova mayor Ardian Gjini said that Gjakova and Kosovo enjoy the support of America.

Rohde: You are late with the Association (Nacionale)

The Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has fully supported his counterparts from the U.S. Embassy on the matter of the Association for Serb Majority Municipalities.

Through a tweet on the "Twitter" social network, Rohde has said that Kosovo has been delayed as far as the Union of Municipalities with a Serbian Majority is concerned.

"I fully agree: On June 27, 2013, Kosovo committed to establish the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities. It is overdue and will advance the normalisation talks", he wrote, among other things.

PDK’s Krasniqi meets with Escobar, discuss developments in Kosovo and the region (Reporteri)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi, during his visit to the USA, met the special envoy of this country for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. Krasniqi said that he and Escobar talked about the current political developments in Kosovo and the region.

"I once again expressed to Mr.Escobar the continuing position of the PDK regarding the dialogue process with Serbia and the need to reach a comprehensive, legally and internationally binding agreement that includes mutual recognition," Krasniqi said.

Further, he said that to Kosovo, alignment and coordination with the USA is without alternative in the way of integration and strengthening of the state.

"The strengthening of bilateral and strategic relations between Kosovo and the USA is indisputable and unchangeable", said Krasniqi.

Krasniqi is on an official visit to the United States of America, where he will also participate in the Morning Prayers.

Kurti: This year we have the biggest salary increase ever in independent Kosovo (Klan)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has stated that this year’s increase of wages is the largest ever that took place in Kosovo.

He said that so far, the total salaries have fluctuated between 20-25 million euros, while this year there was an increase to 105 million euros. 

"From year to year, total salaries in the public sector have increased by 20 to 25 million euros, this time we have increased them to 105 million euros, which is the biggest increase ever in independent Kosovo. When it is divided by the number of public officials, we have reached this number of the coefficient," Kurti said in a press conference.

According to Kurti, this law has reduced internal inequalities and increased transparency. He emphasised that next year the value of the coefficient will be 110 euros.

Murati: With new law, average gross salary will be 730 euros  (Klan)

The Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, has announced that the average gross salary this year will be 730 euros.

"With the new law, the gross average will be 730 euros for 2023, a 17 percent increase," Murati said at today's government meeting.

He emphasised that for the next year the value of the wage coefficient is expected to be 110 euros.

Murati announced that the implementation of the new wage law will begin in February.

Today, at the government meeting, the value of the 105-euro coefficient for salaries was approved.

The value of coefficient for salaries of over 80 thousand workers, published (media) 

The value of the coefficient in the Wages Law will be 105 euros, it was announced at the government meeting on Wednesday. The law that comes into force in a few days, regulates the issue of salaries for over 82 thousand public sector workers.

To calculate the salary, the value of the coefficient must be multiplied by the coefficient. So, since the value of the coefficient is 105 euros, the official who has a salary of coefficient 5 will receive a basic salary of 525 euros, without counting the allowances.

In the Salary Law there are 136 levels of coefficients, with a ratio of 2 to 18. The highest salary will be that of the president with a coefficient of 18, or 1890 euros.

The President of the Constitutional Court will have a coefficient of 17.5, while 17 will be the coefficient for the post of the Assembly Speaker and Prime Minister. The deputy and the minister will have equal salaries, with a coefficient of 16.4.

As for the mayors of the municipalities, the one of the capital, will have a salary with a coefficient of 15, while the salaries of the others will differ depending on the number of citizens that those municipalities have.

In the judiciary, which has announced the sending of the Law to the Constitutional Court, the salary for the president of the Supreme Court will be at the coefficient of 17. The coefficient for judges will be from 15.5 to 12 for the judge of the Basic Court and of the first instance of the Commercial Chamber. In the Prosecutor's Office, the chief prosecutor's salary will be with a coefficient of 17, while the general prosecutors in Basic Court will have a salary with a coefficient of 12.

In the Army, the commander will have a coefficient of 15, while the lowest salary will be for the KSF recruit/cadet with a coefficient of 2, which is also the lowest salary in Kosovo.

In the Police, the general director will have a salary with a coefficient of 14.5, while a simple policeman will have a coefficient of 5. The police cadet will have a coefficient of 2.

For firefighters, the coefficient will be from 4 to 8.

In education, teachers' salaries will be brought from a coefficient of 5.6 for those of primary and lower secondary schools to 5.8 for teachers at upper secondary schools.

In healthcare, doctors' salaries will be from 7.4 for general practitioners to 12 for specialists.

The law provides compensation for caregiving, night work and overtime work. While the reduction of the salary level is foreseen only in two cases, macroeconomic shock or natural disaster.

The monetary value of the coefficient is determined by the annual budget law, which this year also increased for salaries and allowances by 75 million euros compared to last year.

Abdixhiku on salary coefficient: Kosovo's emptying coefficient (Albanian Post) 

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lumir Abdixhiku has described the value of the coefficient for wages in the public sector as "Coefficient of emptying Kosovo." He said that the value of the coefficient for wages in the public sector was 120 and with the new Law the government has reduced it to 105.

"In the biggest economic and social crisis in years, the government shows insensitivity again. Insensitivity to the civic confrontation, to the increase in the cost of living, to the people of this country," Abdixhiku wrote on Facebook.

"The coefficient in the value of only 105 is the next blow to doctors, teachers, policemen, soldiers and all public servants. It is abandonment of the people of the country; which causes them to leave the country."

The opposition leaves Assembly session in protest of salary coefficient (media)

The MPs of the opposition parties have today abandoned the session of the Assembly of Kosovo as a sign of revolt for the value of the coefficient of 105 euros for salaries.

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) today asked the government to reconsider the value of the coefficient, which they said is a coefficient that increases misery. As a sign of revolt, PDK MPs have left the hall where the plenary session is being held.

The head of PDK MPs, Abelard Tahiri, has said that they are disappointed with the value and coefficient that the Kosovo government has made public today.

LDK and AAK also reacted regarding the value of the coefficient.

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Arben Gashi, has said that the salary coefficient does not even come close to addressing the issue of inflation, while according to him at least the issue of inflation should have been addressed.

While the MP from the ranks of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Time Kadrijaj, has called the Kurti Government a government of fraud. She said that a public discussion was needed regarding the value of the coefficient.



Serbian Language Media 


EU sources: Kosovo Constitutional Court did not dispute the establishment of the CSM (ZSO) (Beta, NMagazin)

The implementation of the international legal obligation on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), along with the return of Serbian representatives to the Kosovo institutions, will mean that there will not and must not be any more crisis and violence in Kosovo, and this would create completely different opportunities and an environment for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue on the final arrangement of their relations, reported NMagazin, citing Beta news agency.

This is what officials close to the efforts of the European Union and the USA told the Beta agency in Brussels, that as the first key step and condition, the implementation of the agreement on the ZSO should be implemented. They emphasised that even the Kosovo Constitutional Court in its opinion on the ZSO in 2016 did not in any way say that it opposes the creation of the ZSO, although it has made some objections.

These EU sources thus answered the question of how Brussels and the capitals of the Union view the persistent refusal of the government in Pristina to accept the formation of the ZSO, with the claim that it is contrary to the constitution and the decisions of the Kosovo Constitutional Court.

"The authorities in Pristina, the representatives of Kosovo Albanians are the ones who should immediately submit to Brussels and Washington proposals for the establishment of the ZSO," EU officials emphasised.

They reiterated the firm position of Brussels, the EU members and Washington that the implementation of the agreement on the ZSO is an unquestionable international obligation of the government in Pristina and, moreover, a condition without which there will be no improvement in relations with Belgrade, and the Serbian community in Kosovo, and this also means that Kosovo will not have better relations and support from the EU and the USA.

European diplomatic sources told Beta agency that the renewal of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and, after "putting the ZSO on the rails of formation", is part of the general efforts of the West to create an area of peace and stability throughout Europe in a situation where "the war in Ukraine represents an existential challenge for the European Union" and the Western value system and democratic order.

"The sooner the EU and the USA receive clear answers to the urgent formation of the ZSO and proposals for the implementation of the European, German-French plan, it will also maintain the will of Brussels and Washington to continue to strongly support a comprehensive solution for the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, because otherwise, we are all losing", diplomats in Brussels concluded.

Serbian Parliament Speaker says MPs will debate report, not proposal for Kosovo (N1)

Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic said on Wednesday that MPs will debate a Serbian government report on the negotiations with Pristina which does not include the Franco-German plan to resolve the Kosovo crisis.

Orlic told pro-government daily Politika the report is the only item on the agenda with President Aleksandar Vucic scheduled to speak about the negotiations. The Speaker said Vucic would answer every question from MPs, adding that the president’s address will be an open debate.

According to Orlic, MPs will vote on the government report at the end of the debate. He said the report simply lists events with focus on the request to form the Community of Serb Municipalities.

Vucic: Parties not interested in Kosovo proposal (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that most parliamentary parties showed no interest in his invitation to consult on the Franco-German proposal to resolve the Kosovo issue, reported N1.

“I offered consultations to parliamentary parties, to disclose the facts and try to jointly try to solve the problem. They, or at least most of them, said “we’re not interested, we want parliament, we want to show ourselves, we want a political victory, we are not that interested in Kosovo and Metohija”,” Vucic said in an Instagram video post.

He said he had no problem with all that, adding that he is obliged to show respect for parliament. “I will be there to answer everyone’s questions knowing that you won’t be there for the answers but for self-promotion… Not a problem, I will fight and we will all win as Serbia because you can’t overpower Serbia,” he said.

Parliament is scheduled to meet on Thursday to debate the proposal to resolve the Kosovo issue which Vucic said he would present following a meeting with European Union and US envoys.

Aleksic: Peoples’ Party submits Resolution against European plan to Serbian Assembly (KoSSev)

Head of Serbian opposition Peoples’ Party (NS) caucus Miroslav Aleksic submitted to the Serbian Assembly a Resolution proposal requesting refusal of the so-called Franco-German plan, KoSSev portal reports. Aleksic also said the plan endangers Serbian territorial integrity and sovereignty.

A special session of the Serbian Assembly on Kosovo and Metohija is due tomorrow, and as announced by its speaker Vladimir Orlic the sole item on the agenda will be the Serbian Government report on negotiation process with Pristina, covering the period from September 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023. As announced Serbian President Aleskandar Vucic will attend the session and an open public debate will take place, followed by MPs' declarations on the report.

This report, however, does not mention the so-called Franco-German proposal.

Peoples’ Party Resolution said that “Serbia in line with its Constitution, will of the citizens and international law does not recognize and shall never recognize either explicitly or implicitly and in no manner unilaterally declared independence of Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija”.

“In particular, Serbia shall never consent, explicitly or implicitly and in no manner to the membership of the so-called Kosovo to the United Nations”, it further reads.

The Peoples' Party also proposes the Resolution to be adopted by the Parliament as a conclusion.

Aleksic also said it is obvious that President Vucic “comes to the Assembly with intention to stage one more performance in which he will manipulate citizens of Serbia”.

He added it is for this reason that his party proposed Resolution to the Assembly as a proposal on which MPs can harmonise and make a unified stance on what red lines of Serbia are when it comes to the Kosovo issue.

Police secures works on disputed land in Dren village in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

Works to widen a village road leading from the main road in direction from Leposavic towards Zaselje settlement in Lesak and further to the top of the hill, planned to be expropriated as per disputed decision of Kosovo government, are ongoing as of this morning with the use of heavy machinery, Kosovo Online portal reports.

The works are being observed by members of Kosovo police, the portal adds.

Leposavic Municipal Interim Authority President Zoran Todic visited the spot after hearing the news on the works. The workers confirmed to Todic they are widening the road leading to the top of the hill, where according to them new police bases should be built. It was also said that after the widening, the road will be asphalted.

Kosovo government made decision on land expropriation on January 16, affecting two cadastral zones in Dren and Lesak settlements in Leposavic municipality.

Few days ago, residents and owners of the private properties affected by decision on expropriation met Serbian List representatives and it was agreed to engage a legal team aiming at protecting the interests of affected residents. 

Peaceful protest in Dren village

Later in the day the portal reported that a peaceful protest of Dren residents was underway over the works carried out on their properties. A member of the Serbian List Presidency Slavko Simic and Zoran Todic were also present.

Todic told the member of Kosovo police who came to talk to the gathered residents that they oppose any start of the works initiated without their knowledge. 

Petkovic: Clear intention to cause new crisis and tensions by land expropriation in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic said that “illegal decision on land expropriation in Leposavic municipality was made with clear intention of Albin Kurti to cause new tensions and crisis on the ground”, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Petkovic said this reacting to the beginning of disputed works in Dren village, one of the two cadastral zones affected by Kosovo government decision on expropriation in Leposavic municipality.

“Albin Kurti with heavy machinery and special police started today illegal works on the Serbian properties in Leposavic municipality, concretely in Dren and Lesak villages, that he unlawfully usurped on January 16 by some unilateral decision on expropriation. In Zaselje hamlet, as of this morning Kurti’s representatives started works to widen the road leading from the main road to the top of the hill affected by illegal expropriation”, Petkovic said in a statement.

He added he directly informed all international representatives about this latest situation, including the EU mediator for Belgrade-Pristina talks, Miroslav Lajcak.

“I voiced a clear request for international representatives to stop new unilateral Kurti’s acts in the north and illegal works in Leposavic municipality by which properties of Serbs are confiscated and even a destruction of a Serbian cemetery is planned for the purpose of building a new illegal police base. Decision on illegal expropriation Pristina made with clear intention of Kurti to cause new tensions and crisis on the ground”, Petkovic said. 

SL attended the discussion at the embassy: It was underlined that the ASM should have executive powers (KoSSev)

“The Association of Serb-majority Municipalities is an institution necessary for the survival of the Serb people, and not at anyone's whim,” the Serbian List (Srpska Lista) said after today’s discussion on the formation of the ASM in Pristina. The party confirmed that their representatives attended this meeting organised by the US Embassy.

Even though its officials tendered their resignations from all government positions at the central level, as well as in the municipal self-governments in the north, including the police and the judiciary, back in November of 2022, Srpska Lista now says that it attended the discussion as a legitimate representative of the Serb people.

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Arsenijevic: Hovenier brought the incompatible under one roof, productive discussions (KoSSev)

The discussion on the formation of the ASM was held in Pristina today, organised by the US ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Kosovo government, political parties, diplomatic corps, and CSOs. Aleksandar Arsenijevic in front of GI Srpski Opstanak also joined the round table, which lasted more than two hours.

Arsenijevic told KoSSev that the talks were productive, assessing that such discussions are necessary for Kosovo society and that they must be held more frequently.

“Mr. Hovenier brought together the incompatible all under one roof”

He revealed that constructive proposals were presented on how to deal with issues such as textbooks, medicines, social benefits, wages from the system of the Republic of Serbia, and others.

According to Arsenijevic, during the discussion, the representatives of the Serb community communicated an almost united stance that the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities must be formed as soon as possible.

The civil initiative led by Arsenijevic expressed a firm position „that there is no progress without the ASM“ – he added.

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Brnabic says it is unclear to her why Friedrich Ebert Foundation deals with ZSO establishment (Radio KIM)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she didn’t see the draft statute of Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) prepared by Friedrich Ebert Foundation, adding it is unclear to her why this foundation deals with ZSO establishment, when it is clear whose job it is – that of a Management Team, Radio KIM reports. 

She also said the authorities and responsibilities of the Community are precisely known, and it must be established in line with the Brussels agreement, and not in line with Kosovo Constitution, adding authorities of the ZSO are defined in the agreements from 2013 and 2015, and that a Management Team was established to deal with this.

“This is how ZSO should be, nothing more or less”, she told the journalists.

She also noted she has no expectations for ZSO to be in line with the Kosovo Constitution.

According to her, international agreement (the one on ZSO) has primacy over “some paper that Pristina refers to”, adding if something was in line “with so-called Kosovo constitution, then there would be no need for negotiations and agreements”.

Brnabic also said when it suits them, Pristina authorities they do not respect their own Constitution, referring to the court decision on returning the land to Visoki Decani Monastery, Pristina authorities refusing to implement or Pristina’s decision to establish Kosovo security forces without approval from the Serbs. 

Hill with Vucevic: The USA ready to help the process of equipping the Serbian Armed Forces (RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met the US Ambassador, Christopher Hill. Minister Vucevic pointed out that the visits of high-ranking delegations of the USA in the previous period indicate the strengthening of relations between the two countries. The USA is ready to help the process of equipping the Serbian Armed Forces, Ambassador Hill said, reported RTS last night. 

The Serbian Ministry of Defence announced that the Minister informed the interlocutor about the next activities of the Serbian officials, which will be directed towards the further improvement of bilateral relations, and which will be implemented in Serbia and the USA, reported RTS. 

"The upcoming visit of the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic, to the Ohio National Guard in Columbus and the Joint Command of the US Armed Forces in Washington was particularly highlighted," the announcement states.

Vucevic thanked the US Embassy for its influence in calming the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

"Common attitude was especially emphasised regarding the necessity of constituting the Community of Serbian Municipalities as a precondition for the further continuation of the negotiation process,'' emphasised the press release, reported RTS.

US Ambassador Christopher Hill pointed out that the US is a reliable partner of Serbia, with special emphasis on cooperation in the field of defence.

He also emphasised that the US Embassy will do everything possible to ensure that Serbian high-ranking delegations, during their visit to the US, fully fulfil the objectives of the visit and are accepted at the highest level.

Hill, the announcement read, also stated that the USA hopes for the near continuation of cooperation in the segment related to joint exercise activities and added that the USA is ready to help the process of equipping the Serbian Armed Forces.

Kosovo police searched Milan Radojevic, former Mitrovica North mayor, after shooting a video (Radio KIM, media)

Former Mitrovica North mayor Milan Radojevic published a video of a newly established checkpoint of Kosovo police in northern Kosovo and urged representatives of the international community who as he said do not believe that Kosovo police reinforces its presence there to visit the north and get acquainted with the situation personally, Radio KIM reports.

“Given that some representatives of the international community do not believe that Kosovo police reinforce its presence in the north, behind me is a new checkpoint police established in the north. This way I appeal to representatives of the international community to visit the north of Kosovo and Meothija, but to do so with their private vehicles and unannounced. They will be greeted with hospitality of the Serbs there”, Radojevic said in a video address.

He urged “international community representatives to let the residents in the north know about their impressions on the treatment they experienced from Kosovo police, after heading to the north unannounced, with their families and in private vehicles”.  

Radojevic said that after shooting the video, he was searched by Kosovo police. “(…) they stopped us and searched the vehicle completely. They asked for phones from me and Nemanja Bisevac, but we refused to hand them over. After a complete search, holding and interrogation they let us continue our way. We are waiting for the experience of international community representatives”, Radojevic said. 

Pristina's application for membership in the Council of Europe not on the Committee's agenda (Tanjug)

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe did not include Pristina's application for membership in this organization on the agenda of today's meeting, it was confirmed to the Tanjug agency. 

According to Tanjug's findings, earlier the American embassies sent a joint note to the ministries of foreign affairs of certain member countries of the Council of Europe, in which Washington requests that the issue of Kosovo's membership in the CoE is not put on the agenda of the Committee of Ministers of that body until Pristina changes its position on the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

According to reports, Italy, France, and Germany share the US position, reported Tanjug agency.





In Kosovo, Proposal to Research Post-War Crimes Sparks Controversy (Balkan Insight)

Conflict-related crimes committed just after the Kosovo war and their alleged perpetrators could be researched and documented if parliament approves new legislation – but some lawmakers don’t want this to happen.

In the afternoon of July 23, 1999, Slavica Popovic’s father, brother and uncle were out in the fields harvesting wheat in the central Kosovo village of Gracka e Vjeter/Staro Gracko when they were killed, along with 11 of their neighbours.

“Since then we have been waiting to know who killed them, and who is responsible. But we’ve never received an answer,” Popovic told BIRN.

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Kosovo Ruling Party Accused of ‘Capturing’ Public Broadcaster (Balkan Insight)

The appointment of new director of RTK who donated money to the ruling Vetevendosje party has led to furious condemnation and claims that the government has betrayed promises to 'de-capture' the public broadcaster.

Media unions and opposition parties have accused Kosovo’s ruling party, Vetevendosje, of the capture of the public broadcaster, RTK, after the board announced that Rilind Gervalla was appointed Director of Television on Tuesday.

BIRN found that in 2020 Gervalla donated 60 euros in six installments to Vetevendosje, according to a document the party submitted to Central Election Commission, CEC, with the list of all its donors for that year.

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A Serb Association in Kosovo Would Threaten Integration and Peace (BIRN)

One topic currently dominates the so-called dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia – the political association of Kosovo municipalities with a Serb majority, otherwise known as the ‘Serb Association’.

As has often been the case, a topic that previously did not play such an important role suddenly becomes the focus of national and international politics and the media. This time, too, the motto is: if you can agree on this, then...

So far, the Kosovars in particular have believed these announcements, which are repeated almost like a mantra, especially on the European Union side. The moment the United States joins in the chorus ‘it must finally be a turning point’ in the otherwise sluggish negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. 

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